What Greater Gift
Chapter Two

Youre pregnant! Jax repeated and as the words echoed throughout Alexis head and she clinched her eyes shut

Alexis didnt answer. She wasnt ready to have this conversation and her hands began to shake nervously. And Jax grabbed on to them holding them again his chest trying to make them steady

Alexis Jax said now trying to hold her attention to a mind that was obviously thinking a million thoughts

Jax I need to go home

I dont think you do

I cant talk about it right now ok, she said becoming upset

Does anyone know besides me?

Alexis gave him a horrified look but shyly answered no

Alexis I dont want you to be alone right now. Youre obviously not ok

Jax Im fine I, I really just feel completely nauseous she said giving in

Alexis leaned her head against the bathroom wall as he still sat in the floor with her. He placed his hand on her knee feeling how cool the silk of her pajamas had become while sitting on the cold tiles

How long have you known?

Few weeks she said now more calmly

Youve lived with this secret for weeks?

Maybe I thought it would go away, she said letting out a sheepish laugh

Alexis he said her name in disapproval of her comment Does the father know?

Alexis didnt answer she only turned her face from Jax and squeezed her eyes shut

I take that as a no

Alexis bowed her head and her shoulders began to shake as tears began to fall down her cheeks. Jax pulled her head onto his shoulder and he held her body close to his.

Are you still feeling as nauseous?

Im ok

Can I help you off of the bathroom floor?

She shook her head allowing him to pull her by the hand and pick her up off the floor

Jax led her back into the bedroom and motioned for her to get back in bed

Jax I cant

Jax again motioned for her to lie back down and this time she obliged not feeling like arguing

He went and got her a glass of water and handed it to her and he got back in bed beside her and held her body spooned in his

I think you should talk about it

Jax please

She was pleading with him to stop making her confront all of this

Alexis this is not something that will just go away

Alexis turned over now staring at the ceiling as Jax watched the tears continue to well up in her eyes and fall quickly down the side of her face

Jax I cant do this

Why do you say that?

Are you seriously questioning me?

Yes youre pregnant but its not the end of the world

Jax I cant have a baby

Why not

Dont make this a light situation

Im not Im just stating the obvious and being realistic

Realistic? Realistic is that I dont want this baby. I dont want it because I know nothing about having babies nor do I want to raise one on my own

Alexis Im here

Alexis let out a smirk

Jax this isnt your problem

No its not but you are my best friend Alexis tried again to wipe the tears from her face Alexis you are a smart and independent woman who knows how to take care of herself

Thats just it I only know how to take care of myself she snapped back

Alexis this child will love you from the start no matter how unconventional you choose things to be and being a parent doesnt come with a manual you just learn as you go

Why are you trying to make this sound like such a great thing?

Because I think maybe it is

Jax it scares me she had now changing her tone

I think if it didnt then, I think I would worry about you

They lay in bed for a while where they both were in silence. She was staring at the ceiling he was looking at her.

Can I get you some breakfast he said abrupting the silence

Yeah She said with her voice cracking from being quiet

Jax got up to order breakfast

Alexis fell asleep in the time that he had gone. Jax didnt know how little sleep she had over the past couple of weeks and though she knew it wasnt good for her, she still wasnt sleeping. So when Jax came back to get her finding her sleeping soundly he just let her until she got up on her own.

And that she did. She finally woke right before noon apologizing for falling asleep.

You were tired, its ok! He said re-assuring her

Jax I have to get home

Can I take you?

Alexis smiled and shook her head at him being over protective

Would you take no for an answer?


Ok then yes you can take me home

Jax held the door open to her penthouse for her.

Will you call me if you need me?

Jax I told you a million times

And Ill ask you a million times

Alexis gave him a quick kiss on the lips

Thank you for last night and also taking care of me this morning

Before Jax could say another word they were interrupted by Ned standing in the doorway

Ned Alexis said thrown off by his sudden appearance

Alexis, Jax Ned said acknowledging both of them Alexis can I talk with you

Thoughts were racing through Jaxs head; Ned and Alexis seemed to be civil to each other. Had they been back together? Was Ned the father? She would have told him if it was, wouldnt she?

Uh I was just leaving Jax said placing his hand on the knob of the door

Bye Jax and thank you She said shyly

Jax shut the door behind him

I tried calling last night

Actually I was with Jax


No, I mean, were just friends Ned you know that

She suddenly thought why was she explaining this to him

Jax made his way back to his penthouse. He was a bit exhausted himself after staying up all night. He also was worried to death about Alexis and what she was going to do about the baby. Jax tried and he wanted her to see that having the baby could be the greatest blessing of her life but he wasnt sure if she could understand that yet

He paced around the penthouse and made his way into the bathroom finding her watch still sitting on the counter. He picked it up feeling the band in between his fingers. He again walked through the penthouse not letting go of her watch. He found himself in the guest bedroom lying himself down on the bed where she had slept only hours before. The scent of her filled the pillowcase and the sheets. She left a sweet mellow smell that was all her own. A very familiar smell to Jax, it was the way things would smell in their penthouse. Things that would remind him she lived there and that he wasnt alone.

So Ill get the papers drawn up and then you shouldnt have anymore trouble with it... Alexis said looking at Ned over her glasses

Thank you Alexis. Im getting so tired of dealing with this promoters

You really should get more help

I really should, but I guess Ill see how it goes

Thank you again

It was no problem

Alexis shut the door behind Ned. Thankful that they were allowing themselves to be civil with each other. She walked over to the window and looked out at the view of Port Charles. As her mind raced through all that Jax had said about having the baby she unconsciously held her hand to her stomach. When she realized what she was doing instead of pulling her hand away she let out a shy smile.

I promise the only reason why I really dont want to bring you into this world is because Im afraid Ill make a mess of things. Jax seems to think I could do it I mean I can she paused for a moment turning to look around her empty penthouse. I will do itfor you She let out a deep breath.

A few hours later Jax answered the door to see Alexis looking a lot better than the way he had left her


Hey he said happy and almost relieved to see her

I brought your pajamas back she said smiling holding the silk folded neatly in her hands

Jax took them from her Thanks Ill put them back in their spot in the drawer he said returning her smile and glad she had brought them back

Look Jax I had some time to think today, think rationally about what you said this morning and Im going to have the baby.

Im so glad and you wont regret it Alexis

I know I wont and you were right I am an independent woman and I can take care of myself and I can have a baby on my own

Ok now she was arguing for herself

Alexis youre not having this baby on your own and you know that

I know youve made that clearthank you, she said sincerely

Can I ask you a serious question though?

Arent you anyway?

Shouldnt you tell the father, I think he would want to know

Jax I cant, I dont want to

Alexis he has a right

Jax, we had sex, we werent careful, it happens and

You dont think he would take responsibility?

I know he would but Im not sure if I even want him to and at least right now its too much can we just leave it at that for right now?

Sure, I just want you to be happy

Thank you she said ending the conversation

So how was Ned? He seemed overzealous about something

Jax wasnt dropping the subject he shamefully was fishing for answers

Oh I actually did some legal work for him last week for some promoters he was dealing with, I think he was just stressed about it but everythings fine

Oh well Im glad everythings ok

Did all they talk about was business? She seemed to be unfazed by me mentioning him

I just dropped by to give you the pajamas and tell you my decision I guess, so um

Im really glad you did

Jax wrapped his arms around her and Alexis this time held him back tightly wanting to feel the re-assurance from him

I made an appointment tomorrow

Ill go with you, he said interrupting her

Alexis smiled almost wanting to cry

Ok Ill call you tomorrow ok?

Alexis stood on the elevator with the lingering feel of Jasper Jaxs arms around her. She had moments where she couldnt believe she had actually chosen to have this baby. But Jax made her feel as if everything was possible, so much it made her wish he were the babys father.


Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven