What Greater Gift
Chapter Six

For those who knew Alexis Davis saw a completely changed woman but Alexis would argue she was keeping a better front these days. When the world saw her now they saw her a s glowing woman who was headed into the full stages of pregnancy and who look happy and healthy. Not a woman who only a few months ago would have never committed much less consented to having a baby.

But things had happened in the past couple of months that would make a woman bold, wiser and most of all a mother.

She had kept her promise in not shutting Sonny out of she and the babies life. But the day she had went to tell him she had found out they were having a little girl it had become apparent that Sonny and Alexis would live two separate lives.

It was also the day that Carly, the woman Alexis knew Sonny would forever be in love with boldly asked was it Jaxs baby. A question that revealed not only that Sonny had not told her it was his but also Carly had no clue that it could be. And with that there was no more discussion.

Kristina knew, Ned knew, Stefan knew and of course Jax but the fact that Alexis kept Sonny posted and that Sonny made sure she was comfortable and well fed night and day never seemed out of the ordinary and that was that.

What did turn out to be the even bigger surprise over the past several months was that the man who she never thought of being more than a friend or more than just the perfect husband she was falling in love with.

But it was his move to make, he had changed and rearranged his whole life for her. And if Jax ever could fall in love with her, she needed him to make the first move.

Alexis untied the silver ribbon and opened the box. She pushed back the tissue paper and her eyes lit up to see the silk, deep purple pajamas.

Jax their beautiful! She said holding them up in her hands

I noticed you needed a little more room in the others and I saw these and I thought well I thought you would look incredibly beautiful in them he said letting his eyes shimmer at knowing her had pleased her

Jax youre so sweet, thank you!

Alexis reached for his chin to guide him into their usual quick kiss on the lips and then she stood up telling Jax she had to go and put them on

She came back moments later standing in front of Jax in the one article of clothing that was her guilty pleasure

What do ya think? She said showing off and giving him a side view of her now very protruding belly

Sexy as hell! he said grinning at her

Ah you always know just what to say, she said grinning back

Jax tugged at Alexis to come and snuggle in beside him and she did. As she leaned her body against his chest he wrapped her in his arms letting his hand rest on the round ball that sat atop her stomach

Thank you she said again cheerfully

And she leaned up to give him a quick kiss againbut this time when their lips met something happened.

She had realized a spark many times before but this time in the many times she had wished he would take notice or that he would say something it happened
She kissed him at a moment of playfulness and moment when she was simply thanking him, but unlike the kisses before their eyes met their lips touched and not only was it familiar and comfortable but it they both felt what the kiss had done to them.

She stayed only inches from Jaxs lips, letting her dark eyes study his eyes.

Jax she said in a whisper almost as if her voice were failing her

He leaned in and kissed her again, this time pulling her close to him, tasting her lips and her mouth and all that was unexplored territory until Alexis pulled away almost as if she was confused by her own actions


Ive been waiting for you, he said hoping not to be denied

Instead of starting the conversation, instead of opening and closing doors Alexis only settled back in to his arms letting her hand intertwine with his on top of her stomach

Im sorry, he said with her not being able to see the worried look on his face

Dont be, she said letting her tongue glide across her bottom lip as if she were still trying to taste him

An awkward silence went between and the baby began to kick under the palm of Jaxs hand

Shes kicking! Jax said forgetting the awkwardness

She has been all day

Does it hurt?

There are more pleasant things than someone kicking at your insides but I also think its her little way of saying dont forget about me!

Jax she said sitting up as he intently listened. When did you decide?

Decided what? he said confused

I mean when did when did your feelings change for me?

Honestly when we were married

What? she said shocked

I mean you and I were perfect, really we were and I thought of every excuse. I thought that it was because it wasnt real, because there were no strings attached, because you were in love with another man and

And when Ned and I fell apart?

Then you needed me as your best fried more than your lover

And now

And I got back into a routine of having you in my life on a daily basis and I remembered how you made everything better. How I love your laughter and youre quick wit and how brilliant you are and how amazingly beautiful you are. But most of all I knew when you told me you were pregnant with Corinthos baby how I suddenly realized why I was completely enraged about it it was because I was jealous, jealous that he was the man that got to be tied to you forever, the one man that would be half of your little girls heart...

Before Jax could say another word Alexis let her lips engulf his

Please dont let this end up in regret

I would never regret one moment with you

They kissed a while longer as if they were strangers who had found a new love. It was awkward at times just because as they were kissing each other passionately they were stirring emotions that were usually kept for someone else

Alexis stopped the kiss with a shy laugh and she stood up pulling at Jaxs arm just as she had done many nights before to get him to come to bed with her.

They lie in bed with a whirlwind of emotions, with minds filled with something new with a kiss, and also what could be considered dangerous for two friends to venture into.

He ran his hands back and forth across her belly. She was six months pregnant and her body was taking a shape that Jax couldnt help but want to touch and not to mention explore

Alexis undid the buttons of her pajamas until her stomach was revealed to Jax. His eyes lit up in amazement at the naked and pureness of her body. He un-hesitantly placed his hands back to her stomach and he felt her body flesh to flesh until they innocently drifted off to sleep.

The next morning he sat at the table, he had already ran for the day and had a protein shake and newspaper in hand.

Alexis came prancing out of the bedroom surprisingly already dressed. She looked radiate and she beamed as a smile covered her face at the sight of Jax.

Good morning she said giving him the now infamous kiss

Good morning, dont you look stunning this morning

And she did, she wore a light pink shirt that fitted her and her rounded belly to a t and the v of her shirt accentuated her now full breasts. Her white skirt revealed her still thin legs and her slight pointed heels still reminded that she was a woman to be reckoned with. She had spent months trying to hide being pregnant but she no longer could and she seemed to celebrate it.

Thank you

What are you doing up so early and chipper?

I have work, I have Sonny, I have lunch with Kristina

Jax sat watching her lips as they moved

What? She said finally distracted by the way he was looking at her

Jax cupped his arm around her body and pulled her towards him and she sat down on his lap letting her face fall only inches from him

Alexis Im pretty sure last night was a turning point for us, a good turning point and this morning when I look at you this morning and I think just like every morning I wake up with you that you are amazingly and insanely beautiful. But this morning I can say it out loud

Alexis kissed him in a now familiar passionate kiss. A kiss that he could quickly get use to an kiss that made him want more than her lips.

Alexis again stopped the kiss and stood up. She grinned as she looked down to see the affect she was having on him. Jax for a moment was slightly embarrassed but then she knew what she did to him.

Will you be here tonight she said in a tone that made her point clear

Definitely he said grinning

She kissed him once again and head for the door


Yeah she said turning to look at him one more time

Just so it will be said and out in the open, no surprises

Yeah she repeated intrigued

I will make love to you tonight

Alexis felt her heart racing and her breaths become faster but she only smiled letting him know she approved.


Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven