Alexis Alexis Kristina said leaning in to try to catch her sisters attention from across the couch. Alexis
Hmm Alexis said snapping back into reality
Where are you in that big brain of yours? Youre a million miles away
Its nothing, she said letting a grin cover her face uncontrollably
A grin covered Kristinas face reacting to Alexis expression
What is it? The baby is it Jax? Kristina said hitting the nail on the head
Alexis nervously bit a her bottom lip almost as if she were turning into shy school girl at the thought of the boy she admired
It is Jax! Kristina said excitedly as she watched the expression on Alexis face. Youve fallen in love with him havent you?
Kristina Alexis said knowing good and well it was true
Well you know hes like, madly in love with you Kristina said goading her
Where do you come up with these things?
Alexis the man spends night and day trying to please you, when someone asks about you he gushes and tell everyone how great and how perfect you are Alexis hes obnoxious!
He adorable isnt he?
Hes hot too, Kristina said giving Alexis a playful laugh as Alexis rolled her eyes but completely agreeing And hes in love with the baby Kristina said seriously
He is, she said grinning at the thought of lying in bed with him last night
Besides everyone thinks Jax is the father and neither of you have precluded the rumor
Its just easier I guess not too and I guess deep down both us kind of want him to be the real father. I mean wouldnt it all be so much easier
Suddenly Kristina and Alexis were startled by Alexis cell phone ringing
I should get that, Alexis said looking for her purse
Alexis Davis
Hello Alexis Davis
Her name sounded more worthy in that Australian accent
A grin covered her face and Kristina could tell Jax was on the other side of the phone
I just wanted to let you know I was home and I was wondering would you be here soon, he said dropping subtle hits of anticipation
Im at my penthouse with Kristina. Ill be there soon ok
Im waiting
Good she said letting out a devilish smirk and she hung up the phone
Big Plans? Kristina gathered from Alexis part of the conversation
Maybe she said assuring Kristina
Alexis ran upstairs to her bedroom as Kristina shook her head at the two of them. A few moments later she came back down with bag in hand
You know all of your stuff is going to be at Jaxs
Bye Kristina! She said ignoring her last comment on purpose
Alexis opened the door slowly peeking behind it. The living room was empty.
Jax! He didnt answer Jax! she said a little louder as she walked in and sat her things down on the couch
Jax! She said now curious
Beautiful! he said as his eyes caught hers as he was walking from the bedroom
I called your name still curious
Water was running, I guess I couldnt hear you How was your day dear, he said grinning
My day was good and I didnt realize how late it had gotten I was yapping with Kristina and how was your day dear? she said mocking his cute gesture
I had an excellent day actually. I closed that international deal I was working on and then I made my way back here to get ready
Congratulations and ready for what she said widening her eyes
Jax didnt explain he only took her hand and led her into the bathroom
Jaxbubbles Alexis said with eyes gleaming over the bathtub filled with bubbles and with candles lit all around
Just for you he said grinning
Did I ever mention how sweet you are
I figured after running around all day with baby in tow I thought you might want to relax first
Alexis leaned up to give him a thank you kiss
Jax took a second as if he were letting her know he was savoring her every kiss she chose to give him
Ok shoes
He said pointing at her feet and Alexis stepped out of her heels and Jax swept them up off the floor.
As long as you need, Jax said turning for the door
Youre leaving me? Alexis said sounding disappointed
Youre suppose to relax, he said closing the door behind him to leave her to her privacy
Alexis undressed and got into the tub. Jax had planned it just right. The bubble flooded the tub and the water was still a comforting warm. Alexis laid her head back against the tub and she did manage to take in a few minutes of peace and quiet before her mind started to pick up again. But she tried again to relax. When would be the next time she could sit in silence when everything and everyone including her baby girl was calm?
A half an hour later Alexis emerged from the bedroom wearing only the top to the pajamas Jax had given her. As soon as she appeared in front of him Jaxs eyes shot straight to her long thin legs to give her an enticing look.
Thank you for the bath she said grinning noticing his eyes
Youre welcome! Hungry? he said as if on cue
Jax and Alexis sat and ate dinner and one conversation led to the other and one touch of the hand or one touch of the knee only led them closer and closer to the other.
But they had time for conversation. They had built a relationship on a friendship that grew into love and love that grew into passion.
They both knew they wanted to make love to each other but both agreed and acted without saying that making love should be a natural thing just as they were to each other.
He questioned, she answered, his hand slid up the inside of her thigh until she was the one who couldnt stand it anymore.
Alexis leaned in letting her lips tug at his and then she pulled away long enough to take in the sight of his eyes, to remember the way he was looking at her at that moment.
She ran her hand across his jaw line and he took and kissed the palm of her hand
I want to make love to you so badly he said as his lips now tickled her neck.
She found his lips and devoured them and moments later he was guiding her to his bedroom.
She pulled off his shirt and she ran her hands slowly down his smooth chest feeling the make of his body. He began to unbutton the top of her pajamas as he sat down on the bed. He took a moment to notice Alexis slight self-consciousness about him seeing her body for the first time now rather than how it looked normally.
He ran his hand down the front of her revealing everything. He sat there for a moment taking in the sight of her nakedness before him. He was amazed at the sight of her. He had never seen a woman so beautiful as she was with child.
Alexis let out a nervous laugh but Jaxs silence was only him taking in the body before him.
He wanted her so badly and looking at her was one thing but looking at her thin frame surrounded in pregnancy was another
You are just breathtaking, he said finally
And Alexis let out a shy grin as he now followed her in to bed
They began to make love slowly and gently touching every part of the others unexplored skin repeatedly. He quickly mastered the art of having his lips to her skin and her body easily fit into his.
Jax made love to her as a gentleman; he pleased her and obliged to her every moan
And making love to Jax brought out what seemed every emotion in her and she couldnt get enough of him. The way he kissed, the way he touched, the way he felt inside of her.
Lying there, there was never a moment of awkward never a moment where either of them had thought they had gone too far or ruined a perfectly good friendship.
They actually had a bout of laughter lying there giving the approval that they were satisfied.
It was that easy it was such a natural thing to lie there in each others arms after making love.
Jax twirled the ends of her hair between his fingers trying to soothe her so she could get some sleep. And a thousand thoughts were running through his head.
Thoughts that wondered would she ever love him the way he did her? Would she ever allow him to be the father that he now so much wanted to be?
Could he be the man that would finally win the heart of Alexis Davis?