Alexis reveled in the silence that filled her penthouse. She was having peace and quiet for a moment while everyone was out working and while Ella was snuggled into her arms.
Ella lying there, held a piece of Alexis shirt tight in her fists still, as her eyes fluttered, fighting sleep. But Ella knew it was time for her nap. She and her mommy had somewhat of a ritual, almost as if she understood that one of Alexis favorite things was to work and so Ella would sleep and Alexis would try to work and both would be fine as long as Ella was in her arms.
Alexis would read a line or two stare at Ella and then read another line or two. As Alexis watched Ella now sleep soundly she too found her eyes getting heavy and she laid her head against the back of the couch to rest for a while.
Falling asleep on the job? Jax said as Alexis opened her eyes to see his grinning face looking over her.
Jax took Ella from Alexis and sat down beside her barely missing the papers and books that seemed to be spread everywhere.
If you want to take a nap
No, no Im fine too much quiet around here I guess.. she said shaking her head as if she couldnt believe it
Jax looked at Ella who was now awake
Hello beautiful! Jax said holding her up to look into her big brown eyes. Ella immediately grinned at the sight of the funny faces Jax was making at her.
Alexis laughed at the two of them as she couldnt take her eyes off of either of them.
How was your day? She asked finally
Good Jax said now situating Ella in his arms Spent the day listening to Edward groan about how ELQ will demise if I dont vote this way or that way.
Jax you know he means well
Of course I do but I hate to say it but Im not surprised the man hasnt had more than one heart attack
I know but thats just the way Edward is and you should know by now to just ignore him
I find him pretty entertaining myself Jax said grinning
Ella began to fuss
What is it sweetheart? Jax said shifting her in his arms, trying to figure out what was causing her to fuss
Shes hungry Alexis said reaching out for her.
Alexis grinned at Jax as he watched the two of them together. He loved watching Alexis feed her. Nothing was more maternal to him or even more pure than when he watched the two of them connected in that way.
Jax ran his fingers back and forth along the top of Ellas head as she nursed. That was one thing Jax always did to sooth her and it always seemed to work.
Alexis leaned over and kissed Jax fully taking in his lips
What did I do to deserve that? Jax said as he grinned
Youre adorable Alexis said grinning back
Adorable huh?
Look at her Jax said looking at Ella in complete contentment
Alexis grinned at her baby girl
What is it Jax?
Would you hear me out on this
Ok Alexis said confused
I want to take care of you and Ella
You do take care of us Jax
No I mean all the time
Jax you dont have to
Alexis my life isnt complete without the two of you anymore and I know how you feel about certain things and trust me Ive thought them through a million times so I wont push, but Alexis will you at least move in with me?
Thats so sweet but you know what a handful both us are and you wouldnt get any sleep and having a baby 24/7 can make you crazy
Alexis, for the sake of the argument I know what a handful well at least what a handful you are and I already cant sleep at night because you and Ella arent with me. You know I got use to you being there, I liked that you were therewithout the two of you I dont like who I am anymore
Jax she said wishing he hadnt said that
Alexis will you?
Are you sure? Knowing she too didnt like that she was spending her nights apart from Jax
Im sure I love both of you
You want us to just move right in on top of you huh?
More than anything
Yes, but I think you may regret it
Wheres your suitcases? Jax said ignoring her last comment purposefully
Jax! Alexis said shaking her head