Jax held Alexis hand trying to wait patiently. He also held her hand to keep her from pacing the room.
They had luckily made it on time, Alexis had been sick all morning and barely made it out of her penthouse.
I hate waiting, Alexis said fidgeting in her chair
The nurse said the doctor would be here any minute would you calm down!
Im calm she snapped back
Before Alexis began to fidget again the doctor came through the door
Ms. Davis The doctor held out her hand to Alexis
Alexis, please Alexis said shaking her hand
Im Dr. Martin and you are Mr. Da She said extending her hand to Jax
Jacks actually
Oh Im sorry Are you the father, husband, friend? The doctor said smiling not meaning any disrespect
Actually Im the ex-husband but not the father and still very much a friend
By now Alexis was dragging the palms of her hands across her face
Oh my God were like Jerry Springer she mumbled
Thats ok. There are all kinds of families that come through here. Im just glad you have someone to be with you Alexis. The doctor said assuring her. So there a few things I would like to talk with you about. First off all morning sickness. Alexis let out a noise letting the doctor know she was very aware of it. Oh youre familiar? she said smiling Well this should be the worst stages of it. You also need to be paying more attention to your diet now.
Is it possible that she is getting thinner? Jax questioned being his usual over protective self-while Alexis rolled her eyes at him
If youve been sick a lot its possible that you might have actually lost weight. As long as you dont keep it up Besides morning sickness, is everything ok?
Alexis and Jax both went through a few more questions and finished their sort of information session to the clueless.
Alexis found herself lying on the table with gel smeared across her stomach. There for a moment she thought her heart was going to explode because it was about to pound out of her chest out of the reality of what she was doing at that moment
Theres the baby, the doctor said pointing at the fuzzy spot on the screen.
The doctor gave them a moment to let it sink in
Can I have a picture? Jax said like a little kid seeing his new toy
Yes you may, The doctor said
Alexis stayed mostly silent throughout the ultra sound but never took her eyes off the screen. Seeing what was growing inside of her made it real. All that she had anxiety about and fought about and cried over was taking shape inside of her.
They finished the ultra sound and Jax got his picture of the baby labeled neatly for him.
Can I take you to lunch Ms. DAVIS? he said now standing in the lobby of the hospital
You dont have to Mr. JAX, you were so wonderful to go with me I dont want to spoil the rest of your day
Alexis! Spoil the rest of my day? Nothing could make the day better than it has already been and you spending the rest of the day with me would make it better
Jax, I have to work sometime before Sonny hunts me down
He would understand if you had lunch
Ok she said giving in passively
Alexis closed the door behind her in her penthouse. She had begun to hate the sound of silence, which she laughed out loud thinking in a few months that wouldnt be a problem.
Alexis picked up her address book and the phone and sat down on the couch. She had decided that she should call and tell Stefan before it got back to him. She also wanted to tell Kristina know who had gone to visit Stefan and was now with him in Greece.
Stefan pleaseAlexisyes she held for a moment waiting for Stefan to come to the phone Hi, how are you Im ok no I really am ok did Kristina get there good she called mid air the other last night telling me where she wasI know you two will have a wonderful time she will teach you some interesting things Alexis let out a small smirk. Stefan I uh need to tell you somethingNo everything is and will be ok Alexis let out a nervous laugh. Um she became obviously more nervous Im pregnantYes Im sure I saw the baby today everythings fine, the baby is fineits terrible of me but I dont really want to discuss the father right now okno he doesnt know I just need some time okI promise Im ok hey you know meJax actuallyhes taken great care of methank youI know and I will let you know if I need you I promise I know you willI love you too
Alexis let out a deep breath while she waited for Kristina to come over the phone. Telling Stefan wasnt as bad as she had imagined and he seemed happy for her and he was very supportive.
Heyyeah I do actuallyKristina Im pregnant She thought she was now the queen of saying Im pregnant out loud yes Im sure Alexis let out a laugh at the repetitive questions I dont want to talk about the father A silence went over the phone Yeah, he is it just happened and now we just kind of ignore that it happened no he doesnt know, I cant tell himI know, I willJax has been taking care of me, hes been wonderful KristinaIm ok I promiseI miss you too and yes I will call you later
ok I love you toobye
Just as Alexis hung up the phone as if on que she heard a knock at the door
Ned appeared
Hi again surprised to see him two days in a row
Alexis motioned for him to come in not getting up from the couch
I know you must be getting sick of me but I got the papers signed that you needed and I thought the sooner you got them
Oh yeah Ill take care of them, thanks for bringing them by she said reaching for them
Neds eyes suddenly caught the book lying on Alexiss couch and he unconsciously read aloud. What To Expect, When Youre Expecting
Alexis squeezed her eyes shut and she quickly began to fumble
I uh, I, Ned she let out the breath she was holding
Ned she said shaking her head
Alexis are you pregnant?
Alexis ran her hand over her mouth trying to make a quick decision
Yes she said bluntly
Ned was standing there with his mouth open and he was no longer breathing but neither was Alexis. She bit her bottom lip trying to think of the right thing to say
Ned but nothing came
Could you just give me a second to let it sink in? he said interrupting her
My God she could see him hurting right there in front of her. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and assure him everything would be ok just as Jax did her, but she knew all the pain that was going through him, because she was the cause of it.
Are you happy? he said finally
Im ok, she said not giving the right answer
Out of my mind
But youve been taking care of yourself? he said still seemingly lifeless
Actually Jax has been taking good care of me
Ned only shook his head in approval
I dont think I know what to say, he said now searching for anything
You dont have to say anything
Um I assume Ned couldnt let the words roll off his tongue
Hes the father, Sonny is the father
In that uncontrollable moment tears ran down her face. Not able to say it out loud, not able to say it to the man who at one time she was sure was the love of her life
Just tell me Alexis, ok
Yes, he is
Tears fell down Neds cheeks and he quickly tried to wipe them away
Im sorry, Im sorry I dont know whats come over me
Ned please dont
Does he know? Ned snapped trying to direct Alexis attention away from her news breaking him
Shouldnt you tell him
I will, she said as her voice cracked
Ned bit at his bottom lip unable to do anything and Alexis only stared back
Then suddenly he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight for a moment. She was now crying uncontrollably from his gesture and the more she cried the more he held her. She wanted to do nothing more than to melt in his secure familiar arms but she knew that she didnt have the right.
Uh congratulations he said assuring himself of what he had just said
Thank you she said trying to wipe the tears from her face
I should go
Ok she had to let him escape
If you need anything
Alexis shook her head
Alexis if you need me
She turned her back to Ned now no longer able to look at him for what she had felt like she had done to him
And he stopped trying to say the right thing. He stood there for a moment his heart breaking maybe because she had just told him that she was having a baby and it wasnt his. Ned realized she was no longer able to face him and he walked out the door leaving her.
Alexis whole body began to shake. She had never hurt anyone the way she felt she had just hurt Ned. She had to sit there and cry there was no other way to get past what she had just done.
Alexis had finally stopped crying and she lay her head on the back of the couch just trying to breathe in and breathe out
When there was another knock at the door
What? Alexis snapped already not interested
Johnny appeared from around the door Sonny would like to see you when you get a chance
Okthank you Johnny she said trying not to be mean to the messenger
She still sat there for a moment trying to have at least one clear, complete thought. Then she figured what the hell by the kind of day it had already been she should go ahead and get it over with.
And a few minutes later after she was sure she had composed herself she wondered across the hall to PH4 and knocked on the door
Its open
Alexis walked in to see Sonny sitting at his desk
Did you need me?
Sonny turned to look at Alexis and he stopped himself before answering and then forgot what he was going to say
What? she said becoming nervous from the way he was looking at her
You look different
Oh God he could tell!
What do you mean I look different
Your eyes, have you been crying?
It doesnt matter was there something you needed from me? She said trying to change the subject
Alexis I uh
Sonny she said sounding impatient
Alexis should we talk? thinking the reason she may be upset was because of him.
Maybe we should
Almost out of character, Sonny took Alexis by the hand and led her to the couch and she followed him and sat down beside him. He sat directing his full attention to her.
Alexis its been awkward between us the last couple of weeks and, and I thought we were fine, I thought we agreed that everything was ok after, we uh
We slept together? she said finishing the sentence for him
Alexis, I didnt wont to hurt you
Sonny I was there too. I could have stopped it just as much as you could have but at the time at the time its what we both wanted, maybe even what we both needed
You were crying? He said keeping the focus of the conversation
I said its not a big deal. She said defensively
It is a big deal Alexis, as your friend it makes it a big deal
Alexis prepared herself to tell him. She said the word over and over in her head making sure she wouldnt forget it in a moment of nerves.
Alexis tell me whats wrong, you know you can talk to me
She took in deep breath and looked into his eyes. He was being sincere and he was trying to be the friend she seemed to need him to be.
Before Alexis answered she stood up so his eyes wouldnt be bleeding into her.
Alexis looked at Sonny yet to speak
Ned, Ned and I had a fight and I, I said something that I regret and I got upset about it and, and its over ok
Are you sure, you seem pretty shaken
Excuse good excuse Alexis, he buys it. Im not completely lying I did say something to Ned I regret and I will regret telling Sonny. I should tell him, I cant tell him, please forgive me
Im fine, you just caught me at a bad time ok?
Ok he said convinced
Now what was it that you needed? She said back to being just his lawyer
You know, its not important, you have a lot on your mind
Are you sure? Sonny its not a big deal
Yes it is, just do what you need to do and Ill bother you later he said giving her a shy smile
You promise she smiled back
Alexis walked past Johnny in the hall but she never looked up she opened and closed the door to her penthouse and didnt stop until she had closed the door to her bedroom and then to he r bathroom making sure it would take whoever it was three closed doors to get to get to her. Then she paced back and forth on the bathroom floor and repeated in her head, what have I done, why didnt I tell him, he should know, I couldnt tell him, what have I done, what have I done?
Alexis stopped pacing and looked in the mirror and stood there taking note of how she looked at that moment. How she looked after panicking. Alexis clinched her jaw and buried her fists into the bathroom counter before walking out of the bathroom.
She sat down on the bed and picked up the phone. She hated the sound of the phone as it rang. The sound was only music to what she was about to do
Jax she said with her voice sounding unsteady
Alexis whats wrong?
Jax its really stupid
Am I interrupting you?
NO! Do you need me? Whats wrong?
Can I come over?
Yes! Of course are you sure you dont need me to come to you?
No I need to get out of this she let out a troubled laugh building
Ok Ill be right here waiting for you
Thank you She whispered as if he her had shown her some mercy
In what seemed like a forever later, she stood on Jaxs doorstep looking like a lost puppy as he opened the door to her. Her eyes were swollen and weak from where she had cried most of the day. Her hair, before neatly pulled up was now frazzled. He pulled her inside his penthouse and helped her take her jacket off and then wrapped his arms around her and she took all he would give.
Rough day huh?
Alexis shook her head
Jax pulled her over to the couch and sat her down, wrapping his arms back around her.
Did you tell Stefan and Kristina? Jax thinking maybe that was why she was upset
Yeah and they were both happy and supportive and probably shaking there heads and
Alexis he said stopping her from putting herself down
Ned knows, she said out of the blue
Jax listened intently
He came by and a book I was reading on pregnancy was sitting on my couch and I forgot it was even there and he saw it and
And how did he take it
I thought I had hurt him more than I ever could when I ran out on him, today I told him I was pregnant with Sonnys baby and it doesnt compare. It doesnt compare to how I watched his face become lifeless.
You two didnt fight did you?
He said if I needed him, she said shaking her head in disbelief
Its ok Alexis
I went to Sonnys Jax got chills from the sound of his name but I didnt tell him, I couldnt and I dont even know why.
Youll tell him when its right he said almost relieved she didnt
I never thought in my life I would hurt someone the way I hurt Ned today. And I definitely never imaged that I would be standing in front of the father of my child and not be able to tell him that I was having his baby she said sadly
Alexis you have to do this at your own pace not at the pace someone expects you to. This is your baby
Alexis tried to agree with Jax. They sat there for a moment and he tried to re-assure her again before getting up off the couch and walking into his bedroom and reaching into his bedside table. He walked back into the living room and sat back down on the couch while Alexis eyes followed him. He held the silver picture frame in front of Alexis. Framed was the sonogram labeled neatly, and Alexis took it into her hands.
I thought it would change your mood
Alexis looked at the picture and couldnt help but smile.
Amazing isnt it?
Ive stared at that picture all day Jax said as a grin covered his face
Alexis turned to look at Jax and she put the palm of her hand to the side of his face
Im turning your life upside down Jax, she said sounding sorry
Yeah you are and Im loving every minute
Why are you letting me do this to your life?
What, help take care of my ex-wife
Jax you know what I mean, you didnt ask to have to take care of your ex-wife who got pregnant by a man you hate
Alexis you are the one I love and that means I love this baby too but its your life and this is your baby and I have no say so when it comes to what you choose
If you want out or it just gets to be too much will you be honest and tell me?
Alexis of all the things that I know you will worry incessantly about, will you please not let one of the things be about me?
Alexis grabbed his chin and gave him a quick kiss on the lips and then snuggled her body into his.
Thank you a million times
I should be thanking you
Why is that? she said sounding puzzled
Because youre teaching me an amazing lesson about love
Am I?
More than youll ever know