Can you tell? Alexis said looking at Jax
No Jax said shaking his head
Alexis looked back in the mirror and pressed the palms of her hands against the material of her dress feeling the small, smooth lump under it.
You can tell cant you? She didnt believe him
Alexis people are going to find out your pregnant
Alexis let out a deep breath
I was hoping no one would notice, she said grinning
Good luck he said grinning back
Maybe I should change
Alexis were going to be late for dinner
Ok, I ready
Jax and Alexis got on the elevator from her penthouse. Jax noticeably looked her up and down.
You could possibly look more beautiful than I ever seen you
Alexis turned to look at Jax
You are so sweet, thank you
Youre welcome
Now stop saying things like that because when you do I become more attached to you everyday
Well in that case not only are you beautiful but you are also brilliant and sometimes funny
What do you mean sometimes?
Alexis sat across from Jax at a table for two at the Port Charles Grill.
Im starving
Alexis and Jax sat and had a quiet dinner and they actually ended up both discussing business which was both of their guilty pleasures. Before they knew it they had talked most of the night away.
I didnt realize how long we had been sitting here. Alexis said looking at her watch
It is getting late are you ready?
Jax took Alexis by the hand and led her out of the Grill
So my penthouse or yours?
Jax and Alexis had started this ritual almost as if they were this couple who couldnt commit so they had to decide whose penthouse to go to. But it had become a wonderful thing. It allowed both of them to fill a void of lonely with a friendship and it also allowed Alexis to speak freely about the baby
Can we do yours? And yes before you ask I am dodging Sonny
Alexis! As much as I wish he would drop off the face of the earth he should know, he should already know.
I plan to tell him tomorrow. I do, Ive worked it up. Im past the part of getting this baby thing in my head. Its in there and Ill tell him and Ill deal with whatever needs to be dealt with
Ok so my place as your hiding place but for the last time!
Jax slipped the T-shirt over his head and walked towards the couch where he waited for Alexis to finish slipping into her pajamas.
Jax sat there with remote in hand flipping through the channels and Alexis came quickly to him
Alexis grabbed Jaxs hand and pressed it to her stomach
Can you feel that?
Thats the baby? he said looking wide-eyed to her
I think shes doing flips in there
Yes she
Jax grinned
Maybe he is flip flopping around because youre calling him a she
Alexis only let out shy grin.
Come get in bed with me She said changing the subject
Youre so demanding! Jax said kidding as he followed her
Alexis led him to the guest bedroom, which was quickly becoming her own but Jax stopped her before walking through the doorway.
Whats wrong? She said looking puzzled that he stopped her
My bed he said motioning her in the opposite direction
His bed, they had never been in his bed just as they had never been in hers. He had held her in his arms in his guest bedroom where it was neutral territory. For some reason Jax suddenly suggesting his bed over the other made their being together seems different
Alexis followed him into his bed and he lay down but Alexis sat in the bed looking at him
Would you rather we go back.
Does being in my bedroom weird you out? My bed is just more comfortable
No It just Jax
Jax I dont want to make a mess of what we have
What do you mean?
I mean I love you, and I dont want you to have to get caught up in my situation just because you happen to be the one in my life that likes to play knight in shining armor
Before answering Jax pulled at Alexis arm for her to lie down and he helped pulled the covers over her
Alexis you know what you and I have and I have no intentions of letting you or I mess it up. You need me and I need you. And honestly I didnt know how much I needed you until we started spending more and more time together
Jax you cant stop your life for me. I mean what about Skye?
I have more important things to deal with right now
Jax I cant let you put your life on hold like this
Alexis it hasnt felt this good to wake up and go to bed in a long time. And the reason is, is that when I go to bed youre beside me and when I wake up your beside me. Maybe its crazy maybe I shouldnt get this attached especially since this is Corinthos baby but I cant help it. I love you and I love the way you make me feel. Its something-deeper Alexis I cant explain
You know I have to deal right now with all the things Ive done and I have to deal with all the people Ive done these things to and in the end I dont want to add you to the list.
Jax sat up in bed looking down at Alexis until she sat up
Alexis Ive thought long and hard about this and I want to help you take care of the baby
Jax she interrupted
If you dont want me to have that much of a part in it please tell me
Jax I dont want you to have to build your life around something thats not your responsibility. I decided to have this baby, and I will tell Sonny and I know too well how he will react and I dont want you to have to be in the middle because you feel you are obligated
Alexis I want you to be happy and your right this is your baby and Sonnys but I also know deep down you dont want in any way to play house with Sonny. Before I found out you were pregnant we both knew we needed each other and you know that as well as I do. I just didnt know to the depths of how much you needed me.
Alexis wrapped her arms tightly around Jaxs neck and he wrapped his arms around her letting he cool silk graze across his fingers as they slid cross his back
This is too complicated
Alexis, because it is complicated and if anything, you need someone to hold you at the end of the daythats why Im here for you
Jax lets be honest. Im carrying Sonnys baby and you know hes not just going to say ok and let it go
Alexis Im here for you and Im here for the baby whatever you choose to do Im not promising I wont question but I do promise to stand by you
Why are you doing this for me Jax?
Because when I needed you most you were there for me
But it was the natural thing to do Im your friend and at the time I was your wife
Now you need me and the natural thing for me to do is to be here for you and besides I think youre worth it he said letting out a small kidding grin
She smiled back shyly
Tomorrow night could be a whole different story with us after Sonny finds out
Jax took a moment to think about her words
Well just take it one day at a time ok
Alexis laid her head on the pillow and then ran her hand affectionately down the smooth muscle in Jaxs arm. He lay down beside her letting his arm cover her as if he was keeping his promise to shield her from all that would hurt her.
Alexis tugged at her jeans noticing tat they were much harder to button than the last time she had worn them. She buttoned her shirt and went to tuck it in then realizing she would have to hide what was now becoming her protruding belly.
She took a deep breath and headed towards the living room where Jax had left breakfast for her. Alexis grabbed her morning coffee and was ready to walk out the door when she stopped herself and went back and grabbed breakfast. Have to eat Alexis she said in her head.
20 minutes later she was walking off of the elevator in between she and Sonnys penthouses. As she stepped off Johnny was standing there almost as if he was waiting for her.
Good morning Johnny she said knowing good and well he was wondering where she had been and also knowing she had been mysteriously disappearing a lot lately
Alexis fumbled with her keys to get in her penthouse
Is Sonny home?
Yes, do you need him?
Do you know if hes busy?
Im sure if I tell him you want to see him he wont be
Alexis let out a shy grin at Johnnys words and then she let out a silent breath gaining the nerve to take step one
Could you tell him I need to see him its important
Of course Johnny said already across the hall
Alexis walked into her empty penthouse and sat down her things. She rubbed at her eyes for a moment trying to take away some of the tension in them.
He said please come over Johnny said peering around the door to see her standing in silence looking very tense
Thanks she said grabbing a picture from her desk drawer as she followed him across the hall as he opened the door to Sonnys penthouse for her
Hey Sonny said looking to greet her
Is something wrong?
Are you busy? she said not answering his question just yet
No what is it?
Um we need to talk
Okay he said thrown off by her seriousness
She had thought about what to say, about how to handle this situation. She was a smart woman and she knew how to handle things in a business like manner and using this approach to tell Sonny was the only way she knew to do it
Would you sit? No dont sit I need to
Alexis what is it? Somethings wrong
Sonny Im pregnant she blurted to him
Sonny said nothing he was speechless.
Alexis let out a nervous laugh
Are you sure? he said trying not to be insincere
Alexis almost in her own brand of humor turned sideways and pressed hands to her belly where she had slightly begun to show.
Sonny out of reaction let his hands reach to her placing them on the lump of her belly
The other day when you had been cryingand you said you had hurt Ned
He found out
Why didnt you tell me? he said sounding hurt
I was scared
To tell me?
Because Sonny this is not exactly the greatest or easiest thing Ive ever told you, she said defensively
Are you ok?
Im fine
You must be going crazy
I was at first but Im ok now
Sonny again put his hands at her belly
Look Sonny you dont have to
Have to what? The baby is mine Alexis
Sonny dont feel obligated
Of course Im obligated this is my child
I know but you and I arent exactly made to be mother and father of the year and Ive come to terms with having this baby. Actually I love the idea but you and I dont really fit into the equation
Sonny paced back and forth
Are you telling me you want me to have nothing to do with our baby?
No! I know that you would and will do anything for this child but you have a life, a life that includes Michael and Carly. We discussed this remember? You and I had sex, just sex and I got pregnant. Yes you should take responsibility and I never thought you wouldnt but I dont want to ruin everyones life because we had sex
So youre saying you want to raise this baby on your own? You want to take my child from me He was now more than defensive
Im not saying I dont want you to be the father I guess I was giving you the option
The option? You want me to have nothing to do with the baby you know I cant
I know that if this were Carlys baby you would be overjoyed that you were going to have a baby. But its me and lets be frank, neither of us want to be tied to the other, other than a friendship and a client/attorney relationship.
Youre shutting me out
You can be apart of the babys life but
But what?
But you cant control mine in the process
Sonny was angry but he knew better than to blow up at Alexis. He also could rationally see she had thought it all through and she had a good argument for it, hell that why she was his lawyer, because she was that convincing.
I have to know youre being taken care of
I know
My baby or not I have to know youre ok. You know I protect you anyway
I know
I want this baby Alexis and I dont know what to say to you to make you not run away from me because I know you dont need me
Sonny its not that youre not needed and I promise you, as I said you can have a part in the babys life if you wish. But I cant live my life the way you need people to live it and this baby wont either
She was telling the truth and boldly breaking his heart at the same time.
Who knows? He said asking out of the blue
Ned, Stefan, Kristina and Jax
Sonny donthes been taking care of me
Sonny shut his eyes so she couldnt see the rage bubbling inside of him
Did Jax persuade you not to
Sonny in case you have forgotten I have a mind of my own and I dont need anyone including Jax or you to tell me what I should and shouldnt do. Dont forget whom youre dealing with! She said now in lawyer mode
Sonny calmed himself knowing she was right
Here is a picture of the baby, she said composing herself
Sonny studied the picture and he looked heartbroken knowing the truth was Alexis didnt want him to be apart of the babys life.
Alexis I cant just let this go as I think, you wish I would
Honestly, Im not saying that if I had to get pregnant I would wish it wasnt with you. Not that I dont think you will be a good father its just you and I dont see eye to eye
Where do we go from here? He said sounding uncommonly helpless as if she had taken control of him
Just know what you need to know but let me go on with my life she said almost pleadingly. Sonny I was given the chance to have a baby and its already changed me for the better. I dont feel alone or like I dont have a purpose. Looking at my baby in that picture puts everything into perspective
Sonny shook his head as if he understood what she was saying
Alexis youre the best friend I ever had you know that.
I dont mean to do this to you and if circumstances were different
Is Jax going to continue to take of you?
You know I could punch the walls thinking of him with my baby he said still in a rational voice
I know
What do I do Alexis?
Let me walk out the door and let me come back when you call (as usual) and let me be your lawyer.
Sonny shook his head in hurt
Im sorry she said fully knowing what she was doing to him
No Im sorry, sorry that I ever got you involved
I chose to be involved remember?
Sonny wrapped his arms around her shoulders and held her for a moment almost as if he were trying to create an understanding between two trusting friends.
I have to think about all of this
Well talk after you do, she said trying to compromise
She walked quickly back to her penthouse and closed the door behind her. She sat down at her desk with her face in her hands wondering what all they had just said.
Wondering if he got that she didnt want to be a part of his life nor did she really want the baby to have a part in his life mainly because she knew first hand what his real life was like.
She hated to seem so cold because she did know how desperately he wanted a child and she couldnt deny him his rights. But she also had to be strong and make the right decisions for her baby and herself. And being mixed up in Sonnys life, being tied to him because they had sex was not the way she felt she could do things.