What Greater Gift
Chapter Eight

Where is Alexis Davis? Sonny said rounding the nurses station

Mr. Corinthos shes in labor you cant go in there!

Sonny stopped dead in his tracks taking hold of the reality of the situation. The reality was that he was the friend, no admittance allowed

He put his palm to the frame of the door and he could feel the eyes of the nurse piercing into him

Is someone with her? He said already knowing the answer

Yes sir, Mr. Jacks is

Sonny clinched his jaw

Do you know if she is okay? Sonny said finally turning and facing the nurse

Shes fine. If you would like to wait, there is a waiting area just around the corner, the nurse said pointing in the direction

Sonny nodded and said thank you as he went to find a seat

Kristina and Nicholas sat in the waiting room and looked up to see Sonny coming towards them. They were both glad to see him there

Sonny if you would like to go in Kristina said looking at the lost look on his face

Jax the nurse said Jax was with her she wants him there

Kristina only shook her head as Sonny sat across form she and Nicholas

Jax I want to thank you so much for being here with me because I will never do this again Alexis said widening her eyes in assurance to him

Jax only half grinned and half winced because of the grip she had on his arm

Okay Alexis the nurse said giving the go ahead for the next push

Jax pushed the palm of his hand to the bottom of her foot pushing her knees towards her chin. Alexis let out roaring sound and the nurse began to count down 6, 5, 4

Alexis let out her deep breath

Jax Im so tired

Alexis a few more pushes okay!

And it was time to push again

Shes coming Alexis, we can see her! The doctor said looking up for the reaction on Alexiss face

Jax pushed her bangs to the side and brushed at the hair that had fallen from her ponytail. Jax pressed his lips to her forehead for the last second of rest she had

Okay Alexis push, push Alexis push, keep going okay stop

Moments later the baby girl came out screaming at the world

Ten fingers and ten toes and a great set of lungs! The doctor said placing the baby on Alexis chest

Alexis held her in her arms for the first time and she stopped crying on cue. Tears streamed down Alexis face at the sight of her baby girl

Jax came running out into the waiting area. Shes perfect! he squealed as he noticed Sonny sitting there

Sonny stood up and Jax took an obvious moment of decision time. You should go in there he said as Sonny shook his head. Sonny congratulations Jax said being as sincere as he could be to his archenemy

Sonny for the first time in his life looked at Jax with great gratitude thank you he said smiling shyly as he headed for Alexis and their baby girl

Sonnys first glimpse of his daughter was her hands reaching into the air. Alexis looked up to see Sonny as he walked in and towards the two of them

Hi Alexis said warmly

Hi Sonny said wanting to say the right thing and seemingly nervous Shes beautiful! Sonny said now grinning

Daddys opinion Alexis said giving a slight smile

Theres a goofy Aussie out there I think who would agree

Alexis let a out a small laugh



Thank you


For allowing me to be able to have this, to experience this, to be able to hold her in my arms

You did all the work I just caused all the problems

They dont matter anymore

Sonny shook his head agreeing with her

Look how tiny she is Sonny said letting her little hands latch on to his finger

She wasnt so tiny a little while ago, Alexis said now able to smile about it
Do you want to hold her? Alexis said already handing the baby in to Sonnys arms.

He held her for the first time and Sonnys face seemed to illuminate off of hers. He tried not to cry but he couldnt help stop the tears from falling down his cheeks at the site of her deep brown eyes.

Alexis reached up and tried to wipe the tears from his face for him and Sonny let out a nervous laugh

She has that affect on people Alexis said grinning looking at her daughter

Sonny had a few more minutes with her before Kristina, Nicholas and Jax filed in. Sonny handed the baby back to Alexis

Not one red hair on her head Kristina said shaking her head as she examined the bald headed little girl

So does she have a name? Nicholas said sounding impatient

Alexis let out a deep breath ready to reveal her name

Ella she said looking for everyones reaction Ella Jane she said now looking at Jax as she saw a shy smile covered his face

Ella! Kristina said leaning into her as everyone grinned, as her name seemed to already fit her perfectly.

Everyone had left the room but Jax. He watched as Alexis held Ella sleeping in her arms.

Jane? Jax finally said

I wanted her to have a name of a strong woman and someone that is special to both of us. And Lady Jane has always been wonderful to me and most importantly Ella will always be apart of you this way

Jax ran his fingers back and forth along the top of Ellas head and she seemed to be soothed by it

What are you thinking? Jax said suddenly noticing her silence

You know it almost hurts to love her as much as I do already, Alexis said letting out a nervous laugh

Kind of makes you wonder where shes been all of your life doesnt it?

I already dont know life without her

I already dont know life without the either of you Jax said sincerely

Alexis leaned in to give him a kiss and pulling away from Alexis he looked down at Ella

Would now be to early to discuss with you her first flight lesson?

Yes it would! Alexis said adamantly

Come on really



Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven