Harrison Blair
Chapter Twelve


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter 12

Alexis glared at the hand that lay across her stomach. He held her almost as if she were his security blanket. Touching her gently just making sure she was there. She had been watching him for a while now photographing him in her mind. The way he looked with his morning stubble and his hair standing on ends. She smiled at how a grown man could look so much like a little boy when he slept.

She swept her fingers across his arm and he shifted and his eyes opened at her touch

Good morning sleepy head she said grinning at the sight of his blue morning eyes

Good morning he said giving her a grin while stretching out his arms Have you been awake long?

For a little while

You should have woke me

You looked too peaceful for me to wake you

Harrison reached up and kissed the side of her head

Whats got you up so early?

Just thinking about some things I guess

Is something bothering you

No! She answered quickly sounding nervous

Ok? Confused by her sudden reaction

Alexis sat up on the side of the bed turning her face to the wall. Harrison wasnt sure what she was doing as he watched her. She sat there for a moment before Harrison decided to run his hand down her naked back, following the course of her spine.

She breathed in and then out and Harrison watched her back rise and fall.

What are you thinking about? he said breaking the silence in the room

Alexis took a moment and then turned to Harrison with tears welled up in her eyes

Harrison sat up

You can talk to me, he said confused why she was so upset but immediately wanting to comfort her

Its nothing Im just being

What is it?

I wish I could wake up every morning with this feeling

I dont think I understand

I know Im being silly

Youre not being silly but I still dont understand

I havent been this happy in a long time. I mean really and truly happy. I wake up with you and I never have to worry about getting through the day without having someone on my side.

And I always want you to feel this way Lex

Alexis turned her body to Harrison wrapping her thin long legs around him securing her body with his.

Im so bad at this

Youre truly not making any sense

Harrison I love you she blurted

It took a moment to let her words sink in

You love me?

I love you

A grin covered Harrisons face

Finally he whispered

She bit at her bottom lip and then smiled shyly back at him

He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tightly against him

I love you so much, she said sounding as if now she wanted to assure him over and over
He looked at her in the eyes and held the side of her face

I love you too

They kissed and kissed like they were two teenagers in high school who had just professed their love to each other. They let each kiss assure the other and they were going to make love again when the phone rang.

Ignore it! Harrison said in between kisses

Dont you want to answer it? She said continuing to kiss him


Answer it or it will drive me crazy she said separating herself from him

Harrison leaned over Alexis and answered the phone

Harrison Blair yes what happened? Alexis felt his body tense and he sat up. No!Oh God!.. And is he ok yes, I will as soon as possible! Will he be ok where she is thank you All right see you soon.

Whats wrong?

Harrison sat up on the side of the bed in silence for a moment and held his face in his hands. He then quickly jumped up

I have to go to London

London? What happened

Uh its uh complicated, Harrison said fumbling around

Harrison! Alexis said grabbing him by the arm

Lex, Ill be back ok Harrison truly looked heart broken

Harrison what ever it is let me go with you. Let me help you

You cant help! He snapped at her

Alexis took a step back from him shouting at her. Harrison quickly realized what he had done and began to apologize

Im sorry baby, Im so sorry. Some one very special to me has died in a car accident

Harrison Im so sorry but please if you need to go let me be by your side

Lex its complicated

Honey how could it be that complicated?

Theres something I didnt tell you

Alexis was suddenly looking at unfamiliar eyes

Harrison what is it? Who was it that died?

Harrison squeezed his eyes shut.

She was just someone Lex, I

When you asked was he ok is that your secret? Alexis said seriously

I dont know how to handle this right now Alexis

Honey, if it is a woman in your life

Its not like that, I promise I need to shower, will you please see if you can get us a flight into London and let me explain let me explain to you the situation on the plane so if you do hate me you will at least be stuck with me for a few hours. And I can hopefully make you understand

Harrison youre scaring me

Please he pleaded

Ill call, go get in the shower


Before they knew it they were in the air flying over the Atlantic Ocean. Alexis was trying to give Harrison time to tell her this obvious secret that he was so afraid was going to hurt her. She had set herself up for the worst. She couldnt imagine what kind of secret he could harbor that would affect her that much

Harrison squeezed her hand and Alexis held tightly to him. He was shaken by the death of whoever this person was but also to tell Alexis who she was.

Harrison, youre going to have a heart attack if you dont just let this out. I can handle it ok. I mean how much can I be shocked after living my life? She said letting out a shy smile

Harrison looked at Alexis

Natalie, her name was Natalie and uh she and I met a couple of months after you left London. We had and on and off again thing She lived in Paris and so we were just kind of be each others confidante and lover. She was smart and beautiful and she would

Take your mind off of what I did?

Lex! She understood what had happened. She understood how much I still loved you. She even made me see how maybe you felt from a womans perspective

Alexis swallowed the lump in her throat

Im so sorry Harrison and she sounded like a beautiful woman in every sense Alexis said sincerely suddenly glad that she was there for him. So what happened?

Harrison took in a deep breath

She came by one day and said - she was pregnant Alexis eyes widened And she said that it was my baby Alexis still said nothing only listening intently. And I thought I could love her and I tried to take care of her and provide for her as much as she needed me to. But she was still her own woman and she didnt want to give up her life or the baby. So we went our separate ways and I became a father to my son who I love more than life itself but his mother and I were two separate people and after he was born it never became more obvious that we live in two separate worlds. And thats the way its been his whole life

How old is he?

Hes three

Whats his name?

These were not the questions Harrison was expecting

Harry short for

Harrison she said finishing his thought

This is strange for me to ask but why are you taking this so well

Im stunned but why would I take it so bad? The part that gets me the most is that you didnt tell me

I didnt know if you could handle me having a son

First of all it shouldnt matter to you if I could handle it or not hes your son

I didnt want it to scare you away

Why would it scare me?

Harrison wasnt sure how to answer without hurting her feeling or making her feel completely uncomfortable

I just never thought children were something you would want to have and then me finally getting back to you made it harder for me to say, hey Alexis by the way I have a three year old son

So you werent going to tell me?

I wanted to tell you everyday but I wanted us to be able to reconnect and show you how much I love you before I made it too complicated

Too complicated? Meaning that I might say I cant handle a kid so theres no me and you?

Thats not what I meant

Alexis only looked at Harrison knowing good and well thats what he meant

Who is he with now? she said changing the subject

He is with friends

They sat there in silence for a while. Harrison had a million things to worry about and Alexis tried to let it all sink in.

A few hours later they arrived in London. Harrison again held Alexis hand tightly for re-assurance and she stood by him as promised. Though she was probably was more scared than she had ever been in her life.

Harrison knocked on the door and moments later the door opened to a woman holding the spitting image of Harrison.