Harrison Blair
Chapter Fifteen


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Harrison walked in Alexis penthouse meeting her as she came from down stairs.

A sight for sore eyes Harrison said grinning at the sight of her

Alexis ran into his arms and one kiss provoked another and another.

Wheres Harry?


Naps are good! He said now kissing her more passionately

How was your two day Harry extravaganza?

Alexis pulled away from Harrison looking at him sincerely

Im in love with him

Harrison could feel his heart racing and he let out a breath letting Alexis know the affect her words had on him and she grinned

My God I missed you, he said as Alexis began to kiss him again as she led him over to the couch giving him more than just a seductive look

Come here baby, she said playfully

He sat down on the couch and she straddled herself on top of him. She leaned down and whispered in his ear.

I wanna show you how much I missed you. Too bad nap times almost up She said seductively poking out her bottom lip

Youre driving me crazy

Thats the intention If its ok with you I asked Kristina if she would keep Harry here tonight. She said she would love to, they get along great and you and I, well you know what you and I could do. She said nibbling at the side of his neck and onto his ear lobe.

Harrison tucked his hands where her shirt and jeans met and pushed at her skin under it. Letting his hands feel around her hips. He kissed her intensely and they both were trying to stop themselves with each kiss until finally she pulled away.

Youre sexy as hell, he said looking at the woman who was now walking away from him and up the steps to wake Harry.

A few minutes later with each step accounted for Harry had made his way down stairs and into Harrisons arms

I missed you, I missed you, I missed you Harrison repeated as he held Harry in his arms and kissed him.

Did you and Lex have a good time?

Yes! Harry said exuberantly

Alexis had now made her way down the steps and she watched the two of them.

Harrison motioned for Alexis and she joined the huddle as Harry had one arm wrapped around her and then Harrison. Harrison kissed both of them

Harrison pulled at Alexiss arm and they all went and sat on the couch. Harry made sure he was right in the middle using Alexis as a cushion. She stroked at his hair, brushing it gently to one side as amazingly Harry stayed still and Alexis and Harrison talked of his trip.

so the trip was successful?

Very! I am definitely pleased with getting the account

I love how calm you are about making millions of dollars

Its just money

Alexis let out a laugh and shook her head

So I heard you are going to stay with the lovely Ms. Kristina tonight, Harrison said directing his attention to Harry

Were watching the Lion King! Harry said excitedly

Again?!? Harrison said making a funny face at Harry making him giggle

So where is Kristina? Harrison said almost sounding impatient

She had some errands to run and the she said she would be back soon. In the mean time Ill be upstairs packing a few things

You dont need anything, He said playfully

I have a surprise you, she said grinning

And he watched the backside of her walk up the steps as Harry ignored their conversation and didnt understand the look in their eyes.

Harry had decided to tell Harrison of all the fanciful things he had thought of while he was gone and then continued to babble about Alexis and his last few days with her. Alexis this, Alexis that Before Harry could get out another story Kristina came walking through the door with The Lion King in hand.

Youre going to have an ear full tonight, Harrison said shaking his head

Hes talking about Alexis isnt he

Non stop

Kristina sat her coat down on the back of the couch

Thank you


Making her happy

Harrison looked at Kristina suddenly very seriously.

I want her to be and I hope more than anything she is. I am really sorry that I interrupted her life with Harry though. She didnt ask to have to take care of a child

Harrison it seems like her whole life has turned around in the last couple of weeks since Harry has been here. I mean I dont even think she liked children and now shes almost inseparable with him

Youre being honest?

Yes I am. She loves you and she loves Harry and Im not going to speak for her, trust me Ive learned not to do that but shes happier than Ive ever seen her

Alexis walked down the steps interrupting them

Was I interrupting something? Alexis said as Harry ran towards her

No, we were just chatting Harrison said now rising to his feet

Alexis got on her knees at Harrys level

Please be a good boy tonight and we will see you in the tomorrow ok?

Harry nodded his head to agree

She gave him a kiss on the cheek and he squeezed his arms around her neck

Harrison went over to Harry to say his good-byes and Alexis went to Kristina

Thank you so much for keeping him

Not a problem, well have a great time and you two can spend some time together She said smiling

Harrison picked up Alexis small overnight bag and they said goodbye to Harry again and walked out the door. Harrison pushed the button to the elevator and Alexis looked up to see it was still on the ground floor. Suddenly Alexis bolted for the penthouse door. She swung the door open grabbed Harry and kissed him over and over making him giggle as what he perceived as her silliness.

Ok Im ready now!

And Alexis walked out of the penthouse and on to the elevator while Kristina and Harrison shook their heads

Harrison undid the first few buttons of his shirt as he sat on the side of the bed waiting for Alexis.

What are you doing in there?

Im coming!

Alexis emerged from the bathroom wearing a silk black negligee

Worth the wait? She said standing in front of him

You are so beautiful he said grinning completely enticed by what his eyes were seeing

Back to the me showing you how much I missed you

Alexis crawled on top of him letting their bodies crash onto the sheets. He lifted the negligee above her hips letting his finger run along her black silk panties. She leaned up letting him get another look at her. She looked amazing, her breast were only revealed enough to tease him and though she looked breathtaking in that black negligee. But he still wanted nothing more than to take it off.

She unbuttoned his shirt pulling it from his shoulders and then quickly going for the zipper of his paints making sure Harrison new she meant business. She undid his pants revealing to her what that black negligee had done for him. He quickly rolled her over letting his fingers pull at her panties at the hips. Pulling them slowly down her long legs now revealing her body to him. He kissed down her body and between her thighs sending chills throughout her.

Listening to her short breaths only made him want more and he pulled the negligee off, let his fingers do the exploring and he slipped inside her. He gave her a moment letting her feel him inside and he began to push slowly letting her feel every inch of him. His eyes where fixed with hers watching each other keep rhythm. She moaned again and moments later her body began to shake and he knew just what to do to hold her orgasm. She took a moment catching her breath before her lips devoured his. She turned now where she could pleasure him and she did. Thrusting him inside her harder and harder made his body arch as he followed her. He began to let out quick breaths and Alexis could feel that he was about to come inside of her. She gave him one last deep thrust and he let go and both of them screamed in between breaths.

She lay there on top of him for a moment as beads of sweat lay on their naked bodies. She rolled off of him and lay there with him for a while letting their love making have its lingering affects.

She leaned up looking at Harrison and smiled

I didnt know you missed me that much, he said grinning

I told you

Hungry? he said out of the blue

Im always hungry

Harrison got out of bed looking for his sweat pants and then pulling Alexis up. She grabbed the shirt he had on and followed him to the kitchen

I cant believe were eating stuff from this refrigerator she said taking a bite of bagel

Were not dead yet

Alexis let out a laugh as she shoved a piece of bagel in Harrisons mouth

He sat there for a moment watching her, not saying a word and she let him, not questioning what he was doing only following his eyes up and down her legs and across her lips.


What Honey?

Umthere are probably more elaborate ways I should do this and maybe I should, do this more elaborately I mean. He now sounded nervous. But its something that I should have done five years ago but the time didnt seem right and then when we were no longer together I cursed myself everyday that I didnt do this And I see you with my son and Im so amazed by you and how much he adores you

Honey, youre pulling an Alexis here. Youre rambling

Harrison suddenly dropped to one knee

Oh God Alexis said with her eyes widening

Alexis Davis

Oh God She said now more nervous

I am certain you are the love of my life and I sadly know first hand that my heart does not beat the same without you

Harrison what are you doing?

Alexis will you please marry me?

Alexis was trying to catch her breath. And Harrison only waited exceedingly patient for her answer.

Alexis opened her mouth but nothing came out.

Harrison was beginning to get a little worried that she might say no

Lex? Lex, youre scaring me a little

She ran her hand slowly down his face letting the tips of her fingers linger

Its too much isnt it He said with tears in his eyes Me and Harry its too complicated isnt it he was now jumping to conclusions


She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment gathering courage. She then opened her eyes again to see his deep blue eyes began to melt in to her. Im pregnant

What He said not letting his voice his above a whisper as if now he was keeping her secret Are you sure?

Alexis nodded her head.

How long have you known?

I found out before we went to London

Why didnt you tell me?

Honey look whats happened in the past couple of weeks. I mean we went from re-introducing ourselves to having a three-year-old. And then me freaking out about having a baby and then falling in love with Harry only made me want the baby more but then I just couldnt find the right time to burden you with more than you already had on your shoulders.

Burden me? Baby you would never burden me and knowing that your having my baby ImIm speechless, Im overjoyed, I cant think straight Harrison looked into the before unnoticed scared brown eyes Honey, I love you he said passionately

Alexis let out a shy smile

Wait, wait where were we?

Harrison got back down on his knee

I believe I asked you a question

Is this too much?

Honey I honestly dont know too much with you

Is this forever and ever? she said almost like a little girl that wanted to be promised

As my wife and the mother of my children yes its forever and ever he said sincerely

Then yes She whispered as if her heart had finally spoke out loud

She leaned in to kiss him and he pulled away pulling the box out of his pocket

I guess this belongs to you

He opened the box to the 4-carrot diamond that matched the necklace he had given her weeks before

Oh my God, Harrison!

He held the ring up to her and placed it on her finger sealing it with a kiss

Its beautiful she said as uncontrollable tears fell from her eyes

How did we get to this Harrison Blair?

I believe I told you the first day we met again, when you alluded that it could be like destiny or fate, that kind of thing

I was being sarcastic

And I said maybe it was he said ignoring her comment

I have never been more scared in my whole life

Why because you just made an instant family? he said giving a grin

Yeah that would be why You think Harry will be ok with this?

Are you kidding me? He loves you more than he does me

Alexis let out a proud grin

Well if I was looking for shock value I think this is going to do it

Harrison sat looking at her


I cant believe I knocked up Alexis Davis!

Harrison!!! She squealed slapping him on the shoulder

Im just kidding!

No youre not!

I really cant believe youre going to be my wife,

I cant believe I just got myself a 4 carrot ticket to mommyhood she said looking at her ring

Now that I definitely cant believe he said letting out a snicker

You know what why dont you be the mommy and Ill be the lawyer?

I can be the mommy

Right and Im still not going to learn to cook or any of those wifely kind of things

Hell, Ill be the wife too

Alexis laughed whole-heartedly

Harrisons favorite thing in the world was to watch her laugh. He had told her time and again he didnt have a sense of humor at all it was just him wanting to hear the sound of her laughter.

Alexis and Harrison got back in bed and he held her as close to him as he could

Is this what it feels like? she said keeping her voice above a whisper

Whats that?

Unconditional love?

It feels good doesnt it? he said smiling at her

Its unexplainable

I knew it from our start though

You knew what?

That I would love you unconditionally from the moment I met you

You knew huh?

Yeah, you know sometimes love - its just that simple

Alexis leaned up to look into Harrisons eyes

It is isnt it?