Harrison Blair
Chapter Six


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter 6

Sonny stood outside of Alexis door knocking continuously

Alexis are you there?

He pounded on the door again.

Suddenly the door swung open to a half-dressed man now towering over Sonny

Can I help you? Harrison said looking almost annoyed at Sonnys impolite continuos pounding on Alexis door.

Sonny looked stunned to see Harrison standing there and he for a moment even forgot why he was in a hurry.

Uh is Alexis here?

Shes showering Harrison said suspiciously Can I help you with something?

Could you tell her Sonny would like to speak to her ASAP

So are you the Sonny Corinthos or one of his messengers? Harrison said intimidatingly making it clear he had no idea whom the supposed notorious Sonny Corinthos was nor did he care.

Im Sonny and you are?

Harrison Blair

Neither man stuck out his hand

Well uh if you could get that message to Alexis

No problem

And the door closed behind Sonny

AAHH! Alexis jumped at Harrison peeking into the shower You scared me!

Harrison let out a light chuckle at scaring her

Sorry I didnt mean to frighten you

Alexis grinned back as she cut off the water and stepped out. Harrison never took his eyes off of her naked body with beads of water still sliding down her skin.

You could hand me a towel

Why? Harrison still grinning and then reaching for her a towel

I thought you would sleep for a little while longer after your travels last night?

I actually was sound asleep but I woke up by the pounding on your door

Pounding? Who was it?

I have now met the notorious Sonny Corinthos

Alexis let out a small snicker at the word notorious

Hes not as a big and scary as I pictured

But are they ever? Alexis said shaking her head

Well he mumbled something about needing you ASAP

Alexis rolled her eyes

So it was him personally so hes not in jail. Was he bleeding?

It didnt seem so

Ok, it can wait at least until Ive had my coffee

And I thought you were known to be at his beck and call?

Well, my mind seems to have wondered elsewhere she said kissing him repeatedly

Ah the cure for the common Corinthos! again grinning at his humor

Ok you get in the shower, I will get my coffee and deal with Sonny just in time for you to have breakfast ready for me when I get back she said giving him a playful wink

Its troubling how well you adapt to me being your house boy

Its because youre just so damn good at it!

Harrison got in the shower and Alexis got dressed and with coffee in hand headed across the hall

What? Alexis sounding unconcerned by not raising her voice

Who is that guy?

Thats was what you needed to see me for?

No, no sorry I uh needed to know if you had heard anything about the new contracts being signed so we could go ahead with the deal.

No I havent. And you know they werent suppose to call until later on today

Oh right, I forgot

You forgot?

I got a lot on my mind

Ok. Is something else wrong?

No, no! Uh how was your vacation?

Good, are you sure youre ok? You seem more strange than usual?

Im fine, he said getting defensive

Ok Alexis said giving up

You never answered me


Who is that guy? letting out a jealous tone

Alexis uncontrollably let out a grin


Is he your friend?

Uh yeah hes an old friend Alexis paused for a minute Hes more than an old friend

And she left Sonny there alone to think of her words that left lingering effects

Back so soon? You must really be a great crime fighting, super lawyer!

Well I try

So you solved all his problems?

Im not sure exactly what his problems were

What do you mean?

I think the majority of the discussion was about you

Really? What did you say that I was your incredibly handsome, smart, loving making machine BOYFRIEND!?

No that wasnt it She paused for a moment waiting for the reaction on his face Actually I just told him your name and that you were an old friend.

I didnt know I was your secret

Harrison if we make love the way we made love the other night you wont be a secret for long

Then maybe we should get to it As Harrisons lips went for Alexis neck as she giggled

A few minutes later before they could go too far, they were interrupted by Kristina walking through the door. She looked as if she had on her clothes from the day before and it was obvious where she had been all night.

Im sooo sorry! Ignore me, Im going upstairs, ignore me!

Kristina, its ok!

Harrison good to see you again

You too he said giving her a polite smile

Well again, I can see you two were in the middle of something so Im going to head upstairs!

Harrison and Alexis watched her walk upstairs and Harrison again began to kiss Alexis.
Harrison then stopped noticing Alexis was no longer playing along

Lex what is it? Harrison said noticing her sudden change in mood

Uh nothing she now had gotten up from the couch

Your mood just changed, just like that

Im fine

Did Kristina just do something to make you change your mood?

Harrison its not a big deal ok? she let out an obvious disappointing grin

Im sorry Harrison now realized where Kristina was She was with your ex wasnt she?

Lets not talk about it ok? Im over it

Obviously not

Harrison its just hard for me sometimes but I think I found the cure for the broken heart she said now gibing him a shy smile

Lex, I dont want to be the man who just takes your mind off of Ned Ashton

Alexis let a serious silence come between them before she spoke

Its just that simple Harrison. When Im with you I dont need Nedor Sonny or anyone else that will fill up the emptiness inside of me. You shown me time and time again that youre here for me unconditionally and youre who I want and youre who I need.

Harrison wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tight enough to comfort her and let her know that he would be there, unconditionally. Because she was also the one he wanted and needed.