Harrison Blair


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Listen! Harrison said creeping over boxes all over the living room

What is it? Alexis said looking up at him from the piles of stuff

Its quiet

Alexis let out a snicker

Pre-school is beautiful thing she said now grinning

Yes it is Harrison said shaking his head in agreement

I cant believe I just sent my baby to pre-school Alexis said making a sad face

Shes fine Lex

I know but shes not a baby anymore and it seems like just yesterday that I was worried just about being pregnant and being a wife and Harry and now look at us

Three years went by fast

Has it ever

But look at us now, look at you now. You know youve done everything you said you would. You said that you would continue being a lawyer and that you could be Kates mom and Harrys

Its the perfect life though. I mean before you and Harry and Kate life didnt feel the way it should, I mean I was a pretty successful woman and I had what seemed like everything but I was empty. Now this emptiness is nothing a day in court and then coming home to a three year old and a seven year old wont fix.

I never imagined it to be this good though, he said sending her a smile

You know life will be even better when we get out of this penthouse. Why did we stay here so long?

Um honey I believe it was you that...

Ok, ok she said agreeing that she was the one that would never give in to moving

I am definitely looking forward to more space! Youll have an office, Ill have an office, the kids can have the rest of the house

Alexis laughed again at the thought of Harry and Kate, his partner in crime running through the new house.

Maybe we should keep the penthouse for us

Maybe Harrison said thinking of Harry and Kate as Alexis was

Harrison opened a drawer to pack its contents when he looked down at the pile of pictures in it. Alexis and Harrys little face stared back at him. Alexis in her ivory silk gown and Harry in his tie and little jacket. Harrison stood and stared at the picture for a moment leaving the silence of his stillness in the room.

What are you doing over there? Alexis said curious to what was intriguing him

Harrison turned around to look at his wifes face and then walked towards her with the pictures he had gathered in his hand.

Look at us Alexis, said grinning at the sight of she and Harry Look how little and precious he was

He was so happy

I loved when he stood up and told my family that I was his wife after we went and got married

He really was cute misunderstanding and calling you his wife

I miss him that little but hes still just as much a charmer

He definitely is

Harrison, look at this picture! I forgot how beautiful everything was and look at the city behind us

Im glad we waited until the fall

Well we couldnt wait that long because I wouldve had to waddle down the aisle with you know who

Did you ever truly want a big wedding?

No! It was perfect Harrison. You, me, Harry

Harrison picked up another picture, this one was of Alexis.

Look at you, you were amazingly beautiful

Harrison studied the picture of Alexis in the ivory thin silk that wrapped around her body. She had never been sexier and more beautiful than she had been that night. The dress, tastefully revealed her body, letting her rounding belly be clearly recognized.

Alexis leaned up and kissed Harrison on the lips

What was that for?

For staring at that picture

I cant help it look at how beautiful you are

You make me beautiful she said smiling at his words

Alexis and Harrison both sat there going through the pictures trying to remember every detail behind each one.

----- Harry stood between them and fidgeted with his tie. Both Alexis and Harrison were amazed he had even stood still that long. Harrison held her hand tightly letting her know that he was there and would always be holding on tight. But Alexis wasnt nervous at all as the minister spoke. All the fears of marriage had now been presented neatly with two bonus packages. One with his head looking straight up, taking in every word that was said and another growing inside of her.

Harrison turned to Alexis and took both of her hands into his I want to say to you honestly that there are things in life that I cant promise or guarantee to you. But there is one thing that I am absolutely certain of and that is that I love you.
I love you so much that even at the sound of your name or the thought of you and especially every moment of my life that I am with you not only does my heart beat faster and my soul leap but I am a better man.

Alexis everyday of my life I will work hard to be your husband. I owe you my everything for loving me and my son and our baby. Thank you for facing your fears and letting the three all of us have life.

Tears streamed down her face. She had never heard anything more gracious and more sincere. -----

I thought I was never going to compose myself after you said your vows

They definitely got the affect I wanted Harrison said joking with her as she elbowed him

You know I only married you to get Harry, She said quick wittingly

I thought it was because I knocked you up?

Now he was matching her wit

You are hysterical! she said sarcastically

Harrison leaned over and kissed her playfully on the side of her neck and she giggled at the feel of his lips on her

You better stop! We have to pack more before the kids get home from school
He came closer to her never stopping his kisses Harrison!

She pushed him away and got up knowing that would be the only thing she could do before she ended up not being able to keep from making love to him right there on the living room floor

How in the world did we get so much stuff? she said changing the subject but Harrison only let out a sly grin knowing what she was doing to keep her mind off what he did to her.
What are in all those boxes over there? she said pointing to the ones stacked by the door.

Stuff from storage

Alexis walked over and opened the top box

Honey if you go through the stuff thats already packed

Honey look! Alexis said ignoring what Harrison was saying and holding up the tiny pink blanket

Harrison stood up and made his way to Alexis taking the blanket from her hands and feeling for himself the soft cotton on his fingers

I just remember thinking how the pink matched her skin when she was wrapped up in it. Her little fingers and her cheeks Harrison said with joy covering his face and turning into a complete softy when it came to his little girl

Alexis let out sigh I cant believe Kate is three

I know but I can believe she turned out to be as feisty as her mother though, Harrison said with wide eyes and shaking his head

Im sorry its that damn Cassadine curse

Alexis squished her nose making a face

I will never forget as long as I live seeing her face for the first time. And when she opened her eyes. I pictured for 9 months seeing those blue eyes and when she revealed them they were just as surprising and magnificent as could have ever imagined

I will never forget them holding her up and she was screaming at the top of her lungs and they lay her on your chest and she stopped instantly knowing that you were her mom

Alexis grinned ear to ear remembering

Harrison, I thought I was scared when I found out I was pregnant but when they gave her to me I seriously wanted to ask if they were kidding and if they were actually going let me have her

---- Alexis push!

My God please make this stop!

Alexis its only a little bit more, now push! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Alexis let out a deep breath and tried to quickly take in a few more breaths before she had to push again. Harrison brushed her fallen bangs back and kissed her on the forehead giving her a moment before the doctor said it was time to push again

All right Alexis two more good pushes and I believe well have her the doctor said looking up at her

Push! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6

Alexis let out a breath

Push again! 1, 2, 3, 4,5, Alexis you can stop!

Moments later the doctor held up the screaming baby girl Shes perfect!

Tears rolled down Harrisons face at the sight of both of them. The doctor laid the baby on Alexis chest and she instantly stopped crying, realizing that she had made her way back to her mother

Alexis looked at Harrison and grinned at how he was trying not to cry. He kissed her lips and then he pressed his mouth to Alexis forehead telling her repeatedly how much he loved her and how thankful he was.

Later on that day Alexis held Kate in her arms. She couldnt believe she could love that way she loved that little girl who was only a few hours old. She could do nothing at that moment but think of how she could never take her arms from around her.

Alexis looked up as the door swung open and she saw the bobbing head of the little boy who trudged his way into the room with his daddy following him.

Can I see her, can I see her!

Harrison picked up Harry and sat him on the side of the bed. Harry immediately went for Kate

This is finally Kate? Harry said wide-eyed

This is her. What do you think of her? Alexis said grinning

I think shes perfect Harry said studying her

Well we were hoping you would think so, Alexis said reaching slightly to give him a kiss

Harry reached out to touch her

Now remember you have to be gentle with her ok? Harrison said watching Harry already intrigued

Can I give her a kiss?

Of course! Alexis said letting Harry lean into her and give her a soft kiss on the cheek

Kate looked completely content in between the three of them----

You know she is the spitting image of Harry Alexis said now wrapping up a framed picture of the two them in paper

In more ways than one

Those two are definitely a mess together!

Harrison and Alexis both let out a laugh thinking of the two of them and before they knew it they were interrupted by the door being swung open and little voices screaming mommy and daddy

How was school? Alexis said as Kate ran into her arms

It was gweat! Kate said wide-eyed and ready to tell everything

Johnny sat their stuff down on the table

Johnny thank you so much for getting them from school! Things are crazy around here Alexis said now directing her attention to him

It was no problem, I enjoyed it. It was interesting sitting in a carpool lane, he said shaking his head

Alexis let out a wide grin, knowing Johnny had become attached to Kate and Harry over the years.

Thank you Johnny Harry said from across the room

Thank you Johnny Kate said repeating her brother and then sending herself into giggles

Is there anything else you need help with

No, the movers are getting everything so

Ok well you know to call

Thank you again Johnny!

Alexis closed the door behind him

Guess what guys were spending the night at our house! Alexis said as looked around at the two of them playing in the boxes

Can we go now? Harry said excitedly

We have to pack a few more things and then we will be ready ok

Ill get them a snack, Harrison said looking at Alexis giving a way to occupy them You guys want a snack?

Harry and Kate followed him to the kitchen, where Harrison as promised had become the cook

Harrison opened the door to a house that was larger than four people could ever need.

Now everyone go find your own space Harrison said teasingly waving his hands in the air

And Kate and Harry took off running while Harrison and Alexis sat on the couch in the den

We cant hear every move they make

Wonderful isnt?

Yes it is

I think I like the house without all the stuff Alexis said looking around at the basics

Until you say Harrison wheres this, wheres that!

You are so full of yourself today!

Harrison leaned in on top of her and started to kiss her and she couldnt help but kiss him back but they were quickly interrupted by two little faces standing in front of them giggling at their parents kissing

What are you two laughing at? Harrison said opening his arms for them

They both crawled onto the couch. Harry assuming is place snuggled against Alexis and Kate wrapping herself in her daddys arms

Kate began to tell her latest story that she had come up with while Harry argued that wasnt they way it happened. Harrison tried to listen wide eyed to the both of them while he held Alexis hand assuring her that he would never let her go.