Harrison Blair
Chapter Eight


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Do you see this deal going through in the near future? Harrison said looking serious to the older man sitting across from him at the Port Charles Grill

Mr. Blair if you are willing to put as much effort as you seem to have interest in this project, you can consider the deal done

Thank you Mr. Carlson

No thank you and the man stood up and shook Harrisons hand and then Jaxs hand who was sitting at the other side of the table

The two men watched as Mr. Carlson walked away

So this sudden interest to land this big business deal here in Port Charles would have nothing to do with Alexis would it?

I have the slightest idea of what your talking about Harrison said gleaming at the thought of her

So why wasnt I told of the past love affair instead introducing you two like a fool

I apologize Jax but it was her place to mention that we had a past together. I knew that if you didnt already know that we were aquatinted she obviously didnt want to tell you

Well it seems to have worked out for the best

Honestly, as much at the time when we broke up did I want to forget her and just fall out of love with her I couldnt and never did. I knew from the moment I saw her she was allowed to walk all over me again if she wished

Youre a good man Harrison and she needs that

Thats partly why I wanted you to join me for lunch today. I guess it was kill two birds with one stone.

Need love advice ol mate Jax said proudly

From you never! Actually without imposing, I was wondering if you could tell me a little about Ned Ashton?

Hmm the ex wanting to know about the ex?

More like wanting to know has he always been an arrogant, jealous, ass? Or is this something thats just come over him and I or should I say Alexis just should hope that it will pass

Harrison neither Ned or Alexis seem to be the same people they were a little over a year ago

So as I understand it she ran out on the wedding, was there nothing after that?

I think they tried, honestly I dont think they tried enough, but I think there were things they just couldnt get past

And what about this Corinthos guy

Funny you should ask that was probably one of the main things they couldnt get past

Was she falling for him?

No just works for him Jax said clearly changing to a disapproving tone

I see that you too seem to have a problem with her working for this guy?

Its complicated and as much as I would like to do anything to get you to convince her to get away from him Im not because shes strong and independent, she makes up her own mind and she would kill me

So just to make sure I have this straight, I have her client who I should worry about, but if Im smart try to stay out of her business with him. And a man who is probably still in love with her but is breaking her heart because hes with her sister?

Yeah that pretty much sums it up

You know we really shouldnt joke about neurotic tendencies around her

Theyre almost understandable arent they?

Jax, I want to be the one that heals her heart Harrison said honestly

I hope you can but please dont hurt her in the process

I would never intentionally hurt her but Im in love with her all over again

You have your chance, you seemed to have rode back in her life on a white horse but if you do hurt her youll deal with me

I have to take my chances Harrison said grinning So are you willing to help?


Im in the middle of a deal in New York, a deal thats been dragging but its a big deal not worth letting go of. If a certain corporate raider come in from the other side and puts them on their toes, I can get the deal done and then have the freedom to be here

That simple huh?

I feel like between the both of us, yes

When do you want to go?


Let me see how soon I can leave

Harrison and Jax stood up

Thank you Jax. I will owe you

If you make Alexis happy the way you say you want to you owe me nothing

The two men shook hands

Ill call


And they parted ways


Alexis turned to look at Harrison over her glasses as he walked in the door

Long lunch

Good Lunch

You seem happy?

Im a very happy man today

He pulled her out of her desk chair

Come with me


Will you just come with me?

Alexis followed Harrison by the pull of the arm-asking question after question until they arrived a few blocks away.

They rode the elevator up to the top floor of the apartment building and Harrison opened the door to the empty penthouse and he again led her by the arm and to the window.



Your penthouse he said pointing

Yes you brought me here to show me where I live?

No I brought you over here to show you where I live but I wanted to point out that I can see you from here

What do you mean where you live?

You dont like it?

No its beautiful, but what about New York

I have interests in Port Charles


Its just a place Lex

Its a great penthouse over looking the New York City skyline from every angle. Not to mention your job and your life

It seems my services can be rendered here on Port Charles, I think I have a better view out of this one window and I told you that you cant have a life without love

Youre going to give it all up for me?

Actually I was going to keep the penthouse because a certain woman that Im having a little fling with really likes the uh view and Ill well have somewhere to stay if a business trip needs to be made or a getaway he said now giving a small satisfied grin

They walked around the penthouse and ended up in the kitchen. Alexis kidding, hesitated before walking in

Dont worry I just wanted to show you where the kitchen was and how to get out just in case you ever wandered too far and thought you were lost

Youre the funniest person Ive ever met, She said sarcastically

The sound of a phone ringing interrupted them

Is that you or me? Alexis said looking around

Its me. Hopefully its Jax

Harrison answered the phone before Alexis could question why he was waiting on a phone call from Jax

Harrison hung up the phone after a quick conversation

Plotting? Alexis said raising her left brow

Actually Jax is going to New York with me to help me finish up a deal Ive been working on

Really? When are you going?

In the morning I want to get the deal done with as soon as possible, and that way I can come back to you

Alexis inadvertently started to gnaw at her bottom lip

Lex? Do you not want me to come back?

No, no I just, youre making a big move Harrison. This is just Port Charles and you have a very busy life in the city and how are you to stop cold to be here with me

Alexis was now sitting atop the kitchen counter and Harrison moved forward closing in on the gap between them, resting his hips between her legs.

This is not just for you, its for me. I cant tell you right now how I feel mostly because Im afraid I will push you to far, but I think you already know. I also think maybe you might feel the same way

Alexis interrupted him pulling at his shirt making him come closer until her lips met his

She kissed his passionately taking in the taste of his lips.

Dont kiss me to change the subject

Im kissing you to make a point in the subject Alexis said now unbuttoning Harrisons shirt

Then point taken

How do you feel about me Am I your lover? She said teasingly and lightly kissing at his chin

Am I your girlfriend? She lightly kissed his jaw line

Or do you want me? Now kissing down his neck

Harrison let her kisses sink into his skin and then his hands grab the sides of her face and he made her look into his eyes and he held her attention

Im in love with you he said extremely serious

You shouldnt she snapped back quickly


Ill find some way to hurt you again

The only thing that would hurt me was if you walked away from me again without a valid reason

How do you know I wont?

Because youll have no reason to

Are you promising?

No Im loving you

Harrison unbuttoned the front of her suit letting the black camisole under it show. The lace of it curved into a v-shape accentuating the outline of her breasts. He ran his finger slowly down the outline until he reached the point. Running his hands down her sides he found the edges of the camisole and he pulled it off of her and he watched her hair fall back on to her shoulders as he undid her bra letting her breasts be exposed to him. She slipped his undershirt over his head and their naked chests embraced each other.

They then made love as if they were in a hurry as if there wasnt enough time to kiss and touch and to make each other feel the way the other did.

Inside of her, he still held her to the kitchen counter and she held on to him and everything she could grip in the moments she was about to scream with pleasure.

Harrison and Alexis both sat on the Kitchen floor. She had his shirt around her.

You are so good, Alexis said letting out a breath and giving him a grin

Im with a woman who knows what shes doing He grinned back

I think we christened the kitchen

Where should we go next? Living room? I have a balcony!

Its 40 degrees outside

What are you saying?

Alexis only shook her head and as she stood up pulling Harrison up behind her.

I say my penthouse and then when you get back well at least think about the balcony! she said teasing him

They went back to her penthouse and they made love again. It was now only hours before Harrison had to leave for New York. Alexis watched him unable to tale her eyes off of his chest as he breathed in and out.

She leaned in to him and she whispered to him as he slept peacefully

Youre right...I have fallen back in love with you