
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen
Continuing A Love Story
Chapter Ten

Seeing Alexis in the way the dress revealed the curves of her body and how strands of her fallen hair pranced along her shoulders allowed him to see her like he never had. He had seen her in her wedding dress. Beautiful but what seemed underlyingly miserable and he had seen her sexier than he would have at one time imagined. But the way she looked and the radiant glow that surrounded her tonight brought a calm to Ned assuring him that they had done the right thing. He could never be for certain when it came to Alexis but at least They were now back in their suite. Ned had made the night complete in every way possible. He had arranged their first dance and he even had a small but very decadent cake made to allow Alexis to have some tradition. He had done everything just for her so she would remember this as happiest day of her life and the way it was suppose to happen and not as any substitute for what could have been.

Ned now sitting at the edge of the chair in their bedroom, ran his down the front of Alexis dress His fingers worshipped the feeling of the smooth silk and the body that fit perfectly against it at his finger tips. He looked up at her watching him. He had become overwhelmed by wanting to remember her the way she was tonight. The way she looked when he first saw her to the way she was standing there in front of him right now.
for tonight he saw her at peace, her mind, her body and her heart.

Alexis let a grin cover her face as if joy suddenly overwhelmed her. And Ned rose allowing his had to glide up her back as he now stood in front of her. She leaned giving him a small flirtatious kiss pulling at his bottom lip before she herself pulled away.

Youre my husband

Ned looked at her grinning face sadly waiting for her to realize her words and freak but she didnt. She at first said it as if she were letting it sink in and then as if she were announcing it.

I wanna make love to my beautiful wife he whispered pressing her body into his

He kissed down her neck onto her bare shoulders not allowing his lips to miss any of her exposed skin. His hand ran the zipper of her dress down her back. His fingers sent chills down her naked spine. His lips engulfed hers as they kissed in celebration that it was the beginning to passion that was lying ahead for them at that moment and for years to come.

I love you, she said not letting her voice break a whisper

Her hands pulled at his tie.

And I love the tie she said cracking a mischievous grin

And I love your chest now kissing down it as every button came undone

Ned backed her against the bed and he fell with her. His body and passion had taken control of him and the only thing to please him now was to have her. But he still took his time and allowing both of them to hold on to every touch and every kiss that was given.

He had explored every part of her body as she had done to him. They had forgotten everything in the world. Nothing breaking them from the concentration they had on each other.

She lie there letting his body cover hers as he laid in side of her. She ran her fingers up and down his back soothingly. It was now the early hours of morning and they had made tireless love to each other over and over that night and into the morning.

They both had finally drifted off to sleep as the sun peered into the sky.

Neither of them had discussed whether they would stay or go back to Port Charles later that day. They had complicated life since yesterday. Not for them, they had finally succeed but having to explain to the Quartermanes, the Cassadines and well to what seemed all of Port Charles was not going to be he easiest thing to be done. Luckily Neds wife had no trouble when it came to defense and strategy.

Alexis awoke to see Ned still sleeping peacefully beside her. She tried to slip from under him and not to wake him. She walked to the bathroom looking at herself in the mirror. He eyes were still mostly lined from the night before and she looked back at herself almost as if to re-assure herself that everything had actually happen.

Mrs. Ashton she mouthed as if she were teaching herself to recognize herself.

She then peered back in to the bedroom where her husband slept. She always loved how the morning looked on his face. The few time Alexis had managed to get up before him she would always try to be there to see him as he woke up.

She sat down on the side of the bed trying to be careful not to wake him. She loved his scruffy chin and the way he the sleepiness in his eyes reminded her of a baby. His eyes suddenly flickered and he let out a sigh at the comfort of knowing she was there.

Good morning husband

Ned for a moment let her words settle into his head

Good morning, he said grinning

Ned let a noticeable silence go between them as he let his eyes open enough to look at the ceiling


Ned looked back at her

I was thanking God it wasnt a dream

She leaned into him I did the same thing this morning she said giving him a shy smile

Ned pulled her in bed next to him so he could rap his arms around her

You know what today is? She said changing her tone

Hmm? Ned was puzzled by the question


We dont have to go home Answering her unasked question

We should probably face reality

Not if you dont want to

Ned, I would stay here forever. I mean right here, but ELQ is waiting on you and I need to take care of my practice now that Ive turned it upside down and

But if youre not ready Ned said now making his point of why he wasnt being hasty. That he knew it all was overwhelming to her no matter how well she hid it.

Ned can we I love you, Im so proud and Im almost insanely happy that I married you but can we

Just take it one day at time?

And one person at a time

Hmm secretly married, he said looking intrigued

Ned I dont want to keep it a secret I just dont want it to blow up. For us to be front page news that Ned and Alexis finally got married she said almost pleading

I want to do what makes you happy Alexis. Though I would love to Im ok with not shouting it from the top of the Port Charles Hotel but if someone asks I want to tell them proudly that Alexis Davis is my



Alexis Davis-Ashton she said firmly

I want to tell them proudly that Alexis Davis-Ashton is my wife he said flashing his scruffy dimples

Lets go home Ned

He grinned again at her trusting face

Ned theres just one more thing, she said now sitting up pulling her robe tighter around her waste

Whats that?

Where is home? I mean I just moved in and I like my cottage and

Ned sat up and cupped her face trying to stop her first married ramble

My beautiful wife I will follow you wherever you go and if you say this or that is how you want it then thats were we will be its that simple

God why do I feel like its going to be me and you against the world

As long as its you and me

She let out a sighing breath

No regrets ok

No regrets he agreed