
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen
Continuing A Love Story
Chapter Eleven

Ned and Alexis kept their secret, as now it had become more and more enticing that the two shared something extraordinary between them. They both decided after coming home that they would each tell the most important people in their life and that they sincerely thought would be hurt if they werent told. So Alexis told Kristina and Ned told Lila and that was it.

They had been back from The Hamptons for a while now and no one seemed to notice the rings that now adorned their fingers. It had even become a running joke of how obvious it was to everyone but how oblivious everyone was.

They were glad though that they had come home when they did. A case Alexis had been previously working on, trial date was moved up considerably and she had actually been working nonstop since she got home.

Alexis! Alexis! Are you here? Kristina said coming from the front door

Im up here! Alexis called back

Alexis stood in front of the mirror before she heard her sisters voice. She had splashed water on her face trying to break the dizzy spell that had come over her a few seconds before.

She quickly composed herself at the sound of Kristinas voice


Hi Alexis said smiling at her sister

I was hoping you would be here. I know youve been busy but I wanted Alexis?

Hmm she said sounding distracted

Are you ok?

Im fine why?

You look a little pale

Im fine, Im just stressed about this case thats been driving me crazy for the past couple of weeks

Have you been sleeping?

Kristina! Knowing she hadnt

Are you getting enough Vitamin C, you know not having enough Vitamin C will

Kristina! now interrupting her rant

You just have a different aura around you she said questionably but then maybe its just you with Ned she said now smiling

Im sure thats it, she said smiling back trying to appease her sisters cosmic views

Um I can actually see youre in a hurry and I wont bother you right now

Kristina if theres something

No, No I just wanted to see my sister and yap, I promise! Knowing that she came to see Alexis because she had a strange feeling about her earlier

Ok Alexis looking at her sister as if she were still wondering what she wanted to talk about

Alexis followed Kristina down the stairs

Come by or call later if somethings up ok? We should get a verdict today so

Ok, good luck then she said kissing her sister on the cheek and they went out the door their separate ways

Alexis spent the rest of the day in court. Alexis couldnt have been more relieved that the verdict was going to be read that day. She thought for sure she was coming down with something and the thought that coming down with whatever it was in the middle of her case was going to be horrific especially if she kept having the dizzy spells.

Would the defense please stand

Alexis and her client rose. And Alexis head began to spin as she rose too quickly and she tried to hold herself steady. Not only had Alexis been completely stressed but she hadnt made time for breakfast that morning much less lunch.

The verdict was announced and Alexis smiled her way through and then made her way to the restroom. She stood with her back up against the door of the stall trying to catch her breath and to let her head stop spinning. When it finally stopped and the restroom was clear she came out of the stall and splashed water on her face again trying to get herself back together and to get home as soon as possible.

Alexis began to walk down the hall to head out the door when a colleague stopped to talk with her about the case. As he spoke to her his words became more and more distant and Alexis found it hard to focus on his face. The more he spoke the more nauseated she became and she found herself trying to do anything to take control but the last thing she heard was her own heart beating louder and faster.

Her name is Alexis Davis and she passed out at the Courthouse her vitals are now stable the paramedics said wheeling Alexis in. were having trouble finding a vein for the

Monica rushed over at the sound of Alexis name.

Alexis! Alexis its Monica can you hear me?

Alexis opened her eyes groggily to the sound of her voice.

Alexis throat was dry as she tried to swallow.

Do you know why you collapsed? Monica said leaning into her.

Alexis shook her head slightly

Just then Ned came storming through.


The nurse stopped him before he could get to her.

Im sorry sir but are you of any relation to Ms. Davis?

Shes my wife

Monica looked up stunned catching Neds words. She at first she thought he must have told her to let him through but then she looked down to see the diamond ring and wedding band that was twisted on Alexis finger.

Let him through Monica said waiving him next to her

Hey baby he said grabbing her hand

Ned did you two forget to mention something?

We got married while we were in The Hamptons Ned shot at Monica as if it were no longer a big deal

You did what?!

Can we discuss this later! Is she ok?

She seems to be fine now but we need to find out why this happened Monica then looked down to Alexis have you been stressed lately or had any symptoms like dizziness

Shes been working night and day Ned interrupted

Well its probably not too much to worry about. It may just be a combination of stress, exhaustion and not eating today might have just thrown her over the edge Monica said encouragingly Well take her up stairs for a few tests just to be sure

Ned and Alexis waited on the 5th floor for the doctor to come back with Alexis test.

Its not worth it honey

I won

Alexis! Ned looking at her in almost disbelief

Honey its over Ill take care of myself better and I wont let it happen again

I cant handle the hospital calling me in the middle of the day telling me they just brought you in. Alexis it

Ned its ok, Im ok, can we change the subject

Ned let out a sigh

Did you see Monicas face when she found out we were married, Alexis said trying not to seem to satisfied

Ned shook his head back and forth letting a grin cover his worried face

The doctor walked in interrupting them. Im Dr. Alexander, Monica told me you were a special patient. She said smiling as she shook both of their hands

Well is everything ok? Ned said letting worry overcome him again

Yes everything will be just fine. It seems your body just wore itself out. Besides the stress, anxiety, incorporate not eating and its no wonder someone in your condition collapsed today

My condition? Alexis said not letting out a breath

Youre pregnant

Shes what?

Alexis said nothing

Are you sure? the dimples appeared lighting up his face

Alexis unnoticeably went without expression and held back the small panic attack.

If you would like to see how far along

Yeah Ned said still stunned and inadvertently jumping before Alexis could say anything not that she was going to

Ill be right back then! Congratulations to the both of you!

Suddenly the doctor had left but there was no longer just two sitting there as it seemed only a few minutes before. Ned turned to look at Alexis and he saw that her chest seemed to cave in and out.

Alexis! Honey Ned walked towards her and put his arms around her

Alexis only let him showing no emotion back

Honey Ned whispered now trying not to panic at the expression on her face

The doctor again interrupted them bringing in the nurse behind her

Um maybe this isnt the best time doctor. Um we need to let this set in. Ned said hoping to make a clear point

Are you sure? The doctor now noticed Alexis face Thats fine, just make an appointment as soon as possible ok She smiled trying to be comforting but to not get in the middle And remember you have to take care of yourself Alexis

By the time the door had closed Ned turned to see Alexis face buried in to the palm of her hands.

Honey please, at least talk to me

Can we just go home, please the tone of her voice didnt change throughout her plea

Ned got her coat and wrapped it around her. She felt cold to his touch.

On the ride home Alexis stared out the window of the passenger seat. Ned placed his hand on her thigh letting her know that he was there but he now wasnt sure what to say.

They reached the house and he opened the door and followed her in. She turned quickly to look at him before she went upstairs.

Will you call Kristina and tell her I cant see her tonight like planned. Just tell her that Im tired

Alexis! Ned said as tears welled up in his eyes

But she had already made it half way up the stairs