
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen
Continuing A Love Story
Chapter Six

Ned woke the next morning and just as he feared she wasnt beside him. He got up to look for her immediately hoping that she hadnt left him. He walked down stairs to see her siting on the couch in the silk pajamas he had given her. She was sitting there quietly and he watched her as she stared into space. For a moment he didnt know if he should bother her or let her sort out all that was probably running through her head.

Ned walked up behind her making enough noise so that he wouldnt scare her and he sat down beside her. She looked over to him this time not changing the expression on her face to pretend that everything was all right. Ned reached for her hand but she folded her arms across her chest.

Dont she whispered

Ned leaned over putting the palm of his hands to his face. She then placed her hand on his back and he looked over to her

Im sorry that wasnt what I wanted to do, she said regretfully

Alexis please talk to me, he said making it obvious that he would plead with her if he had to

Tears welled up in her eyes as he had given her the go ahead

He couldnt stand to see her hurt the way she was and he wasnt sure he could fix anything though he would have done anything to be able to do it.

Im sorry I freaked out about the ring, she said looking at him apologetically for starting something else between them

Honey you have every right to freak out about the ring, it is a big deal.

I failed


I failed, I failed you, I failed me and I dont know why I did or why that I cant single tears were now uncontrollably flowing down her cheeks

You didnt fail it just wasnt right for you he was trying to be reasonable

It couldnt have been more right she was now shaking her head slowly back and forth

Alexis dont

Whats wrong with me?

Youve been hurt

But shouldnt I just get over it

Some things you just cant get over he shot back

But I want to Ned I really do It hurts to be like this. It hurts when I push people away, when I push you away. God its not like I dont need you or want you

I know and he did

They both paused for a moment and Alexis looked as if she were collecting her thoughts

Why cant you save me?

Ned didnt know how to respond to that unexpected question. He always wanted to be the one that she counted on to protect her and to be there for her but when it came down to it he questioned could he do these things. Could he save her?

I want to but all I can do is love you Alexis. Thats all I have is this love for you. It makes me absolutely crazy and it makes me calm in the when I need it the most and thats all I have to offer you.

Im a strong woman Ned. Im competent and I can get through a lot of things. But one day I fell in love with you. And this time it wasnt just love that would go away when I willed it to, but look what I did to love, look what I did to you

Maybe thats what it took

She looked at him puzzled at his comment

It took doing what I did?

Yes maybe thats what it took to get us here. For not just you but for me too. Maybe we really needed to learn what love is or what its like to love someone so much that when it falls apart you have to put it back together because you cant live without it

Alexis leaned her head against his shoulder and tucked her arm in between his and his body intertwining her fingers with his. They sat there for a moment letting their understandings sink in.

It can only get better from here he whispered into the top of her head

She shook her head agreeing with him. Then looked up at him

You think Im crazy dont you

Unquestionably he said looking at her and cracking a smile

She gave him a smile back to let him know things were ok and then placed her head back on his shoulder giving herself more time to think.

Sometimes I wish we could disappear

Ned looked at her from her out of the blue comment

I mean just go somewhere where I didnt worry about what people thought or even what I thought and just not have to live my life for just a second

They paused for a moment as Ned was thinking

Then Ill take you away

Ned be serious now looking at him still in a somber face

You have a couple days left on this self initiated vacation. Let me take you away and give you a chance to completely relax just as you wish.

I just moved into the cottage and Ned you have to work

Your house will be there when you get back and what is grandfather going to fire me? Besides all I have to do is tell Grandmother if he gives me any trouble. She loves you and if she finds out its all for you Alexis all you have to say is yes and its done

You make escaping sound so easy

Its easy to do when your heart is in it Alexis

When can we leave?

Let me make a few phone calls and he kissed her on the forehead


You know that coffee you were going to make me every morning

Oh yes coffee first, getaway plans second he said grinning back at her