
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen
Continuing A Love Story
Chapter Two

Im a strong woman, Im smart, Im successful, I have money, Im capable Alexis stopped, letting the air out of the pep talk to herself as she paced the floor.

Alexis stopped her pacing and looked out of her window at Port Charles below her. Then she then turned to look around the living room of her penthouse. She took a deep breath and walked over to her desk and picked up the phone.

Nicholas Cassadine

Hey its Alexis


I know youre probably busy but I needed to talk you whenever you get a chance

Is something wrong?

No, no everythings fine I just needed to ask you something and talk with you

Ok, actually do you want to have lunch? I havent seen you in a while

Alexis didnt expect to speak with him that soon about her sudden whim.

Um sure why not?

I was craving a sandwich from Kellys

Kellys it is. Say in an hour

Great! See you then


And she hung up the phone

An hour later she was sitting at a table across from Nicholas.

So whats up?

I was wondering if you were renting out the cottage now that you living are at Wyndemere?

Actually its been vacant since we moved out but I am still keeping the horses in the stables. Why? Are you interested?

Actually I am. I need a different view, you know maybe some grass and a front porch

Are you ok?

You keep asking that

I know but I thought you were happy in your penthouse and who is going to

To what? Take care of me?

I didnt say that. Maybe cook for you but not take care of you, he said trying to ease his comment with a grin.

How soon are you looking to move?

As soon as possible I think

I have a pretty light schedule today if you would like to take a look around the cottage this afternoon.

I would love to

Nicholas laid the money for the bill out on the table.

You dont have to do that Ive got it

No my wonderful Aunt goes to lunch with me I want to treat her.

Youre so sweet

Nicholas stood up giving Alexis a kiss on the cheek

Ill see you around 4:00

Sounds good

Alexis got back to her penthouse and sitting outside her door was a movie and a box of popcorn. She leaned down picking it up and read the handwritten note attached.

I got one of your favorite movies and some
popcorn (again your favorite kind of course)
hoping that you might take time to relax on
your time off.

A smile appeared on her face unconsciously. She had forgotten how good it felt to have him on her side. And it seemed so high school but even having a note to her from him was adoring. She didnt mean to just gush over having a civil conversation with Ned this morning or the kind gesture but she couldnt help it. A lot of time had passed and everyday day she tried not to wake up and wish he was there but some things, some people like the love of your life, you just dont get over and it being a year later had proven that.

She sat down on her couch and held what Ned had given her in her arms. She tried to think through her feelings though when it came to Ned nothing ever came out black and white. She had to get through what had broken she and Ned. She had to be honest with herself, do things that made her better. If it was him she needed to be with, then he needed her to be her old self, still neurotic but Alexis Davis his lady lawyer.

4:00 came around quick and Nicholas was waiting on her when she arrived.

You know I was thinking about you moving in here and I really do think its perfect for you

I do love it here, and its quiet

Alexis now trying to evaluate her actions


Would you tell me if everything wasnt ok?

Alexis turned and looked at Nicholas.

I told you everythings fine and Ill tell you honestly that Im doing all of this because I want, no I need to make some changes in my life. And the first thing I need to do is just find a little peace and Im not getting it in my penthouse

Are you keeping the penthouse?

No it has to go

Did something happen with you and Sonny?

God she was beginning to hate that question

Were fine. Im just not his lawyer anymore

And youre both ok with this?

Nicholas were both fine with it now sounding frustrated He understands that I want, no I need to change things in my life. She let put a sigh questioning should she let him in on all of this craziness she was creating. Nicholas I need to change for purely selfish reasons and getting away and making these changes I think will make me happy

Then thats all that matters he said trying to understand

So is the place mine? Please dont say you have to do a back ground check, Id never have a place to live Alexis teased

Well I think maybe you should cut out the wild parties but other than that the place is yours.

Thank you Nicholas

She and Nicholas had become even closer now that Stefan was gone. Alexis wanted to keep her family close together and Nicholas and Kristina both agreed thats what they wanted more than anything and they had stuck to it. It was a new version of the Cassadines, which at first seemed a little strange but then again strange is what they did best.

She stepped off the elevator to see Johnny standing by Sonnys door peering around to see who it was.



Sonny home?



Ill tell him youre here

Sonnys eyes quickly widened to the sight of Alexis standing in his doorway. Her jeans fit every curve of her body and complimented her long legs. He couldnt help but look at her in that way. He always knew she was a woman under her lawyer self but what all had happened between them made him notice now more than ever.
But he also as her friend he tried to understand all that she was doing and though he was loosing one hell of a lawyer that could come back anytime she pleased he didnt want to drag her down any farther than he felt like he had. If he was her friend, now was the time to prove it.

Hey Alexis


How was your day off? he said almost amused at his own question because he still wondered how long it would all last

Actually I had a great day, she said with enthusiasm

Good he said nodding and sounding sincerely satisfied that she seemed happy for once in a long time.

Um Sonny

Yeah intrigued by her hesitation

Im moving out

WHAT? He didnt mean to raise his voice at her

Its that whole change, find me thing

You cant find you in your own penthouse?


Sonny made a face at her and started pacing around the floor and she watched him until he stopped in front of her

Its hard to find a good neighbor he said being light with her

Sonny youll find another neighbor and maybe this one will leave you alone when you want to actually be left alone. Now can the spring you out a jail like I can? Doubt it but youll replace me

No I wont, no I cant - replace you Alexis

Ill still live in Port Charles its not like Im shipping out

What About Kristina?

Shes spending time in Paris and we talked it over last night. Shes fine with it

Ok, and who will feed you? Sonny was now trying to come up with and excuse he could though he was failing miserably.

Im not a puppy, she said defensively

Ok who will I cook for?

Oh lots of people Johnny, Max, your sister, Michael, and hey maybe even Carly she said raising an eyebrow.

Ok I get your point. Are you really moving out?

I was pretty sure that was just the point I made

Alexis turned around to walk out the door

When are you going?

Alexis looked at Sonny and thought it was adorable how he was almost pouting at the fact she was moving out

As soon as possible actually she said biting down on her lip as if she were still unsure of what to do with her new found of freedom

Sonny didnt understand her rush but she wanted to do everything she wanted while her mind was set to it. She didnt want to back down or chicken out on her new outlook on life.

Sonny shook his head as Alexis opened the door

Ill see ya later ok

Yeah he said in his own subtle way letting her know he wasnt happy

The next day Johnny hesitantly brought boxes in for Alexis to pack

Johnny how did I get so much stuff!!

Youre a woman

What Alexis sat down the box and looked at Johnny as if he had said the complete wrong thing

I mean youre a woman and women have a lot of sorry

Alexis snickered

You dont have to go you know in Johnnys own shy way of persuasion

I know but I think I need to

If Sonny did something he didnt mean to now apologizing

Alexis smiled at Johnny He didnt do anything to make me move I just Im staying in the cottage my nephew lived in and its nice, open, peaceful Alexis interrupted herself but had started to ramble. Still Johnny listened to every word.

Johnny and Alexis conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door.

Just a second

Alexis jumped over boxes of stuff opening the door to see Ned standing there.


Ned first noticed her disheveled look

Hi. What are you doing?

Alexis opened her door wider to let Ned see inside her penthouse.

Early Spring cleaning?

Moving actually

By then Johnny had realized it was Ned and decided that he should leave them alone. Johnny however was protective of Alexis and he knew that if she ever needed him all she had to do was call his name he knew though she wouldnt with Ned there. As much as he disliked the guy Johnny knew what was between Ned and Alexis.

Ill be out in the hall

Johnny thank you

Ned looked back at Alexis Youre moving?

Yes Alexis grinning as if she was amused by her sudden spur of the moment decisions

When did you decide this?

Actually the day before yesterday

Ok, and where are you going?

Im moving into Nicholas cottage

Ned took a moment to look at Alexis whatever it was she was doing or that she was going through made her glow. Unusual and slightly crazy as it all seemed

Did you get what I left for you?

Oh yeah I did! Alexis face brightened

I guess you havent had time to relax?

This all seems crazy doesnt it? She said planting herself in between boxes

I , I , you do what you have to

Are you gloating about me moving, she said trying to seem like she was teasing

No he said letting a small grin come across his face trying to not seem in any way overly happy she was distancing herself from Sonny

Im doing this for me Ned

Ned now had made his way to her and helped her put books in a box

Im glad, he said sincerely

Alexis stopped for a moment to look at him. She didnt mean to make her pause seem so noticeable but she looked at his familiar face and the way his voice carried to her ears and she wanted to touch him, she wanted to scream at him and she wanted him.

Alexis then stood up trying to get out of the moment.

Alexis realizing what she was doing

Alexis looked at him. There was so much she needed to say to him and most of it held her back because she felt like she had to confess how truly neurotic she was, but she decided to make a move of honesty.

I have to get out of here Ned, she said looking at him with much less boldness than before

Ok not sure of how to answer

I dont like who Ive become

Alexis not wanting her to talk like that

Everything fell apart Ned, she said giving him a look that directed her comment to him.

Ned understood her every word maybe not the depths but he understood what it felt like especially to have everything fall apart.

And I cant do it anymore. I cant try and be protector of everyone. I cant save the day and Im tired, Im just tired

She had hit her breaking point. She didnt mean to, she didnt mean to let Ned be her sounding board or to fall apart in front of him when she was suppose to be strong

Ned was now standing in front of her. And he took her hand and pulled her towards him. He didnt mean for it in anyway to try to re-create a spark between them he just wanted to hold her.
His arms were now wrapped around her like a human shield and her body fit like a piece of a missing puzzle to his. He had to let her know that the world wasnt as lonely as she thought it had become that she always had him.