
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen
Continuing A Love Story
Chapter Fourteen

Just as Ned had promised he and Alexis took marriage, pregnancy and all that came with it day by day, though the days seemed to be coming faster and faster.

Alexis was now reaching the point of miserable and though Ned and everyone tried to make it a wonderful experience for her it was still completely overwhelming at times and she was exhausted mentally and physically for being as pregnant as she was.

Alexis, the invincible lady lawyer was giving in. Certainly not without a fight but day by day even thinking about reading stacks of legal briefs were interrupted by two sets of feet and two sets of hands pushing at her insides.

So unwillingly she was already in to the first few days of her maternity leave and she was learning how to spend the day having conversations with her babies and to just take it easy before chaos broke loose.

Alexis stood in between two cribs only a couple of feet apart from each other. She looked at each of them both adorned with soft bunnies and bears and elephants from already adoring fans. Though she had spent the morning mostly in bed by doctors advice she couldnt help but stay from their room too long because it was like having something tangible of them even though they werent even here yet.

Alexis had gotten use to the idea over the past few months that she would be their mother. It still scared her to death but she had already become a protective mother just having them inside of her.

You should be resting Ned said peering in from the hallway interrupting her thoughts

Alexis smiled at the sight of him

My brain was going to mush watching TV and I cant concentrate on reading for all the commotion so I got up to look around I guess

I think youre more ready than I am, Ned said giving her an excited grin

I cant wait to see them Ned

I know me either honey but, the longer it is the better

I know, she said patiently

Any more contractions since last night

A few this morning but they were really far apart

Ned took Alexis by the hand. Even for a woman who was about to give birth to twins he couldnt help but think how astonishingly beautiful she was and not to mention amazing for going through all of this.

What do you say you and I spend the afternoon in bed? He said trying to give her incentive to stay put

Sounds good she said giving in to his dimpled grin and following him into the bedroom.

Ned was being the perfect husband, he tried every position and every pillow, anything to make Alexis comfortable though he knew the only thing that would finally let her rest would be to just get this over with. Her skinny frame was now overwhelmed, and though her hormones sometimes took control she still took this all like a trooper to say the least.

Ned watched her swollen body as she finally slept. He couldnt help but be amazed by her but also sorry that she might have been pushed in to this unwillingly. He knew that her heart had changed and she was now looking forward to being a mother but he also wondered how much she regretted being pregnant and maybe even more marrying him after having her life turned upside down if not even taken away from her.
Ned moved his hand to the baby kicking up under it and Alexis shifted unconsciously at his touch rather than the kicks, which she had now become familiar with.

He fell asleep not too long after. He too was exhausted mostly staying up nights making sure she was ok. Yes it was him being paranoid and over protective but he would have done anything to make sure his wife and his babies were comfortable.

They both slept for hours and by 7:30 that night the contractions had started again. This time they were a little stronger and occurred more often. Alexis tried not to wake Ned hoping that it was only like before and the contractions were nothing to worry about and that they would stop soon. By the time the contractions were coming faster than she cared to bear she managed to make it to the bathroom when she unconsciously let out a noise that made it clear this time she was in labor.

Honey! Ned said startled waking from the sound of her voice


Ned jumped up following her voice into the bathroom

My water just broke honeyGod help me!

Alexis its ok, I promise do you know how fast the contractions are coming

Ned, Im sorry but I cant seem to think much less count!

Ok let me get my watch ok

Get the damn watch!

Ned and Alexis arrived at the hospital and her contractions were coming every three to
four minutes.

Between each breath Alexis could only say, its too early

Dr. Alexander assured her that everything would be ok and that early delivery was likely in twins though she did wish Alexis had made it at least to 37 weeks but glad she had made it to 35.

They got Alexis to a room and set her up and monitoring her.

Ned please let them, their not ready, Im not ready, they, they cant come

Baby its ok, the doctor said their fine and their coming whether you like it or not he said trying to be sympathetic to the pain on her face as another contraction came to

A few hours later Alexis had started to push.

Ok, ok stop pushing now Alexis! Here is our boy!

The doctor rose a tiny baby boy in the air for both of them to see

We need to give him a little oxygen ok, hes perfect Alexis! His sister is coming so well clean him up ok

Alexis shook her head, exhausted and trying to take in what Dr. Alexander was saying. Only minutes later the doctor held up their baby girl and unlike her brother she came out screaming at the world. As if it should be another way than Alexis little girl finding her voice the second she was born.

Their both perfect! Dr. Alexander said looking at Alexis and Ned as the nurses cam towards them.

Baby boy

And the other nurse followed

And baby girl

Uncontrollable tears fell down Neds face at the site of the three of them. He had never see a sight more amazing than he had right then, looking at Alexis Davis the hard nose attorney holding a baby in each arm.

By the time everyone had gotten word. All waited patiently, well at least in their on way. Jax stayed on the phone giving a demanded play by play to Lady Jane and John, Edward and Nicholas paced back and forth from each other, Kristina made circles, and Stefan sat on the edge of his chair quietly with the rest of them.

Ok whose here for the Ashtons the nurse said walking toward the anxious bunch

Everyone stood.

All of you? Ok well their ready! Everyone in a single file now! she said grinning at the crowd

They all piled in to see Alexis red nosed and hair pulled in to a ponytail and one pink-blanketed baby and one blue.

The crowd gasped as they entered the room at the site of them.

Ned couldnt help but grin at all the people. These were the same people that couldnt stand being in the same room with each other much less all squeezed in like they were and that was just the Quartermanes. Alexis truly held a bond between enemies and it was never more apparent

Ned sat beside Alexis holding his baby girl who looked so tiny in her daddys arms

Everyone, we would like to formally introduce you to Hannah and Sam