
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen
Continuing A Love Story
Chapter Thirteen

Alexis lay her head across Neds chest as they both studied the picture propped up on the bedside table. Alexis refocused her eyes, without her glasses she could barely make out the foreign spec on the sonogram. Up on the top left hand corner it read Alexis Davis-Ashton. That meant the picture belonged to her, the foreign spec was inside of her and she was no longer allowed to protest because now it had been clearly stated and documented.

Alexis turned to look up at Ned as he still studied the sonogram. Watching his eyes marvel at the picture gave her the comfort she needed. She was trying to change how she felt about having this baby and savoring it. She had taken it to heart, after days of rational and irrational thoughts she decided both Ned and Kristina were right. She was given the opportunity to have this baby for a reason and maybe this was her chance in life to discover what its like to love and to be love unconditionally.

She kissed his chest at the opening of his collared shirt and then up to his neck and then to his chin, finding his lips. Ned grinned at her sudden moves to obviously seduce him under her spell and it was working.

She now was hovering herself over him letting the diamond from around her neck brush his lips.

Youre making me crazy, he said now completely captivated by this sudden seductive mood she was in.

Alexis never said a word in response only allowing her lips to pull at his, then straddling herself on to the top of him she watched is eyes as they began to wander and to explore her closely fitted jeans.

Alexis ran her fingers teasingly across his lips until his mouth devoured her finger. She again playfully let her finger scale his lips until he couldnt stand not having the taste of her but she only grinned. Ned fingers trailed slowly down to the button of her jeans and his thumb circled button but he was only teasing himself.

You are incredibly sexy Mrs. Ashton

By the time she had situated herself back on top of him, he had already started to undress her. Button by button from the white fitted shirt that would have never revealed that she was pregnant.

I love you

Ned beamed at her choice of words and he pulled her in to him. He turned letting her body fall beside his as he began to kiss her. With every button, every ounce of clothing came another soft kiss to each newly revealed part of her skin. Ned wished he could explain how he worshipped her body and that he would have done anything to please her.

Each kiss brought chills to her spine and her short breaths in let him know that he was doing everything right. She pulled his jeans and his boxers off of him and he slipped inside of her.

It was late Sunday afternoon and the world let them go by. Not an interruption, not a straying thought took them away from them making love, slowly making sure that every touch lingered on the others body.


Alexis was now four months pregnant and though the families had gotten use to the idea and were overjoyed, Alexis was still shy about being pregnant though it was becoming rather obvious and harder and harder for her to let the subject pass with each encounter.

Today Alexis had a simple check up just to make sure everything was on schedule. Ned had come by Alexis office to get her so they could go to Dr. Alexanders together.

Alexis lie there with her already rounded belly watching the screen. They had both decided to hold off on knowing the sex of the baby but this time they had given in. The one non-ending argument they had of late was boy or girl and everyone seemed to have an opinion. This time before they started taking bets they decided they would find out.

Dr. Alexander made a sudden move and turned the monitor slightly closer to where she could examine it better.

Is something wrong? Ned asked not liking the puzzled look on her face.

No, no! I just needed to take a closer look, the doctor said giving an assuring smile

What are we looking at? Alexis said trying not to panic

Dr. Alexander pointed to the pulse on the screen and looked at Ned and Alexis

Heartbeat Ned answered

Dr. Alexander moved her finger to another pulse on the screen

Oh my God! Alexis said understanding fully what the doctor was showing them

Well guys, looks like we have two babies

Oh my God! Stunned wasnt the word for Alexis face You have to be kidding!

Oh my God! Ned said but in a different tone

Alexis hands covered her face as she tried to let out a deep breath.

Honey? Ned said hoping she wouldnt have a panic attack

Ned and Alexis were sent home with a new sonogram fully expecting to have a baby girl or boy to share with the crowd. Instead they were sent of with a sonogram of a boy and a girl labeled nicely with the name up in the left-hand corner Alexis Davis-Ashton.

Were not going there anymore, Alexis said rubbing her temples sitting in the passenger seat of the car

Were not going to the doctor any more? Ned said questioning her comment

Ned every time we go there its something else that causes me to be nauseated and another thing while were on the subject of things were not going to do anymore, were not having sex anymore either. Look what weve done!

Ned let out a snickering laugh

Youre laughing?

Im sorry I think its the irony

I remember specifically only signing up for one baby Alexis paused for a moment Oh my God, Ned!

This one even Ned had no answer for, this time the news was a little too overwhelming to promise her they would be fine. He was sure he could handle a baby. But two babies at one time? When Ned had a moment to let this settle into his head, he himself found it hard to be able to breathe.

They were now sitting in the driveway and neither one of them had made a break for the house

Honey? Alexis said looking over at his panicked face Are you ok? now she was concerned

Uh Im fine

Alexis looked out from the window from her view from the passenger side. Then looking back at Neds expressionless face.

Ok! Alexis said changing her tone and letting her mind flow a thousand miles a minute were fine arent we? I mean we can handle this. Were smart, and, and, and Im not going anywhere with this speech but if I was I would tell you were going to be ok! Right?

Ned glanced over to her and he let his fingers intertwine with hers

Yes youre right well be ok. So well come home with one more baby. We can handle it Almost trying to re-assure himself more than re-assuring her.

A silence went between them before Alexis let out a slight snicker

What? Ned said turning to her

You know its just like us to have a boy and a girl. Neither of us wanted to be wrong about the sex of the baby so we have to have them at the same time We really should work on being so stubborn. Alexis said shaking her head