
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen
Continuing A Love Story
Chapter Seven

Alexis stood on the balcony over looking the ocean. The sun had almost set and the wintry air of The Hamptons was crisp but she let the air flow through her as if it were cleansing her. She inhaled the cold allowing her lungs to fill with the fresh air. Ned had done just as he promised and took her away from everything and from everyone. He walked up behind her wrapping his arms around her. He too allowed himself to breathe in the sea air.

Thank you she said feeling the irreplaceable grip around her.

Youre welcome, he said giving her a slight smile you should come inside though its getting colder out here.

Alexis brushed her hands up and down her arms as if she had only noticed the harshness of the cold by him mentioning it. She turned and followed him in but still glared out of the window from the closed door.

Ned sat down on the edge of the couch watching her. The woman that stood before him, so few had the honor to see. Dressed in a off white cashmere sweater with the neck swallowing hers, jeans and her hair pulled up loosely was far from the suit that was the customary Alexis Davis. If she wanted to escape her usual self she had at least dressed the part.

She turned around to see him admiring her and she walked up to him letting him place his hands at her hips under her sweater. The weight of his hands on her hipbones brought her to reality that she was standing there in front of him. She sat down facing him placing her hands on his knees letting her touch be what kept them connected.

I hope will be happy here, he said seriously

I already am, she said in almost a whisper

I need to say something to you though before we go any further

Alexis gave him a worried look

I want to apologize to you

Ned you dont

Yes I do. Youve spent the last couple of days telling me how sorry you were and Ive tried to comfort you. But in all that time half the blame has been mine and I never once said Im sorry to you and I beg that you will forgive me

Only if you forgive me for my part she said with the utmost sincerity

Alexis leaned in cupping his chin in the palm of her hand letting her mouth sink into his.
She leaned back looking into his eyes. They both kept mostly silent as if they were savoring their every word wanting their actions to be how they responded to each other.

I want to show you how much I love you she said now standing in front of him as he joined her face to face

Ned pulled her sweater off of her letting the cashmere fall against her back as he let it drop to the ground. His hands pushed at the skin on her back as they rose up to run up the back of her neck and into her hair. Alexis let her hair fall hitting her shoulders as Ned buried his face into the nape of her neck. She ran her fingers through his hair as he kissed her neck repeatedly. He pulled away from her long enough for his lips to re-connect with hers. And then she pulled away to take his sweater off and the kiss and kiss again. They made their way to the bed as her body sank into the silk that covered the bed as his body lay on top of hers.

Her body naked to his pleasure and to hers the way he ran his hand from her ankle to her thigh, keeping rhythm as they made love. Ned and Alexis had proven time and again that they could bring pleasure to one another so they had nothing to prove. They were only allowing each other to show their love, and to show respect. The physical part was only what completed them.

Their fingers still lay intertwined from their previous actions. And they lie there wrapped in each other letting their hearts calm and letting the pace of each of their breaths slow.

I love you Alexis he whispered into her ear

I love you too, she said matching his tone

And he let her drift off to sleep. Watching her every breath just as he had done from the moment she allowed him to lay beside her again until he to drifted off with the comfort of knowing.

Her hair was lying perfectly across the pillow, as the sheet lay around her waist letting her bare back be exposed to him. There were so many times before that he has awoken to see her lying there after a night of making love to her, and though he had once taken it for granted he knew now to thank God everyday that he would be the one to be so lucky.

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. Right on cue, just as he had ordered. A light breakfast, her morning coffee and a single red rose.

He placed the rose at the top of her back letting the loose petals lightly touch her and she awoke at the softness against her bare skin.

A smile covered her face at the sight of him sitting on the edge of the bed beside her.

Good morning beautiful his dimples glaring

Good morning she said now letting her arms stretch

Your coffee is ready when you are madam

She smiled at his promise to keep her caffeine addiction in tact.

He now handed her a robe and she sat up putting it on. Her body glowed to him as the sun shown through the wintry clouds and onto her skin. She pulled the tie securely around her waist and looked at him

Thank you for last night

I should be thanking you, he said now handing her the cup of coffee

They were now back to the couch and Alexis in her typical fashion sat with her legs pulled up under her pulling apart bits of croissant.

I love that you eat

What? she said giving him a strange look at his comment

The way you eat - I love it!

Im hungry

He only let out a soft laugh at her as she continued to pull the croissant apart and then stuff a bite into his mouth.

So do you want to do anything today or should I make plans for further room service?

Beach! she answered wide eyed like a child

Secretly a member of the Polar Bear Club?

Ned please! The sun is shinning and we can bundle up! I just wanna feel the sand and see the water up close!

Ned sighed at the thought of bearing the cold Well get dressed!

She leaned in over him kissing him and then scrambled into the bedroom. Ned shook his head and then followed so he too could get dressed.

The sun on the beach made the cold air bearable and made for a beautiful day. Ned was madly in love with the woman from Port Charles but being away did something to her, it made her excited and it seemed to give her much needed room to breathe.

They walked down the beach and up to the road and stopped at the shops along the way. They both laughed at the contagious laughter of the children as they past them by on their bicycles. They too seemed happy to take in the sun.

They spent most of the day exploring and Alexis had kept true to her usual antics this time rather that keeping her true colors concealed between the two she seemed to charm almost everyone with an ocean view. Ned had honestly and sadly never seen her so happy. She was like a free spirit as if she had woken up and decided to live another life and it made her unexplainably beautiful in every way.

They sat in the late afternoon in a small coffee shop. Alexis sipped her coffee but seemed to hardly take her eyes of the view.

Youre intrigued, he said interrupting her stare


I didnt know you loved the ocean so much

Alexis looked at Ned and noticeably paused hesitant to share.

What is it? he said ignorant of what she was about to tell him. She looked at his innocent face

I just remember playing on the beach when I was a child.


My mother and Mikos were still meeting secretly and sometimes they would meet on a remote beach somewhere and they would send me out to the beach with my nanny while they carried on their affair.

And it was good for you then? Ned had been shut out on most of the stories of her past and he didnt mean to be over eager or intrusive by his questions

Yes it was but not long after that my mother became pregnant with Kristina and then Lets not talk about it anymore ok?

Ok. But Alexis I want you to know its ok to, when you need to

She gave him a quick smile trying to be appreciative that he cared so much

Ned had arranged a romantic dinner oceanfront of course complete with candlelight. He spent dinner charming her and did anything to hear the sound of her laugh.

One more thing before we go

Alexis looked at him curiously

I cant say I brought you here and didnt ask you to have one dance with me and he held out his hand

She latched her hand into his and followed him out onto the floor. Her cheek pressed against his as he held her perfectly against him. As perfect as the night they danced together at the Nurses Ball. The music had stopped and they still both stood there swaying. Every eye in the room could have stared, but at that point they didnt notice they had fallen in love again and again. He kissed her and when their lips broke they both spun into reality.

It seemed like a long and torturous journey back to their room and she had already began to unbutton his shirt. By the time they had reached the inside of the room they both smirked at the sound of the door slamming as Ned slammed Alexis into it. He kissed down her body madly then back up again. He was already mostly undressed from her steady work and unzipping the back, her dress fell to the ground. He couldnt stand it anymore not having her and she followed him to the floor. Right there in the middle of the living room they screamed each others names to express the emotions they were feeling and they made passionate love to each other.

Still lying in the floor, Ned had stolen the comforter from the Bed and they lay beside the fire made for them.


Hmm he said not taking complete notice yet of the seriousness of her face

The ring

Ned leaned up to face her making sure he could hear her clearly

I want to wear your ring again? she was now biting her bottom lip I mean I would like

I would do anything if you would, he said interrupting her

You have done everything, she said letting a single finger trail back and forth on his chest

Ned took her hand and kissed her naked finger and they made love again.