
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen
Continuing A Love Story
Chapter Five

The thunder woke Ned as it rattled against the windowpanes of Alexis bedroom. It was still early morning and Alexis lay still in his arms. The room was dark from the rain that fell hard on the roof and the thunder had yet to wake her. She looked peaceful and content with the world lying there her bare shoulders exposed out from under the covers.

He watched as she breathed in and then out as her beauty overwhelmed his eyes. He brushed the lingering strands of hair as he ran his finger down her shoulder. He then saw her eyes flutter at his touch. She struggled to open her eyes as she looked over at him. His dimples greeted her as the realization that she was lying there with him still set in.

Good morning she whispered

Yes it is, he said kissing her palm that he held to his lips

It seems like a bad storm out there now looking towards the window

What storm? he said not taking his eyes off of her

Ned! she said still groggy

Ned was still watching her as she situated herself in bed.

What? she said as if him starring at her made her slightly uneasy

You are so beautiful, now flashing his dimples to her

And you are so sexy! rolling over, now leaning over him on all fours as she kissed him flirtatiously

They kissed until he followed her sitting up in bed. She wrapped her legs around him and he ran his hands all over her body.

You feel so good he whispered into her ear

She leaned in closer to him letting their bodies intertwine with the others and they made love again as they had just hours before.

They lie there after making love, listening to the rain beat against the roof. The dark and haziness of the day only made the setting more perfect and more excusable to be lying in bed together.

Ned leaned up to look at Alexis

Do you need your coffee?

It depends am I making it? she said scrunching her nose at him

No actually its my treat this morning he said getting out of bed


Yeah looking back at her

Every morning


Your treat every morning she said in a serious tone

Of course he said letting a satisfied smile cover his face

Ned went down stairs to make the coffee hoping that the electricity wouldnt go out before he could get his lady lawyer her morning cup of coffee

She came down stairs in her robe meeting him as he walked into the living room

Alexis, did someone besides Nicholas live here before you?

No why?

Because there is food in the refrigerator

Shut up!

Is it yours?

I went shopping

Are you serious?

Ned, I am capable of going shopping

I know, I know, he said looking at her wondering who she really was

Ned sat down on the couch and Alexis sat down beside him.

Coffee ok?

Its wonderful no, I mean really it is she said grinning only making fun of herself

Ned let his wrist settle as his hand stroked the inside of her thigh back and forth. She let him as if it was something he did everyday; just as if he made the coffee every morning and they would talk about everyday things, they had fit into the mold of two that easily. They set there letting the thunder crash around them. Sometimes the room would go silent but it wasn't uneasy like before. The silence now was now just assured them of what they were doing there together was right

Alexis, herself had been in so much turmoil in her head alone in the past year that she wouldnt dare think of what she had put her heart through. Just when she thought she was about to burst, just when she thought she couldnt pretend to be strong or happy anymore he was right there and maybe it was all wrong but God it felt so right. It was what it felt like to love him.

Ned had now found his way to the paper and Alexis leaned over reading over his shoulder.

Wait! he said looking puzzled

What? thinking he had some big revelation

Ned turned the paper over to look at the front

Alexis this paper is two days old

Alexis let out a hardy laugh and shook her head

Honey I know

Then why are we reading the paper from two days ago?

Because we dont have todays? she said in a smart allelic tone

He folded the paper and promptly playfully swatted her with it

Hey! she giggled

The crashing sound of thunder interrupted them as the lights followed. They were now sitting in the dark.

Alexis? Do you have a flashlight?

Ned, seriously!

Ned grabbed her and toppled over her and they began to kiss.

Two days had passed and Alexis had begun to already get restless over being home and the fact that Ned was working didnt make it any better. She decided that she would at least finish the week out for vacation and then she would go back to being Alexis Davis Attorney at Law first thing Monday morning. She decided she would at least try to take a quick run in the park and try not to kill her resolutions so quickly.

Hello ex-wife

Hello ex-husband she said now standing in front of Jax

Sticking to this exercise thing I see

Dont get too excited but I kind of like it, clears my head

Im so proud Jax said grinning letting his blue eyes sparkle at the sight of her. Will you come sit with me for a moment?

Of course Now walking over to the bench sitting down facing him Whats up?

I was just wondering what was up with you

What do you mean? She already knew the answer to her question

Heard you moved out and youre no longer working for Corinthos

Yeah so she said almost hoping to shock him with her nonchalant answer

Yeah so?

It worked

Just making some changes

Ok Jax paused for a moment but it still didnt allow him to catch what rolled off his tongue Does Ned know?

Why would Ned have to know? she thought she would play Jax for a while

Sorry I, I didnt mean to ask that I just

I dont know why everyone, including Ned Ashton insists on knowing everything I do as if I need a keeper

I am sorry and I know you dont need anyone to take care of you its just were concerned about you because we love you Jax said trying to apologize and he was flustered trying to make a quick peace

Well it really drives me crazy that everyone thinks Im that needy

Alexis? Jax now giving her an evil look

What? still serious

Ned knows doesnt he?

Alexis shook her head and very seriously said

Weve been sleeping together now for well, days now grinning

Youre back together? Jax was looking surprised

No, just sleeping together she shot back

Alexis thats great! He said ignoring her smart comments

Wow Jax, its better than talking to a woman


But dont say anything ok? Just let us take our time, we have a lot to work out

I know. But you do know you two are suppose to be together

Yeah I think we both are finally getting that

Alexis and Jax finished their conversation getting him up to date with her new outlook on life that she actually kind of laughed her way through as she told him all that she had done.

When she arrived home she saw a box sitting on her desk. She picked it up and the card read Alexis on the out side. She took it and sat down on the couch. She opened the box reading the card.

For you, Love Me

Alexis pulled out the midnight blue silk pajamas from the box. It was unmistakably known that Ned had a thing for her in pajamas.

Ned please

Yes Ms. Davis

Alexis silently smirked that his secretary knew her voice now.

Missing the pajamas hmm?

Do you like them?

Of course I love them thank you

Good he said sounding pleased with himself that he had pleased her

Do you know what time youre getting off work

Actually I have some business I need to take care of and I have to work late, Im sorry

No, do what you have to Ill be here trying not to sound to disappointed

I need to stop by the gatehouse and then I will be right over ok?

When Ned got to the gatehouse it was almost dark. He saw that her car was parked in the driveway and he opened the door calling her name.

BEDROOM! She yelled back

Ned peered into the bedroom to see the silk pajamas lying on the end of the bed.


Im in the bathroom

Ned walked in to see a tub full of bubbles and candles set strategically around the tub.


Hi he said looking thrilled to see her standing there in his robe

Thought I would surprise you but I cant find any matches for the candles

Oh I think theres some in the bed side table now walking towards the bedroom

Alexis stopped him No you get undressed and in the tub. Ill get the matches

Ok, ok already pulling at his tie

And Alexis turned to look at him just to get that one glance of the tie coming off

Alexis looked through the first drawer

Honey I dont see them

There on my side! He had said that without thinking though they hadnt slept in that bed together in a year she knew which was his side.

Alexis without hesitation went to the other bedside table. She too didnt realize the normality of what had said. She reached down into the drawer shuffling things. Strangely and what seemed at that moment unfortunately not only did Ned have matches in his bedside table but also a little burgundy box. A very familiar burgundy velvet box. Alexis hand unconsciously reached for it but she stopped herself before picking it up. She sat on the bed for a moment trying not to let emotions get the best of her.

Honey? Ned peered into the bedroom wrapped in a towel now looking at her somber face

When Alexis turned to look at him she looked startled but quickly changed her expression to tell him everything was fine

Honey whats wrong?

Um matches I um she couldnt do it. She couldnt come up with anything

Ned looked into the drawer and quickly saw the matches before his eyes set in on the box. The box that he kept there for a reason. The box he now couldnt believe he had made the mistake and forgotten it was there. Now Ned couldnt find the right words and set down beside her.

That ring was like a symbol of somewhat of a battle and her empty finger was like a scar. A scar she carried around everyday to remind her that she had failed. Ned could see her hand flinch as if she were holding back refusing to let it move. He leaned over her in a bold move and picked up the box out of the drawer. Still sitting beside her he opened it to let her see.

He watched her as if she were unraveling in front of him. Her breaths became faster and she became antsy as she ran her fingers across her hairline.

Ned in an almost torturous way held the box up to her.


I guess its not that hard to look at when its something you see all the time

Alexis looked at him and felt a sudden calm knowing why it was in his bedside table

Im sorry

Quit apologizing

Ned had already stood up


I believe theres a tub with mine and your names on it now letting what had just happen roll off of him.

Ned we cant just

Ignore it? he said interrupting her


Alexis Im not ignoring it Im just trying to get passed it ok? Now will you join me?

Alexis let out a deep breath and then stood up. She sat the opened box on the bedside table, clinched the matches in her hand and followed Ned into the bathroom.

He leaned back in the tub against her. Her playful mood had turned silent but he too had lost his focus. Strangely though in all that had been between them, all that was making it awkward for them, the one thing that gave comfort to them both was their bodies pressed against each other and the way the candle light glistened on to them and throughout the room.