
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen
Continuing A Love Story
Chapter Three

The doorbell rang and Alexis tripping over stacks of books and legal files tried to get to the door. She opened the door to see a deliveryman hidden behind two dozen white long stem roses.

Alexis eyes widened, stunned at the massive amount of flowers ready to be handed to her.

Ms. Davis? he said peering form behind the flowers

Thats me

Would you like me to sit these somewhere theyre actually pretty heavy?

Um sure you can put them right here, thank you!

No problem, enjoy

I certainly will

She opened the envelope and pulled out the card Welcome home was all it said

She bit her bottom lip and allowed herself to swallow the lump in her throat. Because his handwriting was familiar, the way he tried not to scribble. She set on the steps admiring the roses. Each one of them was opened to perfection.

She picked up the phone and debated on calling even hanging up twice but finally she decided she was being silly and she dialed his number a number that she still had to memory from now years ago.

ELQ, Ned Ashtons Office

Yes, Ned please

May I ask whos calling?

Alexis was all she said

One moment

Ned answered the phone very quickly after knowing it was her.

Hi she could hear that he was glad to hear from her just by the sound of his voice

Thank you



Youre welcome

Theyre absolutely beautiful but you shouldnt have

I wanted to get you a house warming gift but well I didnt know what to get you so I thought flowers would at least do until I could think of something better.

Ned there perfect

A silence went over the phone. Alexis could tell Ned was hesitating about something.

Uh Alexis


You must be unpacking

Yeah I have a few boxes to go but I have stuff everywhere

Um can I bring you dinner tonight?

Alexis could sense his nervousness and she even found herself thankful that Ned couldnt see the way she was fidgeting herself with the phone chord.

That would be really great, she said almost mellow trying not to sound too excited

Great was all he could think of to respond

Alexis opened the door to Ned standing there with dinner in hand as promised. He stood there and looked at her for a moment until she broke his stare. He couldnt help but look at her. He loved nothing more when the straight-laced lawyer put her hair in a ponytail and tossed the suit for her comfy clothes.


You just look

Awful I know, she said interrupting


Color came to her cheeks and she slightly bowed her head. She then directed him to come in, but before he did in he pulled the white rose from behind his back and held it out to her.

A grin went across her face and before she could say anything



Theres only 23 and this one makes 24

Ned she shook her head at how absolutely sweet he was.

Youve come a long way in the past couple of days, he said now looking around as he stepped inside

Yeah its coming along. Ive accumulated a lot of stuff though

Well it looks like I got here just in time, think you could use a break?

Definitely and I could also use what you have in your hand

You hungry?

Surprised I know! she said scrunching her nose at him

Alexis and Ned sat on the floor of the living room and had dinner. He had brought them a bottle of wine and after dinner they sat on the couch and kept each other in good company

Have we had this wine before?

God she said we

I brought it one night when you were married to Jax and I well stayed over

I remember now, that was a great night

I remembered that you had on a dark purple, silk night gown

Ned clinched his jaw and made a face revealing that he didnt mean to say that

Alexis blushed a little but she was glad he remembered

They paused for a moment not sure how to rescue themselves from that bit of conversation.

Ned? What are we doing? she asked being boldly honest

Trying to find what makes us happy? He said as if he were questioning it himself


He only looked at her not answering and she didnt repeat herself only letting her eyes gaze subconsciously at his lips

He leaned in, still unsure if he was making the right move but he let his lips touch hers and then broke away but he still remained close. She leaned in and kissed him and this time he reciprocated catching her bottom lip as the small kisses became passionate. They began to kiss uncontrollably wanting to taste each other over and over again. His hands gripped her sides to keep steady and her hand as it ran up his thigh, then to his face. Their kisses had turned into lust, turned into what was missing and all that was between them good and bad. Their breath was in sync with each other and each kiss only provoked another.

Neds hand cupped her face and then slid down her neck then his thumb covered the pendant hanging from her neck as his finger flirted with the opening of her shirt. Then Ned slightly bowed his head catching his breath. His heart was racing, as he knew hers was with his hand against her chest. He looked at Alexis trying to hold back his every will to not let his heart give into his body and his emotions.

He needed for things to go right this time and letting lust hold them together was not the basis of how he wanted them to be. He wanted to gain back her love. He wanted her to realize just as he had that she would not be able find herself complete without him.

We shouldnt he whispered

I know she whispered back