
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen
Continuing A Love Story
Chapter Nine

Is there anyway we could speed up the process? I understand that but have they never heard of a wedding on the spur of the moment? Yes Ill hold Ned walked into the shop on his cell phone looking around. Hello yes, I know this is not Vegas. Yes, ok, ok. Let me tell you what can be done You help me and Ill make sure its worth your while. Yes, so the license will be ready? Thank you so much and he hung up the phone and the saleswoman immediately eyed him.

Can I help you sir?

I need a tie actually, Ned said looking around the room already befuddled

Is there any name or color you are looking for in particular sir?

Um well I dont really know its the tie Im wearing to get married. Does that come in a particular color?

Oh! Well its a very important that you choose the right one. You will remember this day forever

I definitely will, he said suddenly grinning at the thought of Alexis

You know we also have other options besides ties if you would like to change the look a little

No, no she prefers ties he let out a small smirk Trust me she definitely has a thing for ties

Hello there may I help you the sales lady now stood behind her as Alexis browsed.

Can I help you with something? she said still trying to grab her attention

Um maybe Alexis said not giving her at first direct attention

Well I would be happy to help you if needed

Alexis turned to look at her.

All of a sudden it seems so silly but I need a dress, to get married she said shyly

Of course! And congratulations dear, whens the big day?

Well in about 4 hours Alexis said biting down on her bottom lip

Oh well we better find you a dress the saleswoman said as her face brightened

Alexis had style. She knew how to dress to make herself look brilliant in her Armani suits and to dress herself to at least feel sexy at times but the thought of running a quick errand to pick out the dress she was going to marry Ned in seemed impossible.

I think that one will be perfect Mr. Ashton! the saleswoman shrilled with delight

Ned stood there looking at himself in the mirror. His first thought was would she love it? He fidgeted at his suit and then straitened his tie again. I do, he said in his head. I do, he said now in a different tone before letting out a deep breath.

I do think she will be thrilled to see you the saleswoman said peering from behind him in the mirror.

Thank you he said letting a grin cover his face

Thats the one Alexis!

Alexis ran her hands down the sleek sides of the dress that seem to reveal her every curve.

Are you sure? Alexis said feeling self-conscious

You look absolutely wonderful

Thank you Margaret Alexis smiled graciously, appreciating her new friend

Alexis looked at herself in the mirror once more. Her first thought was, would he love it?
She turned again and then back looking in to the mirror. I do, she said in her head I do she said again now in a different tone.. She lifted he chin as if she were checking her level of confidence and then she turned to look at Margaret standing there admiring the nervous bride.

Ok! Alexis said letting out a deep breath and then letting a slight shy grin of satisfaction come to her face.

You know you put the literal meaning into being a blushing bride

Alexis smiled at Margaret but it only made her blush more

When Alexis arrived back to their suite a dozen red roses sat on the table waiting for her. She shook her head in amazement that he made time to give her flowers. As she admired the roses she saw the note sitting on the table and picked it up.

Dearest Alexis,

Will you marry me?


Tears streamed down Alexis face as she held the note against her heart. She could feel her body flutter at the lingering effects his question had on her.

She then looked around, her eyes glancing at the clock. She was suppose to meet Ned in less than an hour. Before she started to get ready she called to the front desk.

Hi this is Alexis Davis

Yes Ms. Davis he said interrupting her making it clear he was aware of her name

Ned Ashton should be walking through not too long from now would you give him a message for me?

Certainly Ms. Davis

Would you tell him Alexis said the answer is yes

It would be my pleasure!

Alexis could almost see the smile that covered that persons face from the sound of their voice as if they knew. Alexis thought to herself did everyone in the hotel know by now. She sqwinched her nose and then shook her head letting out a slight laugh at the thought.

Alexis now stood at the elevator waiting for it to come for her as if it were her chariot to her Knight. She stood in the elevator trying to swallow the lump in her throat and again stroking her palms at her dress. She looked up just in time for the elevator door to open. She peered into the lobby to see heads turn at the elegance and beauty standing in front of them.

Ms. Davis?

Alexis turned her head to the voice calling her name

Mr. Ashton asked that I escort you to the atrium and he held out his arm

She took his arm and he led her into a room that was only lit by candlelight. Its first sight made Alexis pull her hand to her chest letting herself feel her heart beat. White roses were scattered from what seemed to be ceiling to floor. Everything was perfect, almost a fairy tale.

Ms. Davis, if you dont mind me saying so, personally and I believe on behalf of the lobby you are absolutely breath taking

Alexis looked at him shyly almost not sure how to take such a compliment.

Thank you

When Alexis looked back up Ned stood at the other end of the room. She smiled back at the dimpled grin he shot to her across the room. As she looked at him me mouthed I love you and she did the same.

She walked up to Ned. Both of them agreed that they would both be fine with skipping the actual walking down the aisle part and they would just get to where they needed to be. Where they needed to be was standing there in front of each other. The room was decadent yet still very elegant.

You look insanely beautiful, he said to her with such passion and I thought you would like a view of the ocean

She actually hadnt noticed. After seeing the sight of him, he held her complete attention.

Ned thank you so much, she whispered as the minister took his place in front of them.

I understand we have an interesting situation here, the minister said looking at them I usually dont find myself performing a ceremony out of the blue. But luckily Ned here explained to me how important it was that you two be joined together and after a love story like that I could not refuse. Now shall we get started

Ned reached down to hold Alexis trembling hands

Dearly beloved

Alexis eyes lost focus for a moment and the light of the candles reflecting off the glass walls and ceilings made everything seem to blur together. She tried to swallow but her throat was dry. And she noticeably shifted her weight on to her left hip.

Ned suddenly took noticed that her eyes had gone astray and the change in her disposition.

Excuse me for a second Ned said interrupting the minister

Alexis he caught the focus of her eyes its only the fear of getting married not being married - remember

Alexis shook her head as if he were bringing her back to reality and she breathed in and then out

Alexis, I love you. He said as if it were his last chance to prove it to her

She shook her head agreeing it was ok and she tightened her grip to his

The Minister looked at Alexis Shall we proceed?

Yes she said now confident she was ready

Alexis, Ned would like to say something to you

Alexis looked surprised and held her attention to him.

Alexis I was trying to think of ways to tell you how much I love you and what it meant to have you by my side. But all I could think of was the way your face looked when you smiled or the way you can live off of popcorn and what seemed like silly things like that. But then I realized that was just a part of what made me love you. Ned paused for a moment allowing catching his breath.

Alexis love has brought us here for a reason to remind me of certain things for the rest of our lives
Like when you laugh out loud
Love reminds me that my heart flutters at the sound.
When you cry, tears falling from your eyes
Love reminds me that I must console for my own heart is aching
When you speak
Love reminds me to listen as if it were the only voice my ears could comprehend
When you

Ned closed his eyes as tear fell from his cheek

When you touch
Love reminds me that I can only survive by the way you touch
When you give as you have
Love reminds me that I am blessed among mortals

And Alexis, you are love

Tears streamed down her face as they both tried to wipe the tears from each others faces

Alexis looked at Ned trying not to show her state of panic that she felt she could never match the beauty of his words to her

You know Ive never been good at just saying what needs to be said. I mean Ive always had this problem, Im a rambler. She suddenly let out a small nervous laugh knowing that she had stated the obvious. And Ill think of a thousand things I wanted to say to you by tomorrow morning but its ok, because I know what I dont say to you right now I can just say tomorrow or the day after or the day after that. I guess what Im trying to say is that the fact that I stand here before you means that I cant breathe without you, it means that I ache without you and that Im always missing a part of me when Im without you.
But for the most part it means that I love you to the core of my being Ned Ashton.

Now if you would like to exchange rings the minister said still unsure if there were even rings

No were Alexis said speaking up.

Actually Ned said interrupting her.

Ok the Minister said

Ned pulled the ring from his suit pocket and allowed Alexis eyes to see the familiar ring.

You said you wanted to wear my ring again

Ned! more tears fell down her face How?

Didnt I tell you it was amazing what could happen when your heart was in it

Alexis looked at him as if it his point was made

He lifted her hand With this ring I the wed and placed her ring on her finger.

Any more surprises? the Minister was now grinning at the chain of surprises the ceremony had produced.

Thats all Ive got Ned said looking at him

Yes Im done, she said lightheartedly

Well then this could probably be one of the biggest pleasures Ive ever had after witnessing the two of you I now pronounce you I believe its Ned Ashton and Alexis Davis-Ashton! Alexis squinched her face at the fact even the Minister saw their absurdities. You may kiss your bride

And he cupped her face in the curved of his hands and kissed her softly and then again.