
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen
Continuing A Love Story
Chapter Eight

They stayed in bed most of the day, agreeing that they would rather spend their time away wrapped in each others arms. Both of them now held a lingering fear that when they returned to Port Charles they wouldnt be able to be as they were in The Hamtons. They now only had the rest of the day and they were to leave tomorrow afternoon still keeping promise that Monday morning would began another work day.

Ned had dozed off and Alexis held him pressed against her. She ran her fingers soothingly along his hairline at his forehead. She herself couldnt rest because of the feeling she had inside made her heart feel heavy. Almost as if it were the burdening sense of alone she would have to face. Not that she feared she would loose Ned when they went back to Port Charles, but rather she wouldnt be able to lay there with him and let the world pass them by like they so much needed. Alexis, the realist, the conservative now dreaded the face of reality.

She knew that life couldnt be perfect or even a vacation for a long amount of time but she somehow just wished she was the type person that could ignore the things in life that for the most - had caused them to fall apart.

Honey, he said wakening to see the dazed look on her face.

Alexis looked at Ned as if she had a thousand thoughts in her head and each of them only created a thousand more questions

What are you thinking about? he said still puzzled by the look on her face

Do you ever wish I was more adventurous like Kristina? she blurted out

Honey lets not talk about he said trying to somewhat waive the subject of Kristina

No I mean seriously. I am

You and Kristina are two totally separate people, well at least in the way you handle things anyway, and you are also adventurous in your on separate way. You lived a different life. Hers was pleasure yours was struggle. Does that make sense? Ned surprisingly giving her an almost ranting interruption

Wow youve actually thought about this havent you?

I had to think about a lot of things. I had to think through what everyone was telling me when they said I was replacing Kristina with you and they were right I was. And it wasnt to her fault I was looking for someone to take me away from having to think of you but also allowing me to fulfill the need to be with you at the same time

Youve had therapy for this havent you? she shot back trying to keep the conversation light

I should have had therapy between the two of you! What Im saying is that I like Kristina the way she is and I love the way you are.

But back to the adventurous thing

Alexis! now getting frustrated

No I mean dont you just ever want to do something completely insane and out of character?

Sure, of course, he said agreeing with her still stupefied by what her point was

Then lets do something crazy she said giving a devilish grin

Ned was intrigues now by her sudden spark

What do you suggest?

Lets get married

Neds eyes widened

Have you lost your mind?


Alexis weve discussed this

Ned its not the fear of being your wife its the fear of becoming your wife

What!? Ned was completely confused as he struggled through a world wind of emotions

Honey we tried the getting married thing. And its not exactly our thing remember?

I want do it Ned, she said setting her serious tone

Whats gotten in to you? now looking at her more closely as if her were examining her

You dont want to marry me? she said suddenly feeling inadequate

Thats not the question Alexis and you know that

Then give me one good reason why we shouldnt just do it and anything to do with fear doesnt count!

Honey you were right the first time. Im not good at married. I mean lets not go over my track record. I mean I seem to marry a woman and she doesnt like me after the honeymoon

Ill risk it! she set copping a small grin


Ned, I love you, you love me. We have obviously made our points that we cant be without each other and still were both afraid to commit to each other. She paused for a moment grabbing his face in between the palms of her hands. Baby its fear not whats actual. And we have to get past it or well just be standing still forever

Alexis I do love you so much but I dont want this to be us proving to ourselves that we can actually say I do to each other. Besides why does it all of a sudden make a difference?

Its always made a difference Ned that was the sake of her argument

I dont want you to regret, Alexis, he said pleadingly

Ive regreted everyday for the past year, she said solemnly

Ned looked at her searching the want in her eyes. He gave her a light kiss on the lips and the got out of bed

Where are you going?

To look for a phone book and see how hard it is to get hitched in this town

Well better hurry before I chicken out, she said giving a devious grin

Not funny Alexis he said walking away Sooo not funny!

She watched him walk out of the bedroom. She then let out a deep breath and whispered,

Ned I know this right this time I promise