Love Is A Game (And These Are The Rules)

Chapter 10
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Page Title

Chapter 10


Ric dodged her splashes though by the looks of him he hadn’t been too quick at dodging ones before


She was happy


She giggled relentlessly at the toys that floated by her and Ric’s ability to make her hair stand on ends with shampoo


“Mommy had court today”


“Mommy?” Kristina questioned, her eyes wide


“Yeah… she had to go to court today because she’s very, very smart and people need her help”


Kristina turned her head to one side listening seemingly intent on what Ric was telling her


“And you I are going to surprise her…”


“Supise!” she said splashing more water from the tub


“When mommy gets home you’re going to have had your bath and you’ll have your jammies on…”


“Jammies!” Kristina said excitedly


“Shee will be so happy to see you. I bet she can’t wait for her hug and her kiss!”


Ric began to pull the Barbie’s one by one from the tub to dry


“Ready to get out?” he said reaching for her


Kristina went willingly in to his arms  


She shivered before he could finish drying her off


“Brrrrr!” Ric said wrapping the towel around


“Buuuu” She said trying to mimic him


Ric then lifted her little feet from the bathmat


“Let’s go get your jammies on. What do you think blue with moons and stars or yellow with little lambs?”


Kristina pointed


“The yellow ones it is”


Ric had mastered the process of dressing and occupying Kristina simultaneously.  His hair styling however was still something to be desired


“Ok let’s comb your hair and then we’ll read a story ok”


Kristina shook her head ok willing to be completely cooperative as if she could sense he was doing his best without mommy


Ric was on his knees running the comb as gently as he could through her curls


He tried to do it like Alexis


“Maybe we’ll let you wear a hat tomorrow” Ric said amused with himself


Kristina only looked up at him


“You could care less what your hair looks like… right?”


Kristina shook her head agreeing


Ric knew she had no idea what he was rambling on about


“Ok how about a story?”


“Sowee!” she said now with her eyes bright


“Run go get a book, ok?”


Kristina went quickly to retrieve a book


Ric then again scooped her up in his arms and made his way to the living room


He turned off all the lights except the lamp on the desk and the one nearest to the couch


He was hoping maybe somewhere between all of the, ‘goodnight moons and goodnight stars,’ she would drift off to sleep


She snuggled in to his arms


There was nothing in the world to describe the way that little girl felt in his arms


“Our selection tonight is…” Ric looked at the book she had handed him. “Papa Please Get The Moon For Me” he read aloud. “An excellent read Miss Kristina”


He grinned at her choice in books


The irony


He would have done anything in his power to get her the moon if that little girl asked


He began to read


She listened quietly enthralled with the voices Ric made with each character


Not long the key turned the door grabbing Kristina’s attention


She knew who Ric had promised would come home


“Mama! Mama!” she said barreling from the couch


“Well hello my sweet angel!” Alexis said lifting her in to her arms and immediately giving her kiss after kiss “I missed you… Where you a good girl today?”


Kristina shook her head convincingly yes


Ric was now standing there waiting


She leaned over to give him his much needed and deserved kiss


“How are you?” she asked sincerely


“I couldn’t be better” he said blissfully


She could tell how happy he seemed


She kissed him again


Her attention then back to Kristina


“You got your jammies on and you’re all ready for bed”


“Supise!” Kristina giggled


Alexis’ eyes widened and then looked at Ric


“She’s brilliant! I told her we were going to surprise you by having her bath and her jammies on… I guess she understood”


Alexis’ laughed


“My smart, smart girl” she said kissing her once again


“I figured you would be tired”


“I am” she said her eyes lowering


“Everything go ok?” He said taking note on how he could tell she had ran her hands through her hair excessively


That meant she had been either nervous or flirting with someone


“Yeah, everything was fine”


Ric raised his brow at the lack of convincing in her voice


“Got something on your mind?”


Kristina now had her head rested on her mommy’s shoulder


“Let’s get her to bed, ok” Alexis said ignoring his question


Ric looked at her puzzled “ok”


“We were actually in the middle of a bed time story”


“Oh…you want to finish your story?”


Kristina raised up and shook her head yes


They made their way to the couch


Alexis flung her heels and Ric tried to help her at least take off her suit jacket


Alexis was now in Ric’s arms and she held on to Kristina


She was where she wanted to be all day


And there was nothing in the world to describe the way that woman felt in his arms


Ric read


Alexis’s mind wondered in and out of consciousness, lost in the way it felt her skin able to touch his skin, his fingers mindlessly stocking her hair… even the sound of his voice


Kristina never made it to the end


She slept soundly, completely content now that her mommy’s arms


Ric didn’t bother to ask, he could tell Alexis just wanted to sit and hold Kristina if not for few more minutes


And she did


Alexis studied her face as if she were memorizing it all over again


Soothing her curls


Tracing her fingers


Watching her eyelashes suddenly flutter


In one arm she held her baby girl


With the other she reached for Ric, kissing lingeringly at the palm of his hand


“We should put her to bed” Alexis said finally


Ric then stood taking Kristina in to his arms


Alexis followed


Two gentle kisses not to wake her


Angel bear by her side


Safe and sound


Ric wrapped his arms around Alexis as they both stood watching Kristina


“Now you wanna tell me about your day?” Ric said whispering in her ear


She turned to him and took his hand leaving Kristina’s room


Their bedroom


She began to tug at her skirt


“Honey?” He said reminding her of the question she seemed to be ignoring


“I just had a long day and I was stressed”


“You sure? Because you seem like you have something else on your mind”


“I promise… I’m happy now. I had a much needed Kristina fix and now I just need my husband fix and I’ll be even happier”


Down to her bra and panties


Ric watched her


She smiled


She actually loved that he liked to watch her undress


She use to feel awkward and subconscious


She loved the way he loved to watch her


“Want me to give you a bath?”


Alexis’ eyes rose to Ric’s


His offer surprised her


“It will relax you” he teased


Alexis then raised her brow enthused


“But only bathtub toys go in the bathtub” Ric joked referring to the earlier bath he had given


Alexis laughed


She held out her arms and Ric went right for her


A much needed hug


Her chin resting upon his shoulder


God a much needed hug


And she would love to have a much needed and soothing bath


“I’ll have your bath ready in a minute” he promised as he pulled away


Dimples appeared in her cheeks


Before long he helped her in to the tub where she sank deep beneath the water


“Thank you, thank you, thank you” she said obviously lost in how good her body felt at that moment


He grinned devilishly


And then started with her legs and would cover every inch


Her whole body smelled sweet


Shampoo in her hair


She didn’t giggle from it standing on ends but rather let out little auditable noises of how satisfied she was at his touch


She made more than little auditable noises though, throughout her bath


“Did I mention how in love I am with you?” She said a grin not leaving her face


“You might have mentioned it” Ric said returning the grin


She pulled him over to the side of the tub kissing him


“So in love with you” she reiterated


She leaned her head back again against the tub


And Ric again began running his hands up and down her body, soothingly


At that moment he almost wished she hadn’t kissed him…

She was addictive


He only wanted to kiss her more


But he didn’t want to interrupt her bath


“Keep touching me there and you’re going to find yourself in this tub!” she said, well somewhat jokingly


He couldn’t resist anymore


“Wanna go get in bed with me?” he offered


“Um hmm” she moaned


Ric held a towel out for her


He sensually dried her off from literally head to toe


Was there ever foreplay before this man? Alexis asked herself… He was so good


Ric began to back her towards their bed


“No jammies?” she kidded


“It will be hard to touch you in all the places I want to touch you… no jammies”


Alexis grinned




Warm kisses against her soft, sweet skin


His fingers trailing


All she had to do was lie there, he wanted her to relax


God, if this is a normal life, if this is boring married life… I’ll be happy forever she said to herself


His touch made her forget everything, well except for one thing


“Honey?” Alexis said opening her eyes


She was cursing herself for stopping him




“Something did happen today”


Ric’s hands stopped and he looked at her as if he were suddenly waiting for the worst


“It’s good news, this time… I guess”


“Sweetheart what is it?”


His full attention


“Michael Silver called; he left a message on my voicemail asking me to call him”




“And I did”


Ric waited while she seemingly hesitated


“Michael asked me to come back to New York… and work as lead council for his company”


End Ch 10.