Love Is A Game (And These Are The Rules)

Chapter 6
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Page Title

Chapter 6


Her voice on his machine


He played it again


“Hi, it’s me” There was no need to explain who ‘me’ was “I, uh hope you had a good flight back… um Kristina and I were going to the park today, it turned out to be a really beautiful day and…” She was rambling on his machine “I, Kristina and I were hoping maybe you would like to stop by. We’ll be at the playground… Ok” one last hesitation “Ok, bye”


Her voice, her message clung to him as if it were her arms around him




The park, mid afternoon on a Sunday, she and Kristina hoping he would stop by


He would


He saw her sitting on the bench from a distance


She had a smile on her face


He couldn’t help but try and place her once again in his memory hoping he wouldn’t forget her at that moment


He spent a lot of time saving her in his mind


Her smile


Her hair pulled up in ponytail, her bangs tugging at her eyelashes


The color of her jacket, fuchsia and how it radiated against her Greek skin


Her legs crossed


Every simplistic thing about her, saved


He sat down beside her


“Hi” her voice calm, happy to see him


He immediately made her smile




“I think Kristina’s made a new friend today” Alexis said again watching Kristina running about the playground


“Boys chasing her already” Ric said observing


“What are we going to do when she’s a teenager?”




Did she mean to say we?


“It’ll be here before we know it”


“God a teenage daughter!” Alexis said letting out a laugh


“I look forward everyday to it”


Alexis looked at Ric and grinned


“I know I’m biased but she’s going to be so beautiful”


“She is…” Ric paused, then made a face and stood up


“Where are you going?”


“I have to go get that little boy away from her!” he joked




He sat back down


He grinned


She laughed


“I’m glad you came” she said seriously


“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world”


“I guess you could tell by my message, I miss you”


Ric suddenly didn’t know how to respond


“You, you do?”


She smiled


“I really do. New York has made everything seem so different. I mean when we’re here we have to deal with everyday life and everyone else it revolves around. And I get so caught up in that, and I think I forget about putting us first. In New York we’re…”



“Yeah, kind of…”


Ric appreciated her honesty


But what she really wanted to say was in New York everything was different. She could allow herself to be what she wasn’t here, she could allow herself to be swayed and not have to think so much


The truth was, the honest truth was, she didn’t want to think so much, she just wanted to be in love with him


“You know I almost feel like I’m having an affair” he said amused by his own choice of words “Like I’m trying to live a life in two different places”


“It does sort of seem that way. And lately I think I’ve found myself wanting things to be the way they are there instead of here”


Now she was being honest


He shook his head


“It makes you feel alive being there” Ric confessed


“More alive than I have in a long time” she said agreeing






“I’m glad by some twist of fate you ended up there with me”


“Even when you went to get away from me?” Alexis asked, smiling


“I didn’t want to get away from you. I’ve never wanted to be away from you” Ric said making sure he had her attention “I just wanted to try and take my mind off of you. And besides you wanted to do the same thing”


“I’m just glad it didn’t work out that way, that neither of us got our wish” she said as she watched Ric’s fingers fumble with the edge of her jacket


“It will all be over soon” he said disappointed, concentrating on his fumbling


“I know, I think I’ve actually been trying to think of excuses to prolong things there”


His hand finally brushed against hers, but he caught himself and pulled away


She was glad he did


And she hated he did


His touch would burn her skin, he was fire


“Yeah” Ric said letting out a breathy laugh


“But you know we could go back. We don’t have to be there on business, we could just go there sometime”


“Yeah, yeah maybe we could”


Any other time a husband suggesting to his wife that they take a romantic trip to New York would be a perfect suggestion


But to them, suddenly it seemed bittersweet






“Promise me we’ll go back together”


His heart was pounding


She shook her head yes, she couldn’t say yes. Her eyes were filling with tears


“Hey, hey why don’t we see if Kristina wants to go to Kelly’s for maybe one little chocolate chip cookie? And maybe we could even get one for her mom too?” He suggested hoping to lighten her sudden mood


Alexis grinned shyly


“Bribing by way of a cookie?”


“I do what I have to do to spend one more hour with my girls”


The grin stayed on Alexis’ face


“I’ll get her” Alexis said leaving him there on the bench




Ric wondered if anyone who saw them saw a family


Saw a father, a mother, a beautiful little girl


Maybe they thought how perfect they were, how lucky


He wondered if they seemed that way




“Well, well if it isn’t my favorite Granddaughter in the whole wide world!” Mike said holding his arms out for Kristina


She left Ric’s arms and easily went in to Mike’s


“Hi!” she said cheerfully to him


“Did you say you were here for a cookie?”


Kristina’s eyes widened not forgetting why she was there


“Alexis, can I get you and Ric something? He asked politely


“Make that two more cookies actually and two cups of coffee… thank you”


“Coming right up. Ms. Kristina want to come help Grandpa?”


Mike looked over at Alexis and she shook her head for the ok to take her


Ric and Alexis sat


“She’s really taken to Mike” Ric said taking a glance at him and Kristina over Alexis’ shoulder


“Yeah he really seems to adore her. And Kristina needs a Grandpa. I mean he’s the only one she’s got. Besides he made a really big effort when he found out he was her Grandfather. I think it would have been really selfish of me not to at least give him a chance”


“I’m sure Sonny loved that you didn’t mind her being with Mike”


“He couldn’t really argue… he knew I feel that she’s safe with him”


Ric shook his head agreeing


“Oh let me get our coffee and cookies… Mike seems to have his hands full!” Ric said making his way to the counter


Ric quickly made his way back to the table


“Two cookies for you and two coffee’s for me”


Alexis grinned; his attempt to be funny was charming




Ric sat back down and traded a the cup of coffee for a cookie


“So what time’s your flight Thursday?”




“Same flight” he said grinning


She returned the grin


“Are you staying the whole weekend?” She asked


“I was actually waiting to see if you were” he answered truthfully


“I wanted to stay but Kristina…”


“I’m sure Viola wouldn’t mind keeping her or I’m sure Sonny would be glad to have her”

Ric was really reaching suggesting Sonny “Just at least stay on until Saturday you could use the R&R”


“I don’t know, I just feel guilty about leaving her for so long”


Ric shook his head understanding


Alexis studied his disappointed face


“Ric…Ok” she said giving in


His eyes widened




“Yeah, she’ll be fine and it’s just one extra day”


Ric grinned


A happy man


 And Alexis loved how happy it made him


“We should get Kristina” Alexis said taking one last sip of coffee “She has probably terrorized the kitchen by now”


“Well the kitchen is such a foreign place to her” Ric quipped


Alexis shot Ric an evil eye


He laughed


“I’m going to get her” Alexis said leaving him there to his laughter




Kristina once again wrapped her arms around Ric so tightly that she refused to let go


This was the part it seemed they all dreaded


It was funny then why they still had to say goodbye


“I’ll come by and see you tomorrow, ok”


Kristina shook her head, her bottom lip protruding


“Bye sweetheart”


Again goodbye but this time luckily after a great Sunday afternoon


Again a kiss on the cheek for Kristina


And this time Ric returned the soft kiss, just as Alexis had given him two days before


“Goodnight Alexis”


She bit at her bottom lip




Alexis closed the door and found herself resting her head against the door, clenching her eyes shut


When she opened them a pair of eyes looked up at her, starring back at her


Alexis sighed seeing Kristina’s little face


“I know baby” Alexis said softly “I want him back too. Mommy just has to be sure… when Ric comes back to us I want it to be sure it’s for forever”


End Ch. 6