Love Is A Game (And These Are The Rules)

Chapter 5
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Page Title

Chapter 5


She was buried in paper, but Alexis sat, perfectly in her element with glasses perched on her nose reading through contracts and paperwork outlining, highlighting anything of note or of question


Her view from the office Michael had set up for her, that overlooked the city was no distraction to her


She was wrapped in her work, ravishing in what she did best


She felt good, more alive than she had in a long time


A knock at the door interrupted her


“Ms. Davis?”


Alexis looked up over her glasses




“I’m sorry to interrupt but your lunch is here”


“I didn’t order…”


“It has your name on it. Um there’s a note attached… should I…”


Alexis looked at her puzzled and Caroline handed her the note


She read silently


A smile appeared on her face


“Thank you Caroline” Alexis said unable to take the grin from her face “My uh, husband sent me lunch”


Husband, husband… it still seemed like such an odd word to come from Alexis


Caroline smiled, pleased “What a sweetheart”


“He is” Alexis agreed for the sake of conversation


“Well I’ll leave you to your lunch” she said still smiling


“Thank you” Alexis said as she watched her close the door behind her


Alexis read the note again


Dearest Alexis,


You probably have your glasses perched on your nose as we speak and you’re highly seduced with work. But please take time for a little lunch in which you otherwise would forget. Also knowing you as I do, I had a slice of chocolate cake added to what was, a healthy lunch to get you through the day!

 I’m thinking of you constantly and I will see you this afternoon.


Love, Ric


Alexis pulled her lunch from the bag satisfied to see that there was the promised piece of chocolate cake


She was instantly in love with the fact he knew her and her sweet tooth that much




She looked up to see Michael peering through the doorway




“Making any progress?”


“Actually everything looks to be in working order. I made a couple of notes here and there to discuss but it seems like this deal will go over without a hitch”


“Excellent! Are you meeting with Ric today?”    


“Yes and he’s suppose to have his questions and concerns ready for us”


“Are you sure it’s ok to be working so closely with him?”


Alexis smiled. She was charmed by her friend’s concern


“Actually, don’t tell him, but I’m really glad to be working with him”


“So I will assume you two have spoken in the past couple of days”


“We’ve spoken everyday actually”


“Excellent!” John said this time amused with himself


“I didn’t know match making was your forte” Alexis joked


“I’m not sure if I would call it my forte” He paused for a moment “Alexis, I’ve known you for a long time. I just want you to be happy. You deserve that much”


Alexis shook her head and suddenly seemed to become shy about the conversation


“Hey, good luck this afternoon, the sooner you get this wrapped up the sooner I quit spending a fortune on this high end lawyer I’ve got myself…”


“Yeah, yeah… I’ll let you know how everything goes after the meeting”




A kiss on the cheek hello


He looked handsome as always in his suit


“You do wear that tie” Alexis said observing a tie she had bought for him


“I told you I love this tie!”


“I had just never seen you actually wear it!” she said laughing


“Did you get your lunch?”


“I did. Thank you. Especially for the chocolate cake”


“I knew you would enjoy that!”


“Oh and you’re also Prince Charming of the month on the 25th floor”


“Prince Charming huh?”


Alexis looked at him


“You’re head, it’ swelling”


“It is not!”


Alexis laughed


He was glad she did


It wasn’t often anymore that he seemed to make her laugh rather than make her cry


Her laughter was mesmerizing


“Should we talk contracts?” She asked catching him in his daze


“The sooner we do, the sooner we don’t have to” he said pulling her chair out for her at the long rectangular table


They both sat in an that empty board room for literally hours


From beginning to end, every questioned delegated and answered


By 5:45 they both found themselves exhausted of the subject but making excuses to stay


“Oh there was one more small discrepancy John had on page 22”


Alexis turned the pages of her own copy of the contract


She read


Her foot accidentally hitting his jolted his attention, like an electric shock. He looked at her from across the table


She looked up, “sorry”


She tried to began to read the paragraph again


How could she manage to get through the entire meeting and suddenly she couldn’t read one measly paragraph because her heart was beating out of her chest?


What was as she, a teenager studying with her crush at the library?


She begged herself to read, concentrate


She couldn’t


She looked up at him watching her


“You’re staring” she scolded




He was staring


“This looks like an easy compromise” she said making a much longer note than necessary on the margin of the page


Ric looked down at his copy “Ok” he said shaking his head “And the second paragraph in section four is it ok too?”


Alexis scanned the page


“I don’t see what’s questionable”


Ric stood from his chair across the table and now sat down at the end of the table beside her


By the time Ric looked back up, her eyes were watching him


“You’re staring”


“Huh? What? Sorry”


He leaned in to show her where he meant






She read


“It should be fine”




Oh God, surely he could hear her heart beating the way it was


Why wasn’t he saying anything?


Why wasn’t she?


In that split second somewhere between the silence he had reached for her hand


The tips if his fingers fidgeted with hers


Why did something so simple feel so good? So satisfying?


“I, I should go… it’s uh getting late and I told Michael I would let him know how everything went”


Ric shook his head


 “Ok” he said not protesting


She didn’t move


She sighed, her whole body suddenly inflating from an obvious deep breath she had been holding


Alexis looked at Ric


“Is it really possible?”


The question was out of the blue




“For someone to just change?”


“Meaning me?”


“Meaning both of us. Is it possible that your motives can just change, motives that you’ve basically had all of your life… change just like the fear that I’ve had all of mine?”


“I think so. I think if something more powerful comes along, yes they can”


“Like being in love with someone?”




“And what about if that someone you’re in love with just hurts you again”


“Well… there are no guarantees in life…”


She shook her head understanding


“Alexis, but I’ll try everyday for the rest f my life to never hurt you again”


Before Alexis could stop herself the palm of her hand cupped his cheek


“I’m not intentionally trying to stay away from you… I just, I just want to trust myself this time too, ok?”


Ric shook his head


“I should go”


This time she stood and he followed. Before Ric opened the door to the bored room she leaned in giving him a soft kiss on the lips


That kiss, it was worth more, and it felt deeper with meaning than any kiss she had ever given him




By the time Alexis arrived at her hotel, dinner time had passed and millions of stars now hid in the city sky


Kristina was long in to her sweet dreams and Alexis’s heels didn’t make it past the elevator


One box of microwavable popcorn courtesy of the grand Concierge downstairs


And red roses


Two dozen red roses to be exact


Alexis opened the card


It read, “Being in love with someone”


She pressed the card against her chest and held it there tightly


She was in love with him


“Ric” she said aloud


Her voice seemed to echo throughout the empty hotel room and she even looked around as if someone may have heard her thoughts




“Did she get them?” Ric said as he sat on the side of the bed in his own hotel room


“Yes sir. She just went up to her room and they were waiting for her”


“Perfect, thank you Charles for your hard work on such short notice”


“No problem Sir, it was my pleasure. She seemed very tired and I’m sure she will find the roses quite rejuvenating… Sir if you need anything else”


“Thank you, Charles”


Ric hung up the phone and lay down on the bed. He was sure lying there alone, staring at a blank ceiling that he had found what was more powerful than anything he had ever known


And he hoped she loved the roses


End Ch. 5