Love Is A Game (And These Are The Rules)

Chapter 18
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Page Title

They had fell in love with a life


And in the past week it had never been more apparent


They had fallen in love with a life, their life


And the life that now bind them together forever


They had to wait two weeks, two excruciating weeks for the echocardiogram to be done


In those two weeks nothing was easy


“Kristina how about we have breakfast while mommy gets dressed?”


What that really meant was Alexis hadn’t managed to conquer morning sickness much less stand the sight off food


So that had become Maria’s way of swaying Kristina away from her mother to give her time to recover from her morning


And Ric felt horrible leaving her though she insisted she was fine and that she would get through it. Alexis repeatedly told him how wonderful it was to have such a great husband but how thankful she was to have Maria because he should go to work!


He still felt horrible leaving her pale and with a three year old


One week had passed of the two


She would make her way to work like a trooper


Michael Silver was more than understanding so Alexis would now do anything to prove she wasn’t a pity case though all she had was the baby on her mind


But she hid it well, she was lead council and everyone treated her that way…


She now could operate on reputation alone


No one but Michael knew she was pregnant and even he didn’t know what was going through her head.


The others, they didn’t know her well enough to know that her normally thin frame and flat stomach was starting to protrude slightly


“Well you don’t look as pale as you did yesterday morning. I hope that’s a sign of improvement” Michael said making himself comfortable on the couch in her office


“I was given a little mercy this morning. And yes I hope it is a sign that I could be getting over this soon”


“Well you’re taking this better than I, or any man would” he said grinning


“I’m trying… And I know you want to kill me for showing up in New York pregnant” she said rolling her eyes and even slightly amused with herself


“Things happen… What kind of person would I be if I couldn’t understand that?”


“Well unfortunately you are the exception to the rule… But I can’t tell you how much I do appreciate you being so understanding be . Most wouldn’t want their lead council to be in baby land”


“Alexis I knew you as a workaholic who literally did nothing but work. Everything in your life was built around work. Your friends, your relationships, hell I think even your family was a business relationship” Alexis made a face “What I mean is it was you. A very intelligent, hardworking, good you.  And I might have seen some man at least trying to tame you at some point in your lifetime but I knew he had to be at least an equal… But Alexis Davis someone’s mother? Not in a million years… But now that you have your daughter you’re not built around work, you’re built around a little girl… And you know what? The respect I had for you before, the brilliance I thought you were made of before is nothing to what I see in you now…”


“Michael” she said smiling shyly at his compliments


“I just don’t want you thinking that I don’t have the confidence in you or that you have to prove anything to me because you’re having another baby. I think you’re way too competitive with yourself for me to ever have worry about you” He said grinning


“You’re right… You’re right about all of it. I was who I was and I thought I was complete. I thought I could live every day of my life with my work and what I had. And then by a sudden gift of fate I don’t even remember myself before Kristina and despite what seemed like at first every hesitation in the world, I soon won’t remember my life without this child”


“That’s exactly the way I feel about my children. My company, my business means a lot but not everything…”


“So when I start taking mornings or afternoons or even days to play in the sandbox?”


“I told you I don’t have to worry about where your head is Alexis”


“You’re right, you don’t” Alexis said smiling



By the time Alexis would get home Kristina would be ready to fall in to her arms.

Occasionally Ric would make it home before her and ready to do anything, anything to help her relax and take her mind off of what they had now waited almost two weeks to hear….


The day, the hour, the minute however, had finally come


The sound of a heartbeat that would make them both burst in to tears


The doctor listened, studied…


The baby would be fine


A mild case of arrhythmia to a heart that would tend to beat too slowly


But the baby would be fine


Medication would most likely fix the problem


It seemed like such a simple solution to two weeks of being consumed by literally a broken heart and even the thought of having to let go of a life that bind Alexis and Ric


A life they now truly loved and adored


They were left alone in a hospital room


Ric helped her get dressed in between wiping tears from her eyes and being consumed by the smile that lit her face


She had done everything she could in the last two weeks to hold on to the life inside of her and every emotion now poured out of her


“I told you everything was going to be fine” Ric said tying his best to be cocky


Alexis kissed him, her hands embracing his cheeks


Her lips, not of desperation and the need for consolement like they had been but rather of love and want and… joy




Coming home alive…


The look on her face was unrecognizable to Maria


She had never seen Alexis smile the way she did as they made their way through the door


She didn’t know Alexis’ energy or sense of humor… or the typical sound of her laughter


Maria was amazed to see the transformed woman that stood before her


“So everything’s ok?” Maria asked excitedly


Alexis shook her head


“The baby’s fine… They put me on medication to keep everything in check… but the baby’s fine” Alexis said her hand resting against her stomach “We’re told just a little rest and patience and we’ll all be fine”


“We’re celebrating!” Ric said lifting Kristina in to his arms making her giggle in delight


Maria grinned


“We’re going to dinner!” Alexis exclaimed “I’m starving!” she said now reaching for a kiss from Kristina


“There is an Italian restaurant that we love…” Ric began to explain


“Oh is Italian good with you?” Alexis asked Maria realizing they were all caught up in going to “their” Italian place…


“Oh, oh I don’t want to impose…”

”Impose? Are you kidding? You’re part of our family now, have us or not and we would love for you to come to dinner with us and help us celebrate!” Ric intervened


“And I at least owe it to you for helping me through this last two weeks” Alexis said making a thankful face


Maria grinned shaking her head


“I would love to help celebrate!”


And celebrate they did


Ric did his best to charm all the girls at the table and Kristina did her best to prove she could handle the spaghetti on her own


“I would like to make a toast” Maria said holding up her glass and both Ric and Alexis quickly followed “To a happy and healthy baby and to this family”


Both Alexis and Ric grinned as the glasses clinked back and forth




It was late


No stories had to be told or walks around the living room would be necessary to an already sound asleep little girl


Ric joined Alexis as she looked out at the city below her


“Like mother, like daughter” Alexis turned to Ric “Fascinated by the city lights too”


“It’s beautiful” Alexis stopped her sentence there and her eyes continued to study building after building lit up like Christmas trees


“You’re not thinking too much are you?” He asked now wrapping his arms around her


“Only about good things” she said as a smile covered her face


He began to kiss her neck


And she reciprocated kisses but to his lips


She buried herself in his arms and they both began to sway back and forth as if they both heard music playing just for them


“You know soon you’re not going to be able to get your arms around me”


“I can’t wait!” Ric said grinning


She grinned


“Everything in the past two weeks seems like a blur… I mean a few hours ago all I could think of was what ifs… and now, I can’t explain it, I’m just…”


“You don’t have to explain it. I know, I know”


They continued to sway back and forth taking small steps that would eventually turn them in circles


“I’m so in love with is life Alexis” he said placing the palm of her hand to his lips and then against his chest “And I’m so in love with you”


The feel of his heart beat against the palm of her hand


She grinned


“So much in love…” she said kissing him again and again


End Ch. 18