Love Is A Game (And These Are The Rules)

Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Page Title

Chapter 3


Her eyes stared off in to space


Her arms folded against her chest


Her legs crossed, one bouncing over the other


She seemed nervous, occupied


A woman in her position, a woman sitting in the waiting area outside of Michael Silver’s office had no reason to be nervous


If you made it to his doorstep, per his request none the less, there were no reasons to be nervous about being in Michael Silver’s presence. So why was she? Or why did she at least seem as if she were ready to discard her own skin?


Her fingers went to her lips tugging at them gently before quickly pulling away. Anyone watching her would assume right them she had snapped herself back in to reality


“Ms. Davis?”


Alexis looked up at the woman calling her name


“Mr. Silver is ready for you”


“Thank you” Alexis said gathering her things


She walked in, and the nerves that seemed to give her away before no longer existed


She was a mystery


Her mind, before obviously consumed by something other than her meeting with Michael




“Alexis!” He said giving her a friendly kiss on the cheek


“Hi Michael”


“Come sit, coffee?”


“Please” Alexis said relieved he offered


“Did everything with you, John and Ric continue to go well last night?”


“Yes it did. I really do like John a lot; personally he seems to be a good man as well as a good business man”


“He is that… and what did you think of Lancing?” Michael said handing her the cup of coffee “I know it sounds odd to ask but are you sure you two have never met? You seemed to hit it off right from the beginning”


“Actually I need to be honest with you” Alexis shifted in her chair making sure she didn’t spill her coffee that was sitting on the edge of the cup”


“Old lover from the past?” he asked jokingly


“Michael” Alexis paused long enough to get Michael’s attention ‘Ric is my husband”


“Your husband? As in married to one another”




“Why didn’t you say something, why didn’t you tell me he was going to be John’s attorney?”


“I didn’t know”




“Ric and I have been kind of separated”


“Kind of?”


“Yes I know it sounds indecisive but let’s just leave it at we weren’t together at time we both coincidentally made the decision to come here”


“Coincidence? I should say so… and is there a problem with you two working together?”


“No, no there isn’t. We actually make quite a great team, our record of marriage excluded. Please don’t let mine and Ric’s relationship sway your decision in any of this. As I told John we’ll seal this deal to both of your satisfaction”


 “Married huh?”


“Unfathomable coincidence” Alexis said placing her hand to her forehead


Michael let out a chuckle


“An unfathomable twist to say the least”


“Is everything ok then?” Alexis asked hoping to be relieved


“One husband, one child correct?” he asked amused


“That’s all I’ve got!” She answered playing along


Michael shook his head not giving it a second thought


“Well I know you’re anxious to get back to your daughter, so I’ll see you Monday morning to get this deal in full swing?”


“I’ll be here” Alexis said standing and Michael walked her to the door


“Oh and Alexis, tell that husband of yours to keep his wife, or kind of wife happy, I think my deal depends on it” he said with a devilish grin


Alexis lifted her brow to him


“I’ll see you Monday Michael”




Her eyes were staring again


Staring at the wall of the elevator


Things had went smoothly with Michael though she had no worries that they would


Her mind however was still clouded with Ric


Clouded with last night and how he knew her. His touch, even if it were just his hand on the small of her back to guide her… his scent, the way she knew his neck would smell if she were to come so close or even the scent of his jacket that lingered on her for hours after he had said goodnight


She breathed in deeply but quickly breathed out


Alexis closed her eyes wishing him out of her head


If she was a runner she would have ran 10 miles by now


If she was a smoker half a pack of cigarettes would be gone


And thank God at 10:43 in the morning a drink didn’t sound like a good idea


She would have done anything to get him off of her mind


She needed something, a brown paper bag to breathe in, coffee more coffee anything to get him out of her head


Starbucks, there was one on every other corner




Yes Alexis that’s just what you need is more coffee like you’re not on edge enough


Of course not listening to herself she made her way across the street


If her usual, work equal’s avoidance tactic wasn’t working maybe a coffee buzz would


“Double, non-fat latte to go please”


“Make that two” the voice behind her said


Alexis clenched her eyes shut


The voice she adored


From the throat she could have strangled


“What are the chances in a city of millions of people I run in to my husband?” She said turning around almost directly in to his arms


“We’re just full of coincidences” Ric said pulling money from his wallet


“I can get my own latte” she said trying to sound annoyed when secretly she loved that he was there to buy her one


“I am aware of this but since I happen to be here today it’s on me”


Alexis rolled her eyes and took her coffee from the counter leaving his


“How can you be here?” she asked confused


“What do you mean? I thought we went through this last night”


“No, no I mean getting coffee, here. I mean why didn’t you choose to get coffee over there” She said pointing to the Starbucks literally visible down the street


“Alexis you’re in front of John’s building… I’m about to meet with him”


Alexis rubbed at hers eyes defeated


Ric couldn’t help but smile from her restlessness


“Will you sit with me?”


Ric pointed towards the open table for two


Alexis sat not answering


“How’s Kristina this morning?”


Alexis finally turned her attention to him


“Fine, she’s spending the day with Sonny


“And how are you?” Ric asked alluding to her answer


“Worried of course about her spending the day with Sonny” she answered dryly


There it was again. That part about knowing her so well


“She’ll be fine”


“I know”


“So I assume you’ve spoken with Michael today” Ric said now trying to take her thoughts away of Kristina being with Sonny


“Yes, he fine with us working together. I think he’s mostly amused by it. I hate though that I basically outright lied to both of them”


“You were just unsure of how to handle the situation and besides you were a little stunned yourself”


“I know I just wish I could have thought a little faster on my feet”


“Well it seems Michael and John had about the same reaction so let’s not worry about it and just prove that we are the dynamic duo we claim to be”


“Dynamic duo huh?”


“Yeah me and you”


“Yeah… me and you” she repeated taking a sip of her coffee


It always seemed to come back to me and you


Ric cleared his throat breaking the silence


“Going home today?”


“Yeah I promised Kristina I would”


He shook his head with obvious disappointment on his face


“You, when are you coming home, I mean back to Port Charles?”


Her slip was obvious


“My flight isn’t until Sunday. I thought I might as well spend the weekend here, maybe get a head start”


Alexis this time shook her head with obvious disappointment on her face


Ric looked at his watch


“You’re going to be late?”


“I have a few more minutes”


“And then you’ll be late?” She said smiling


Ric returned the smile


She stood and he followed


“I’ll get you a cab”


Alexis shook her head agreeing


They both stood on the sidewalk Ric raising his arm for the cab


He opened the door for her


“Have a safe flight home”


“Um maybe you could come by and um…”


Why was she making excuses for her own husband to come by?


“Yeah, that picture Kristina drew for me”


“Yeah, I’ll tell her you’ll be by”


Both smiled nervously


They were back to where the conversation was too heavy to be standing there on the street in Manhattan with a meter running


It was the conversation that needed yelling and crying and kissing and his arms wrapped so tight around her…


“Be safe…” he said as he leaned in


Alexis froze


His soft, missing lips pressed in to her cheek too close to her mouth for comfort


And without saying goodbye she gave him a longing glance from window of the cab as it drove away


Right then he wished it were only a window that was between then


Ric didn’t realize he had been standing on the curb of the street blankly staring in to the air

Her touch, even if it were just her hand exchanging a quick touch as she handed his coat back to him. Her scent, the one that lingered on his coat for hours after he had said goodnight


Ric closed his eyes wishing her out of his head


But he couldn’t wait until Sunday to see her again


End Ch. 3