Love Is A Game (And These Are The Rules)

Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Page Title

Chapter 2


They talked business


Ric and Alexis sat opposite of one another talking fast and in sync with each other as if they could finish each other’s sentences or as if there were no need to talk at all…


They literally put on a show and both Michael and John were more than pleased to see how easily their prized attorney’s connected


Between business conversation and sips of red wine and bourbon, Ric was his usual charming self and Alexis wrapped each of them around her finger


Both were easy to converse with about anything… except for the fact neither mentioned their own personal lives


But it went unnoticed; they were competitively brilliant and funny


At moments in mid conversation Alexis was glad no one could her scream inside her head ‘God he’s so sexy’ as she would watch Ric, from across the table, raise the rim of his glass to his lips…


Ric was glad Michael nor did John seem to notice how he was memorized by Alexis’ every move. How he sat there the whole time memorizing another version of her to obsess over in his dreams rather than listen to the conversation at hand


“I’m sorry to have to see this night end and please don’t let me interrupt the three of you but I have an exceptionally early meeting in the morning” Michael said standing from the table “Ric it was a pleasure meeting you and I can already tell I will enjoy doing business with you. Alexis…” He said now turning his attention to only her “It was a pleasure as always. I’ll call you at first chance in the morning to get things rolling here with Mr. Casey and Mr. Lansing. You all enjoy your night”


They all said their goodbyes to Michael and the three of them still sat in the bar, the night being young


“Anyone up for dinner?” John asked enjoying his company


Both Alexis and Ric looked at each other rather quickly unsure that they could play their little game much longer


John’s phone rang and interrupted them before either of them could give an answer or make an excuse


“Sorry” John said pulling his phone from his coat pocket “If you’ll excuse me I need to take this, you two decide about dinner” He said standing making his way to the bar


“What are you doing here?” Alexis asked leaning in trying her best to be discrete


“What are you doing here?” Ric said as equally as curious


“Oh my God!” Alexis said rolling her eyes


Ric actually laughed out loud not believing all of this himself


John looked over and Ric and Alexis leaning in to each other and just in time to see the look of laughter on Ric’s face


“You think this is funny?”




“Ric, we can’t do this…”


“Yes we can, yes we can” Ric said trying to be rational


“What are the chances we both end up here?”


“I don’t know!”


“You knew I was coming!” Alexis said accusing him


“I didn’t I swear. And how would I know anyway?”


“Ric Lancing! You have your ways…”


“That’s absurd! There’s no way I could have known and besides how do I know you didn’t know I would be here? How do I know you didn’t get yourself the job just to be near me?”


“You’re such a pig! I wouldn’t do that! And besides Michael personally wanted me here…”


“And John personally wanted me here”


Ric’s eye caught John’s as he walked back towards the table


He quickly leaned back in his chair and Alexis followed suit


“Ric can I speak to you at the bar for a moment?” John asked “Alexis if you don’t mind?”


“No, go ahead”


 “Would you like us to get you another drink?”


“No, no I’m fine thank you. You two go ahead. I’ll be fine.”


John and Ric made their way back to the bar


“You and Alexis have really hit it off”


“Well John…” Ric paused letting out a nervous laugh


“Look Ric I don’t mean to interfere in your personal business but you have a wife at home that you seemed to love and really care for. I get that Alexis is a beautiful and brilliant woman but as your friend I just don’t want you making a mistake you may regret…”


Ric laughed again this time humored not nervous


“John, John…”


“I know maybe I am a sentimental guy but Ric you expressed earlier your were having problems with you wife , and you don’t want to make things worse by…”


“John” Ric interrupted “Come back to the table with me” Ric said not giving John another chance to read him his rights


Ric made his way back making sure John followed


“Alexis” Ric said this time sitting next to her “You will be happy to know that John just pulled me aside and asked me, to not be tempted by what a beautiful and brilliant woman you are because I have a wife at a home that I love and care about…”


Alexis looked at John, charmed


“I was just saying to him…” John said trying to cover his tracks not understanding Ric’s honesty towards Alexis


“John” Ric said interrupting “John, Alexis and I are married”




“And I know it’s an odd, strange coincidence we’re here… together but”


“You didn’t know the other was coming?”


“It’s a long story” Alexis chimed in


“Too long” Ric added


“I knew there was something between you two. But why didn’t you just tell Michael and I when you first arrived”


“I was the one who stopped Ric from saying anything… I was the one who made it impossible for him to tell you”


“But I went right along with you” Ric said defending her


“John I panicked. I wasn’t sure how you or Michael would take it and I know this deal is important to both of you”


“Well maybe it isn’t such a great idea that you two are working for opposing…”


“John” Ric said interrupting “Alexis and I have worked together before. And there were times when we were at each other’s throats and we worked brilliantly together. And even after we were married we’ve been on opposing sides…”


“Ric, Alexis I believe you it’s just…”


“Like I said we know how important this is to you” Alexis said trying to be convincing “And you have to believe me when I say this… unfortunately… Ric and I are a lot better lawyers than we are husband and wife. If you and Michael want this deal to happen Ric and I will make it happen”


John sat back in his chair and took another sip of his drink


“Ok” he said convinced


“Ok?” Ric questioned making sure he heard him correctly


“Yes but I want to make sure we’re honest with Michael about all of this. And I want to make sure that any problems that may arise…” John paused “Ric, you’re my friend before being my attorney. I don’t want to be responsible for putting you two on opposite sides, I mean if you didn’t even know the other was in New York on business…”


John was starting to ramble and his obvious confusion was becoming more and more apparent


“John you’re not responsible for anything that happens between Ric and I. We’ll be fine, this is what we do…”


Ric looked at Alexis unsure of what he meant by ‘this is what we do.’ He wasn’t sure if she meant being a lawyer or being husband and wife on opposing sides


“Ric you’ve proven to be a loyal friend and brilliant lawyer. If you and Alexis say this will be fine between the two of you I believe you. But I do expect you to inform me otherwise”


“Thank you”


“I’m going to leave you two to talk. It seems you forgot to speak before leaving Port Charles” John stood “Alexis it was a pleasure meeting you. And from my first impressions of you Ric is a fool if he isn’t making you the happiest woman in the world” John said charmingly “Lancing I’ll see you in the morning”

And there they were alone


“I can’t believe this” Alexis said shaking her head


Ric rubbed at his eyes and then laughed


“I’m so sure you find this funny”


“Funny, ironic… some insane twist of fate I would have never believed would happen. I mean the chances… And I came to New York to” Ric stopped himself from finishing his sentence


“You came to New York? Why?”


Ric shook his head “Nothing”




“I took this job in hopes it would help me take my mind off of you” he said almost as if he were embarrassed to admit he would have to go to such great lengths to get her off his mind


“I was hoping it would do the same for me”


Ric looked up quickly at her, a bit thrown off by her honesty


He closed his eyes


For the first time that night she watched pain cover his face






“Maybe we shouldn’t do this. Maybe this is too much for both of us. We used to be able to play this game but now… now maybe we’re just too emotionally involved”


“No, no I want to do this. I want to do it for John because he asked me to. But I really want to do this with you. If this is the only way I can fulfill this empty, awful feeling I have inside, if this is the only way I can be near you…”


“Don’t say that please. You’ll just make it harder on the both of us”


“I’m sorry, honesty was slipping through”


Alexis reached for his hand under the table


She held it for the longest time


His eyes staring at her


Her eyes darting about the room and then back to his


The conversation was to heavy sitting their in the bar at The Four Seasons Hotel


Their conversation needed yelling and crying and kissing and his arms wrapped so tight around her…


“We should get out if here. I know a great little Italian place that is…” he said trying to erase an awkward moment


“That is?”

“It’s much more you… there’s a pasta there that I know you would love”


Alexis opened her mouth to say yes instead she said…


“Maybe we should keep this all about business, not pleasure”


“You have to eat and I’m certain you don’t want to eat here”


He knew her and at that moment she loved and hated that he did


“Dinner? Italian?”


Alexis grinned shyly




Ric smiled and quickly stood no wasting his chance with her




He was right she loved the little Italian restaurant and the pasta that he knew she would love so much… she did


“I’ll walk you back to your hotel”


“No you shouldn’t your hotel is closer and it’s quite a walk, I’ll take a cab”


“I wish you would let me… Which hotel?”


“The Waldorf”


Ric looked at her wide-eyed


“I see Mr. Silver wants the best for his lawyer”


“It’s a beautiful hotel” she said unconvincingly


Ric let a smile curve on his lips but it quickly went away


“Not a very beautiful hotel when you’re there alone”


“No it isn’t”


“Walk with me, if you get tired of walking I’ll call a cab, ok?” he said trying to be convincing


She shook her head giving in


They walked


“I had forgotten how much I loved the city” Alexis said, her eyes wondering up at the building towering around her


“So had I… you know what I think I love most about being here?”


Alexis looked at him curiously


“I love that no one knows who I am. No one is watching me right now walking down this sidewalk knowing all my mistakes and misgivings”


“It does start to feel that way in Port Charles. I mean it is kind of nice just to be invisible so to speak”


Alexis folded her arms in to her chest


“You must be getting cold. Here take my jacket”


Ric slid his jacket off and around her shoulders before she could protest


It was warm from his body and it felt more than good, it was comfortable against hers


“Kristina has a new drawing for you”




Ric felt as if his heart skipped a beat


“I was telling her how beautiful it was and asked her did she want me to put it in my office… she said no that it was for you…”


A grin was plastered on his face


Alexis looked at him wanting the way she felt at that moment to subside from the look on his face but it didn’t


And his grin was gone


“I promised I would let her to bring it to you… it’s just I… I didn’t”


“Hey, I’ll uh get it first thing when we get back” he said putting the grin back on his face “Is she ok for the weekend without you?” He asked trying to sway the subject


“She seemed ok, I probably had more of a hard time than she did… but she has Viola and … Sonny. I talked to her late this afternoon. She was occupied with her dolls”


They had walked and walked but neither seemed to notice


They stood in front of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel


“Here we are” she said sounding disappointed




“Thanks for uh, taking a walk with me” he said flashing his irresistible smile


“Thanks for dinner, and the walk. I really enjoyed it. Oh and here’s your coat back” She said as she pulled it from her shoulders returning it to him




She looked at him pondering the seriousness on his face


“This all seems a bit like a dream. You and I both being here, I mean. It really is a strange coincidence or maybe a gift of fate, but… but it does my heart good…”




“Alexis, I’ll go back to my hotel room and lie there in bed… without you, but I’ll have tonight and I’ll pray for tomorrow that I will be with you once again…”


“Ric please don’t say those things” she pleaded


He knew why she didn’t want him to say those things


And with that Ric decided he would end the night, another night confirming how in love with her he was… and knowing she was in love with him



End Ch. 2