Love Is A Game (And These Are The Rules)

Chapter 8
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Page Title

Chapter 8


“There are clear skies from here to our first destination in Port Charles, New York. We anticipate a smooth flight and should be arriving on time. We hope that you enjoy your flight ad we thank you for flying with us…”


She heard every word the captain said though her nose was buried in the New York Times


When was the last time she was able to read beyond the front page of a newspaper?


Her glasses perched on her nose, her eyes intent on reading the daily news


She never got past the first page before she pressed her fingers against her lips stifling a grin


She ran her hands through her hair


Then shuffled in her seat


She straitened the from page of the newspaper in front of her and back in to focus


Her mind wandered again


Last night


She felt her cheeks getting flushed at just the thought


Her eyes to the window and to the clouds below


She felt her face


What a beautiful hotel…


The thought of him there with her


Night after night she lay in bed alone… she didn’t last night


The way he knew to touch a woman, the way he knew to kiss in all the right places and whisper just the right words… God he was good


Alexis sank down in her seat once again her fingers pressing against her mouth to hide any sign she was lost in her own fantasy err reality


Her eyes clenched shut




The sun burst through the moonlit room leaving the sheer curtains no match for the sleep deprived




She was still naked


The sheet tangled around their hips, his arms shielding the rest of her from the morning air


He held her in his arms delicately, as if she may break


She watched him sleep


His hair a mess


It was obvious she had ran it through her fingers more than once the night before


It made a smile appear though she kept her bottom lip tucked between her teeth


He was handsome and sexy and if she could just trace every inch of his body with the tip of her finger… she would


She tried to slip from under his arms


She sat up studying his bare chest, his tousled hair, his stubbled face


She couldn’t stop herself


She began giving him tiny kisses


The feel of her lips, the tickle of the edges of her hair tracing his skin




A grin covered his face as he realized what she was doing


“Good Morning” his said his voice still filled with sleep

She looked up and grinned “Yes it is”


She at that moment was sexy as hell


Nothing but skin had replaced the suit she was wearing last night


She was day and night


She was an insanely beautiful mystery


His lips found hers


His hands finding her bare legs


She laughed, she was happy and uncensored


His hands roaming, her trail of kisses


“We’re going to be late for the airport” she said looking to the clock on the bedside table


“We’ll make it, we’ll pack fast…”


She laughed again this time crawling on top of him


Absolutely irresistible


They made love once again




Her arms and legs tangled in his…






“We’re seriously going to miss our flight now”


Neither made an attempt to move from the bed, from the position they were in


This time Ric looked at the clock


He then made himself sit up bringing her with him


“We can take the later flight” she said losing her sensibility


He stood from the bed, her body still wrapped around him


“Where are we going?” she giggled




Suddenly warm water soaked her hair, his skin


But a quick shower


And then one last kiss


“Will you be alright?” he said in between kisses


“More than alright”


“I’ll meet you at the gate ok?”


Another kiss and another


“Alexis you’re making this hard!”


He could easily tell she loved that she did


“Go get dressed, go pack” he said sensibly


He was gone


The unmistakable grin appeared on her face as she locked the door behind him and then  raced back to the bedroom to get dressed and pack




They almost missed their flight


The way she looked in her black cashmere sweater and jeans was no comparison to the look o her face


If she had looked in the mirror she would have argued it wasn’t her at all


The look on her face was unrecognizable to her


It was happy and daring and carefree… the look on her face was one of someone in love


In love with the man beside her


Beside her where she rested her head on his shoulder and he played mindlessly with her hair


His still stubbled face and open collar left him so handsome


So handsome that she never got past the first page of the New York Times




The flight attendant smiled their way


“Please” they both said in unison


Neither had been able to have their morning cup of coffee but what they were doing instead was a better trade


It was still much needed coffee


“I think you’ve been staring at the same article for 30 minutes now” Ric said almost whispering in her ear


“I’ve read five words” she confessed


“What ya thinking about?”


“You… last night, this morning”


He grinned


She stole a quick kiss from him


“Tired?” he questioned as she placed her head back on his shoulder


“No, happy”


He took her hand against his chest and then lifted her palm to his lips kissing it several times




As the captain promised they arrived in Port Charles on time


Neither Ric nor Alexis rushed to get off the plane or even to peer out the windows


Baggage claim


They sat in the chairs in baggage claim


“I think I’ve become rather attached to this airport” she said her luggage scattered at her feet


He smiled


They both knew it was her attempt at humor


They both knew it wasn’t the airport they had both become attached to


“I should get home to Kristina but I…”


“We should talk… shouldn’t we?”


“Yeah, I think we should”


Ric went to speak. He opened his mouth but nothing came out


Her hands went to his face to tell his she understood


She didn’t care at that moment who was watching them or who over heard them


She let out a nervous laugh


“We don’t have New York anymore” she said pointing out the obvious


His eyes sad, desperate


“I don’t need New York, I need you”


Her fingers played with the curls that had formed at his graying temples


She smiled


“It’s silly… the way we torture ourselves”


“Then Alexis why are we?”


“I’m not sure” she said looking away from him


He took her face in his hands


“Alexis” he caught her eyes and wouldn’t let go “Alexis Davis, I love you”


She looked stunned, caught off guard. “Ric” she said catching her breath


“I just love you… so much”


A grin then suddenly appeared on her face, and tears had welled in her eyes


“I love you so much too” again she was trying to catch her breath though in her voice she was obviously relieved


“Alexis I’m begging you to give me my life back, to let me have you and Kristina back in my life, please don’t let me miss another moment without either of you”


Alexis shook her head that was still in his hands


“I want to do this. I want it to be us again… But Ric this time we have to be sure. Sure about everything between us. I can’t keep confusing Kristina and I can’t keep confusing what we mean to each other…”


“We have to be completely honest” He said and at that moment his voice more serious “But most of, Alexis from now on, from right here on out if we do nothing more, we fight for one another… nothing breaks us, nothing comes between you and me. We have to make that promise, no more confusion…”


He was passionate and sincere and tears uncontrollably streamed down his cheeks


She shook her head yes, agreeing “I promise nothing comes between us”


He smiled then he kissed her one after the other


She wiped the tears from his cheeks and he did hers


“Let’s get out of here ok?” he said as he reached for her hand


She stood in front of him




“Yeah” he said unsure of what she was about to ask


“Can we go to the hotel first? And get your things I mean. I don’t want to be reminded anymore that we were apart… I just want us to go home”


He wiped another tear that had strayed down his face


“Yeah we can, and then yes let’s go home”


End ch. 8