Love Is A Game (And These Are The Rules)

Chapter 14
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Page Title

She was gone when Ric woke up


He reached for her but he didn’t find her


Instead he found Kristina sleeping peacefully in Alexis’s place beside him




He called her name hoping she would answer from behind the bathroom door


No answer…


Ric rubbed at his eyes and then made his way out of bed trying not to disturb his little girl




The couch


She was sitting on the couch


No coffee


No paper


No legal document


She just sat there already fully dressed


“Good morning”


She jumped slightly, the sound of his voice obviously startling her


“Oh, good morning”


He watched the look on her face change from deep in thought to a cheerful greeting


“You’re up?”


“Yeah, I uh couldn’t sleep”


“And dressed?”


“I took a walk”


“Everything ok?”


At that moment he couldn’t image all the thoughts that were going through her head


“Yeah why wouldn’t it be?” she said placing a smile on her face for him


Ric leaned in kissing her


“You just were very preoccupied…”


“Oh sorry I was lost, day dreaming I guess”


That smile, the one she could easily place on and off her face was there again


“I should go and wake up sleepy head. I told Sonny we would drop her off early this morning so we could finish packing…”


Alexis shook her head


“Will you take her?”


“You don’t want to…”


“I, I should start packing and I have a million things to do and… I mean I need to pack up the stuff in my desk and I want to do it in an organized manner…”


She was rambling


“Ok, ok. I’ll take her”


Ric let it go


He would take Kristina to Sonny’s


But Ric saw right through her


And he didn’t question. He thought maybe she couldn’t face Sonny… not today. And not because she didn’t want to fight but because she was truly saddened that she had to take Kristina away from him like that, especially after all that they had been through


He thought that could have been her reasoning


So he didn’t question




“She’s already had lunch” Ric said as he helped Kristina pull her backpack from her little shoulders


The awkwardness with his brother still lingered even though a truce was called (somewhat forcefully) between the two of them


Ric assumed though, it would be that way forever. Especially now that Ric was the one that would raise Sonny’s biological daughter, raise his daughter in Ric’s own little perfect family… without Sonny


“You and Alexis packed?”


Sonny’s attempt at small talk


“Just about, she’s at home now still packing”


Good, that was a good enough excuse of where she was


Ric studied Sonny’s mood and then looked down to see Kristina already occupied by toys left by her brothers


“I’m sure Michael and Morgan will want to spend some time with her before we leave…”


Sonny didn’t answer immediately


“Yeah, Carly’s bringing them over when Michael gets out of school today…”


Ric shook his head


“Kristina” Ric said falling to his knees to tell her goodbye “Be a sweet girl ok?”


“Ok” Kristina answered cheerfully


“Can I have a hug and a kiss goodbye?”


Kristina without hesitation fell in to Ric’s arms


Sonny watched


“Bye bye sweetheart have fun!”


One last kiss on top of the head goodbye


“We should be at home if you need us” Ric reminded




By the time Ric got back, her desk wasn’t packed though it did look like an attempt was made by all the stuff from the drawers in little piles on top of the desk


“How was he? Everything ok?”


“I left her playing contently”


Alexis shook her head satisfied


“He said Morgan and Michael were coming over as soon as Michael got out of school…”


“Good, good” she said now shuffling though the first pile


That look on her face


Again Ric still a bit confused about what seemed to occupy her attention so


“Packing in an “organized manner” huh?” he said trying to distract her ad he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissing her check


And then her neck


“It takes time to pack in an organized manner!”


“If you keep packing at this rate we should be ready to move just in time for the Thanksgiving Parade!”


“You’ll thank me when we’re moving in and you’re looking for that damn burnt hockey trophy and I’ll know just where it’s packed”


“You mean you had no plans to conveniently lose my hockey trophy in the move?”


“Noooo, I wouldn’t do that!”


“No, no you would never!”


“I’m not getting rid of it. It’s charred from the fire, it has dents from where we dropped it on the floor when we were, well you know… your hockey trophy has lived a hard life and now it must live the rest of its days safe and sound in a closet somewhere” Alexis said grinning wickedly


Ric raised his brow suspiciously to her


“You better get a move on it… literally if you want to be a resident of New York City by the weekend”


Alexis grinned again


“I like the sound of that”


“Yeah… me too”


Ric leaned over picking up the box Alexis had halfway filled


“You know, you have a really cute butt!” Alexis said very obviously observing


“You’re checking out my butt? Aren’t you supposed to be concentrating on your organized packing?”


“Well you do… and I mean isn’t nice that I notice? I mean we are an old married couple and I’m just trying to keep our marriage interesting”


“Already an old married couple?” Ric laughed “What’s gotten in to you today?”


Alexis leaned in giving him a quick kiss


“I’m happy…” she paused “I’m just really happy”


A grin covered Ric’s face, matching hers


“Good” he said sincerely “That’s the one thing I want most for you, is to be happy”


Her smile, now more genuine than before


It was obvious now she was happy


Another kiss


This one ignited another


He playfully tugged at her ponytail pulling her away


“We should pack” Ric said trying to remind himself not to be swayed by her favorite game


“Pack? Pack what?” she said amused with herself     


He grinned


He couldn’t help but grin


He loved, despite his protests when she was “in the mood”


“Honey” His plea not so desperate


“I’ll pack fast… tomorrow” she said placing a biting kiss to his bottom lip


“You’re persuasive to say the least” Ric managed to say before he found himself backing her against the wall


He then kissed the devious grin off her lips


His hands were roaming


She was irresistible


Kisses to his lips, and his neck


She was trying now desperately to pull his shirt off


She wanted to kiss down his chest…


Ric stopped, laughing, helping her


She got what she wanted


And if she were to get what she wanted he for damn sure was going to get what he wanted


Her t-shirt fell to the floor


His lips went roaming mimicking every kiss she had given


He wanted her to know just how good it felt


“I want you so much”


The sound of her voice, the words slipping from her lips


Her fingers began tugging at his jeans until they were undone, hers quickly followed


Pressed perfectly against each other


The phone rang


They stopped instantly


“Nooo” Alexis pouted


“Honey I have to get that. It may be important… I’m still DA at least until tomorrow!”


Alexis let go of him


“I hate that phone!” she said pressing the back of her head against the door knowing she was defeated once again by his cell phone


He kissed her before answering the phone


“Lancing… John, hi” Alexis turned to watch Ric’s face as she heard his voice change “Yes, hopefully by the weekend… Really? No, no that would be great… Are you sure? ... No, I’ll be there. Ok. Thank you, really… ok”


A short conversation


Ric snapped is phone shut


“What?” Alexis said not being able to stand it


Ric turned scooping Alexis up in his arms slowly pushing her towards their bedroom




He grinned


“That was John…”


“And?” Alexis asked puzzled


“And he wants to have a meeting Monday morning…”


Alexis stopped them both dead in their tracks






“A meeting about what?”


“I’m a man Alexis! I have to do the man thing… support my family. I can’t live off of my wife! I’m gonna have to make my own way in the big city!” He said his chest playfully protruding outward


Alexis rolled her eyes




“I asked John for a favor… he came through” Ric said now more seriously


“But is it what you want to do?” She said suddenly feeling selfish that Ric was leaving his career behind for her


 “Honey, I like working with John. It will be a great job”




Before Alexis could cast any more doubt or at least throw out another question Ric began to kiss her again


“I believe we were in the middle of something before the phone rang. Now where were we… my beautiful and very persuasive wife?”


Alexis bit at her bottom lip taking a moment to decide if she would give up and be swayed or at least push for a discussion


His beautiful dark eyes


“Almost to our bed” she said giving in


She then turned and tugged at his hand, he followed


They didn’t pack


They kissed here and touched there


They made love, all afternoon


They would pack fast tomorrow




“Promise… me…” she said in between kisses


“Ok I promise” he said kissing down her stomach


Her eyes cast upon the ceiling getting lost in how his kisses felt against her skin


“Ric… I haven’t told you what you’re promising yet!” she said almost giggling, trying to keep on subject


“It doesn’t matter at this point I’ll give you anything and everything you want!”




He looked up at her


“What am I promising you?” he asked settling on top of her


She brushed her fingers through his hair


“That we’ll always have days like this”


He smiled


“Days where we’re suppose to be doing something else but instead we’re lying in bed making love to each other”


“I think that’s definitely a promise I can keep” he said burying himself in to the crook of her neck


Her hands now slid up and down his bare back


He leaned up again to see that look on her face once again






“You have that look on your face again. Like you’re a million miles away”


“I’m sorry I just, I’m a little distracted”


Ric pulled himself up on his elbows, still lying on top of her


“Tell me sweetheart what’s on your mind”


She let out a nervous laugh


A smile didn’t appear on his face


Whatever was bothering her was making her suddenly a nervous wreck




“I, I love you”


“I love you too” he responded almost puzzled


Her hands once again tracing up and down his back


“You can tell me anything, you know that. I’m right here, always…”


She knew that      


She really did truly believe that


Her eyes sparkling




“Yeah?” he said hoping she was going to confide in him


She shuffled under him, then running her hands through her hair


She paused


“Honey what is it?”


“I um, I was late and I’m never late or at least really late…” she said as she began to ramble nervously


“Late?” He asked confused


“Well except for the one time before…”


“One time before?”


“But I ignored it this time. Then I started feeling tired and I made excuses that it was because all that’s going on and then…”




His mind now reeling


She shook her head yes


“And then I got morning sickness and well…”


“Alexis? Are you… you’re sure?”


“I went out this morning; I thought the fresh air would make me feel better not so nauseous… I bought a pregnancy test…”


Alexis leaned over and pulled from the bedside table the pregnancy test clearly reading “pregnant”


“I’m pregnant”


That nervous laugh again


Tears were already streaming down his face


She didn’t expect him to cry


But his tears only made her cry


“You’re happy about this?” she questioned


“Yes! Alexis… I’m, I’m… I love you so much” he said kissing her “We’re having a baby…” he said kissing her again


“Wait, you’re happy about this?” He said suddenly worried she wasn’t


“Yeah, yeah I just you know, it’s probably just the most inopportune time”


Ric suddenly realized for her it was the most inopportune time


Her new job… and a baby


“Sweetheart we can do this.” He took her hands in his “Don’t worry about your job, don’t worry about New York we’ll figure it out” Ric was suddenly scrambling as if he were trying to do damage control


Alexis shook her head but still seemingly unconvinced


Ric sat up in bed, staring at Alexis. He wiped the tears from his cheeks, then hers


He then placed his hand at her stomach


“We’ll be fine” he reiterated “Remember what I said. I’m right here, always”


She took his face in her hands and kissed him


“I just have to get use to the idea” she said with a smile on her face


He shook his head agreeing


“And I have to figure out how I’m going to tell Michael his lead council got knocked up”


She laughed that nervous laugh again and again


He lay down beside her snuggling her in his arms


They lay there for what seemed like forever in silence


Both now consumed in their own thoughts


Not sure what to say


Or discuss


Not sure if one was happier than the other that there was now this new life between them


Ric at times when over come by emotion, squeezed her tighter against him. When he did she would place small kisses against his bare skin knowing his thoughts


Her hand suddenly made a move down his bare chest, her fingers circling


Her voice, out loud


“I wanted to have your baby”


Her words, surprising


He looked at her, in to her eyes


“I wanted to. I mean I’ve never said that to anyone much less just out loud. But I’ve fallen so in love with you, and maybe it’s because I’m already a mother, maybe because I already know how it feels… But I wanted for you to be able to finally be able to have a child… to know… I wanted to be the one to give you that”


Ric couldn’t seem to catch his breath


“I didn’t know you felt that way. I mean we never discussed having a baby… but I want you to know I was content just having Kristina… God, he’s given me that much and I was content on letting that be enough… she’s my angel, my heart Alexis”


Alexis swiped at the tears falling down the sides of her face


“And she’s so lucky, I’m so lucky that we have you. That you ended up with us… I just, I wanted to be able to give you what you really wanted. I just thought the direction our lives are headed, I thought our chance had passed…”


“That just means this baby is a blessing to us…”


She shook her head


“Alexis this baby is a part of us. A little bit of me and hopefully a whole lot of you!”  He said kissing the top of her head


Ric then began to run his hands across her stomach


His touch seemed to spark against her skin


When she was pregnant with Kristina, she went through it alone.


She wouldn’t be alone anymore


He would be right there with her, with Kristina and their blessing always…


End. Ch.14