Love Is A Game (And These Are The Rules)

Chapter 7
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Page Title

Chapter 7 


“Your trips to New York haven‘t become daunting I hope”


“Are you kidding? I had forgotten just how much I love being in the city” Alexis said as she watched the people making their way through the crowded streets as their car passed


“It is a bit addicting isn’t it?”


“More than I ever realized. Being back here has been wonderful. Ric and I were saying how the city just makes you feel more alive”


Michael smiled


“Well it’s been more than a pleasure to have you here. And I can’t tell you what it meant to me to have you doing this deal… I wanted the best, I got the best”


“Well it is nothing but mutual admiration because you know how much I enjoy working for an old softy like you” Alexis said with a slight laugh in her voice


Michael raised his brow “Softy huh?”


“Mmm Hmm” She said turning her eyes back to the streets


“Well this softy would love to have you back”


Alexis looked over to him


She didn’t respond


“Just as I thought….”




“That you wouldn’t have an answer or a quick comeback for me saying that”


Alexis looked at him defeated


“Look we’re here” Alexis said as she began to gather her coat


“Perfect timing?”


She rolled her eyes


“Are you ready to sign this deal?” she said trying to continue to change the subject


“Sure… ready as ever”




“Ric good to see you again”


“Michael” he said giving his hand a firm shake


“You and Alexis have far exceeded my expectations of the brevity pulling this deal together”


“Well I find my colleague is quite easy to work with” he said grinning


Michael smiled “I’m glad to see you two shall I say, together again? It becomes the both of you…”


Ric returned the smile, he understood.


He was a different man with her


“Alexis…” Michael said motioning her their way


“Sorry I had a call I need to take” She said then leaned in to Ric “She says hello and that she misses you”


Ric grinned widely, his chest protruding like a proud Papa


It made Alexis smile


“Well hello all” John said making his way through the door of his own conference room “I hope everyone is well… “Alexis” he shook her hand “Michael” another hand shake… “Are we ready to sign?”


“I believe we are” Michael said speaking up


Ric motioned for everyone to sit and he politely pulled the chair out for his wife and then proceeded to sit on opposites sides of her


“Ric did mention to you Alexis about the change in paragraph 22?” John questioned taking one last glance at the contract


“Yes he did and Michael and I both agreed that it was fine”


“Are we ready then?” Ric asked anxiously


Alexis looked at Michael “I believe we are”


Ric handed Michael a pen


He scribbled his name


“And John?” Ric said now placing the contract in front of him


Seconds later the deal was done


“You won’t be disappointed Michael” John said shaking his hand


“I have utmost confidence I won’t be John”


“Alexis it was pleasure doing business. Thank you for everything” John said now smiling


“It was my pleasure”


“Ric same here” Michael said once again shaking his hand






Hours later she and Ric said their goodbye’s to Michael and to John after a celebratory dinner and drinks


The day had been perfect, a deal done and a night ending the way it should…


In the car ride back to her hotel his hand rested easily on her legs, his thumb brushing the exposed skin above her knee that her skirt let reveal


They sat close


Her head at times resting on his shoulder when the conversation lulled


The car stopped in front of the Waldorf-Astoria


And the back door quickly opened


Ric got out of the car taking her hand to help her out


They stood close


His hand not letting go of hers


Alexis looked up at the building in front of her


“It’s a beautiful hotel”


She had said those heartbreaking words to him weeks before when they first arrived in New York


He knew how to answer


“Not a very beautiful hotel when you’re there alone” he reminded


She smiled letting out a shy, breathy laugh


“No it isn’t”


Alexis looked at Maurice, the driver waiting patiently and trying to keep his distance for their privacy


She then looked at Ric and leaned in whispering in his ear


“Come up stairs with me”


His heart jumped to his throat


He grinned


She tugged at his hand leading the way in to the hotel


“Have a good night Maurice” Alexis said looking back to him, letting him know he would no longer be needed


“You too Ms. Davis, Mr. Lansing” he said making his way to the driver’s side of the car




The elevator


His arm rested around her hips holding her close


The onlookers in the elevator observing them


In love, obviously in love


The onlookers, smiled at the two of them


Her suite


Dark, moonlit


She turned on the small desk lamp and pulled him toward the couch


She pulled off her suit jacket


Silk, lace


God he loved what she wore under suits… it was her little secret


A little secret that he was fortunate to know


When he would see her in court, he would catch himself wondering what was under her suit


Tonight a grey suit… a soft blue camisole with cream lace that was brilliant against her skin


She grinned at the way he was staring


He pulled off his coat


But before he could finish she began to kiss him


It was hard to think of how to remove the coat to your suit when she kissed him like that


Ric began to loosen his tie


And then he initiated the next kiss


They stopped


Her eyes saying a thousand things, his understanding her every word


She smiled


He was making her smile


His fingers traced her collar bone and then slid under the straps of her camisole


The soft blue camisole with cream lace


Her lips suddenly to the palms of his hands


His eyes closing at the feel of her kiss


Her sweet, perfect kiss


“You’re so beautiful” he said now looking in to her eyes


She grinned shyly


He bit his bottom lip… he loved the ways she would shy away when he told her how beautiful she was


She pulled at his tie until it came undone


She slid the tie through her fingers and then tossed it to the floor


“I need you so much” Ric said not being able to hold in his confession


Her hand went to his face caressing his jaw line


“I need you” she said


“Are you sure you want to do this? Because I don’t think I can stop…”


She placed her thumb to his lips silencing him


Her eyes to the ceiling


And Ric watched as she swallowed her thoughts and as they trailed down her throat and into her chest


“Alexis, you’re thinking…”


She looked back to him, back in to his eyes


She shook her head no


“I don’t want to think… not right now”


He then shook his head understanding


She leaned in kissing him, this time more passionately than the last


“I’m just so tired of thinking”


“I just don’t want you to regret…”


“I’ll never regret anything that happens between us” she said her voice now a whisper


He kissed her again and again


“I crave you, I just want to touch you and taste you and God… I need you”


Her fingers made the first move


His shirt untucked, unbuttoned… his belt, his pants, undone


His hand now further up her thighs


Her lips to his neck


His chest rising and falling against hers


Her heart rapidly beating with his


“I’ve missed you so much”


Her voice was of relief and pain at once


Ric only responded by crashing his lips in to hers


He then stood pulling her with him


Pushing, leading her to the bedroom


“I want to make love to my wife” he said in between more and more addicting kisses


The bed


Her head against the sheets


Her skirt lying on the floor


The camisole pushed from side to side against her skin and his


Naked he wanted her naked; he wanted to be naked against her


Kisses to her legs, between her thighs…


Her eyes once again to the ceiling but this time no thoughts of anything but what was happening to her body ran through her


Her hands running through his soft curls, then her fingernails running chills down his spine


The woman he adored


The man she now couldn’t live without


He made love to her


She made love to him


Over and over their bodies, tired… until once again they couldn’t resist


They had chemistry neither of them had ever felt with any other


It felt fulfilled and complete, yet it left them both wanting, begging, and hoping for more


And they kept making love until strength and breath wouldn’t allow them to anymore


Her suite


Dark, moonlit


Beads of sweat glistening, the taste of salt on every inch of their skin


She lay there, his arms wrapped around her, her body covered with his


Silence… laying in a comfortable silence


His chin resting against her shoulder, his eyes closed


Her eyes to the stars hidden in the city sky


“God… I love New York


His eyes opened to the sound of her voice


He repeatedly kissed at her shoulder


“Me too, me too”


End Ch. 7