Love Is A Game (And These Are The Rules)

Chapter 11
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Page Title

“Wow… really?” he stumbled


He wanted to say congratulations… but the word wouldn’t form in his mouth


He was happy for her, proud of her… but why at that moment didn’t he truly believe it?


 “Lead council huh? That’s, that’s great”


Alexis watched him stumble


He had pulled his hands away from her skin


And she found herself shielding her body with her own arms


His reaction, she felt the same way


“Michael called, just out of the blue and asked me. And you know what he said?” Alexis let out a breathy laugh “He said he hoped he didn’t cause too many complications by asking me”


Ric let out his own breathy laugh


Alexis leaned in and kissed him


She kissed him for his own nervousness; she kissed him for feeling the hesitation she did


“You’re happy about this? I mean you should be thrilled and honored that he asked?” 


Ric was trying


“I don’t know how I feel about it” she said just above a whisper


Ric lay facing her in bed


“It’s a great opportunity”


“Yeah… it is”


Her hair, her tousled hair where she had ran her hands through it earlier must have been from nervousness


Ric would run his hands through his own now


“Alexis we need to talk about this” he said not wanting her to shut him out of her thoughts because he had a million thoughts of his own


“I know…”


“This is a great problem to have. You just received an offer for a really great job, a job you deserve and would be great for…”




The sound of his name from her mouth made his heart flutter


“You’re right it’s a great job, a great opportunity…”




Alexis stared for a moment


“And you’re the DA here” she blurted


A lump sat in Ric’s throat


“Sweetheart…” he said wanting to try and comfort her knowing clearly now what had changed a wonderful opportunity in to a burden


“I can’t take the job”


Her eyes blank


“You want to don’t you?” he said ignoring her admission and instead trying to read the expressions on her face


“I have a toddler and not to mention the huge problem of the one and only Sonny Corinthos…”


“Sweetheart we can deal with…”


“Ric you’re the DA, we have a life, finally we have a life together and we’re ok. And I love that we’re ok… I mean I just I love lying here with you, I love that you read Kristina bed time stories, I love this simple little life we’ve suddenly created where we go to work, we take care of Kristina…”


“Alexis, I’m not sure if you’re making any sense… honey having a job in New York isn’t going to make me love you differently or take care of Kristina differently. I can lie in bed with you, as you know in New York too” he said trying to give her a smile


“But you have a life! You can’t just drop it for me” she said sincerely


“No I can’t just drop it but we can try and compromise and figure this out”


“Ric… taking this job isn’t much of a compromise for me”


“Sweetheart I appreciate that’s what’s bothering you but I can handle compromising… unless that’s not the biggest issue…”


Alexis looked at him


The way he knew her


The way he had suddenly become an authority on her thoughts her moods and the looks she gave him


She hated it


But she loved that he knew her that well


“Maybe I just…” she paused again


“Honey, If you miss an opportunity like this because of something I can help you through…”


“It’s silly…”


“It’s not silly. What is it?”


She rolled over, facing the ceiling


“I’m afraid we’ll lose it all if we change things”


He paused for a moment


“Lose it all? No, Alexis…”


“But I have it all. I have Kristina, I have you… a family”


“And we can have it all in New York


“Why is that so easy for you to say?”


“Because it doesn’t matter where I go or what I do as long as I’m with you and Kristina. I’ve already learned what it’s like to have to live without the two of you. I won’t let it happen again. So if you want to go I have to at least considerate it because if you do go, I go.”


Was it that easy of a decision for him?


“That isn’t fair to you. It isn’t fair that I just make up my mind and take this job and basically leave you with no other options”


“I don’t want the other options Alexis. I want you!” he said sitting up in bed


She sat up beside him


“You’re going to drop your life and your career for me?”


Ric paused, she was right it was hard to say the word yes. To say the word go


“I, I guess yes I would” he said stumbling


She squeezed her eyes shut


“Alexis… sweetheart. I can get another job. There’s not another you and me…”


She let out a deep breath


“I just still don’t even know if I want to take the job and moving to the city… I mean most people get married, have kids and move to the suburbs…”


Ric grinned


“Well we never seem to do things in the right order!”


She grinned


“Look, at least now you can consider it. You know how I feel, and this is, the way I feel Alexis… so just think about it. Also remember you and I both have quite the affection for New York” he said reaching for her hands to hold


“It did feel great to be there” she admitted


Ric smiled


“You’re being quite persuasive for someone who is getting ready to get their life turned upside down”


“I just want you to do what makes you happy. I’m here, by your side and I’ll be in New York by your side”


She leaned in giving him short kisses again and again


“You’re the perfect man”


“I’m not perfect” he protested


“Perfect to me” she said sincerely


Alexis lay back down in bed


He lay again, beside her wrapping his arms around her


“And if we do this what about Sonny?” she asked burying herself further into his body


“I’m not sure if I have the answer for that one yet”


Alexis tugged at her eyes pausing the conversation


“How is it that the greatest mistake of your life can produce the greatest thing that’s every happen to you?”


Ric held a kiss at her cheek before answering


“I guess life’s funny that way”


“He may make life a living hell if I even mention moving to the city”


“We have to live our lives”


“You know it’s not that easy with him”


“Legally you have custody of her; he can’t change that just because you want to go on with your life”


Alexis was silent for the longest time


Ric knew she was thinking, and unfortunately he could guess what she was thinking about


Ric tried to offer comfort


“Sonny will always be a factor Alexis. We can’t live in fear about what he’s going to say and do. If you decide you want to do this… if we do this. We’ll tell him together. We’ll deal with him together”


Alexis turned around facing him, still in his arms


She began to kiss his shoulders


His neck


His chest


Down further


And further


Ric suddenly took her face in his hands making her look at him


“I love you”


“I know and that’s the one thing I feel really certain about right now” she said once again kissing his chest


Ric again interrupted her pulling her face up to look at him


He pulled her back in to her arms


“I just want to forget everything for one second” she announced


“I know you do, and I want more than anything to make love to you… but not when you’re hurting or you’re confused. I’ll hold you until you fall asleep, I’ll talk it over with you or I’ll talk about anything but until dawn. But I won’t let you hide yourself from me, not while we make love…”


Alexis clenched her eyes shut


But shook her head ok


“I love you so much” she said suddenly relieved


“I love you, I love you” he said holding her tight


“Thank you” she whispered returning the embrace


He kissed cheek again


And again there was silence


“Alexis just remember ok… wherever you go, I go”


She never responded… only lay in his arms thinking until her eyes begged her to sleep


And he held her, as promised in his arms


End Ch. 11