Love Is A Game (And These Are The Rules)

Chapter 4
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Page Title

Chapter 4


Alexis looked in the mirror over analyzing herself from head to toe


She tugged at her face, her shirt… nothing seemed to feel right or fit right or just be anything close to perfect


“If only you could see you as I do”


Alexis spun around to see Ric with Kristina in his arms


She couldn’t help but smile, charmed by him, charmed by the sight of them together


Kristina clung to him obviously missing him more than either of them realized


“I was just...”


“Over analyzing? Self deprecating? Criticizing?”


“Yeah something like that”


“You’re beautiful”


Alexis turned her eyes away from him shyly




“Ric” she said a bit embarrassed


“And don’t tug at your face it’s perfect the way it is… everything about you is perfect the way it is”


She could have melted right there


She could have run in to his arms and kissed him until only she was content


But she stood there instead unsure of how to react to his compliments


He would change the subject


“Viola let me in”


Alexis let out a deep breath almost relieved he did change the subject

“I didn’t expect you to get in this early. I mean, I thought it would be later this afternoon”


“I took an earlier flight”


Alexis shook her head thinking of what to say next


“She really seems to have missed you” she said as she watched the way Kristina still held her arms tightly around his neck as tight as she could “Can you breathe?”


“I haven’t really been able to since the day I walked out of here. Now I seem to be able to breathe a little better”


Alexis opened her mouth to say something in response, she didn’t


Why was he making it so hard?


Why was he saying just the right things?


“Kristina why don’t you go and get Ric’s picture you promised him?”


Kristina leaned up from Ric’s shoulder to see his wide eyes


“Yeah I can’t wait to see my picture!” He said sitting her two feet to the floor as she quickly ran to retrieve the picture


“She was really excited about seeing you again”


“And you?” he questioned hopefully


She bit her bottom lip her and took a few fidgeting steps


“This game… this game of wanting me to admit whatever to you…”


“Game? Alexis this isn’t a game to me. I miss you, I miss Kristina every waking second. Nothing I say to you is a game”


The look on his face


“I’m sorry… I just, I don’t know what to think, I don’t know what to believe…”


The look on her face


“I know, I Know”




Ric quickly went to his knees turning his attention back to Kristina


“It’s so beautiful! And you know what? I’m going to hang this up in my office where everybody can see what a wonderful artist you are!”


Kristina bounced up and down, clapping her hands excitedly


She knew of nothing in the world was wrong, she knew nothing about a heart breaking


Ric picked her back up in his arms


“It seems like you’ve grown so much. You’re such a big girl now”


Alexis watched them in steady conversation


She turned her head and caught the tears before they fell down her face


But Ric saw her


“Hey Kristina wants some juice?” Kristina shook her head yes “Why don’t you see if Viola will get you some while I talk to mommy, ok?”


Kristina slid from his arms as if she understood completely


Ric sat down on the bed


Alexis fidgeted with the clothes lying beside him


“I would never do anything to make you sad” he said tugging at her arm


She said nothing only fidgeted


“If you want me to go?”




Her protest fell out of her mouth


Who was playing the game now?


“Um when are you going back to New York?” she asked quickly


A conversation starter


“Late Wednesday. You?”


“I was thinking Thursday morning, you know I didn’t want to leave Kristina for too long”


“You could bring her”


“I will eventually. It’s just hard to concentrate with a two year old”


“I could take her when you needed to work” Ric offered


“You need to work too”


“But a good compromise don’t you think?”


Alexis smiled


“I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier” she apologized


“Don’t apologize you have every right to question”


“It just I guess I need more time than I thought to learn to really trust you”


 “Alexis” He said pulling her beside him on the bed “I’ve learned a very hard lesson… I’ve learned that it’s possible to fall in love with someone so fast and lose them even faster. And I’m not sure how you do really feel about me right now but I don’t blame you for feeling hesitant or guarded. But you know what I’ll prove to you what you need to be sure of just please give me the chance”


Alexis wiped her eyes once again and shook her head


“I want to, please know I want to because there has to be something in the way all of this feels. It’s never hurt this much, it’s never been this lonely…”


“I know, I Know, God, I know”


Ric offered his hand and tangled his fingers with hers


“Alexis just give me a chance”


She let out a deep breath, her eyes to the ceiling wishing she could stop the tears from falling down her cheeks


He reached up catching them one by one


Silence said everything that needed to be said at that moment


“We should probably go and see what Kristina is up to” Alexis said finally as she tried to pull herself together


Ric shook his head agreeing and stood holding his hand out once again for her


And she took his hand again




Kristina was full of giggles and juice stained almost to her nose


She was a relief, a breathe of innocent air


“I guess asking you two to dinner would be too much?”


“We… can’t”


Ric shook his head disappointed


“I mean… I told Nicolas and Emily we would have dinner with them and…”


“I understand”




She didn’t have to have another excuse, they had plans


But she was as disappointed as he was


“I should probably go”


Alexis stopped herself from saying anything for fear she would protest


“Kristina I have to say bye, bye but I want you to take care of mommy. Can you do that?”


Kristina shook her head yes, certain


Ric wrapped his arms around her to give her a hug and a kiss


“You be a sweet, sweet girl, ok?”


Kristina didn’t let go of him


“Sweetheart you have to let Ric go ok? You’ll get to see him again soon”


“I promise” he said trying to assure her though his arms were still wrapped around her and his eyes were clenched tight


Alexis then took Kristina in her arms though she still reached for Ric


Ric leaned in kissing Kristina on the cheek “Bye, bye sweetheart”


And then just as innocently Alexis’ cheek


New York?” he asked with no explanation needed


Alexis gave him a shy “New York


Then she and Kristina watched him go


End Ch. 4