“A Trace Of Her”
No one noticed she hadn’t really eaten in
She would shuffle the food back and forth across
her plate and only take a bite when Jax relentlessly stared at her
She would say nothing for hours on end and when
she would she only said a few words and those words were mostly out of anger or grief she couldn’t hold in any longer
She wasn’t by any means herself
Her hair in waves pulled back recklessly in a
Her eyes blank
Her skin even seemed pale though her Cassadine
blood made it impossible to be true
She had had taken to sleeping in the hallway refusing
the comfort of her own bed while her daughter couldn’t sleep in hers
Her back pressed against the wall until her body
gave way and then she slept with her cheeks pressed against the coolness of the wood floor
Jax would sit at times at the other end of the
hallway protective and each morning would help her up and into the shower for another agonizing day
This morning, 1 week and 2 days later the phone
startled them all
Everyone in the house jumped from the hollow sounds
to the jolting ring of the telephone
Jax’s eyes burst open and went straight
for Alexis’
Before either could get to their feet Detective
Grant was holding the phone out to Jax
“Let it ring one more time, then answer”
he instructed
Jax took the phone from him
Deep breath in
Jax closed his eyes at the sound of the Robbie
the private detective he had hired
Alexis tried to catch her breath and stifle her
disappointment at the same time
“In Alexis’ description of Davis
when she last saw her she said she was wearing a necklace… a small pendant” he said to the point
“Yes she wore
it all the time… silver, a small pendant… yes” Jax said frantically
“Jax a necklace
with the initials “KDJ” was placed in the lost and found at General
“What? General Hospital?”
“The staff on duty
that night said they treated a man who gave a false name. They later found the necklace after they released him on the floor
near the bed where they treated him for a sprained wrist… Jax I’m having the lab here in Port Charles sample the
DNA from the necklace…”
“It’s hers;
it’s hers it has to be hers!” Jax said interrupting
Alexis’s eyes widened
“I think we may
have found a trace of her… but Jax we need to wait and see. We don’t want to jump to conclusions but know we’re
on it”
“And you’ll
call when you hear something?” Jax asked desperately
“Of course”
“Thank you Robbie”
Buy the time Jax had hung
open the phone Alexis was gone from sight
“She’s in
Port Charles!” she said as he finally caught up with her
Alexis had thrown a bag
on the bed and was stuffing clothes in to it
“Alexis what are
you doing?”
Alexis stopped and looked
at Jax
“Jax she’s
in Port Charles! I’m going!”
“Alexis you have
to wait. Wait until they are at least sure it’s her necklace… even then”
“They found a necklace
that was like hers. It has her initials on it… she’s there Jax!”
“But why would they
take her to Port Charles if they didn’t want us to find her! That doesn’t make sense” Jax asked confused
“To see her father!
Maybe they took her to see him!”
Jax was trying to pull
his thoughts together
“Maybe we should
“Wait? God please
He watched her. Her chest
almost caving she was breathing in and out so harshly
“Honey we can’t
do anything that might make them run. If she’s in Port Charles or even in the States we don’t know if they’re
moving her place to place…”
“Don’t you
want to find her!” Alexis asked frustrated
“Alexis I know it’s
hard to think rationally right now…”
“Rationally? No
I’m not thinking rationally I’m thinking someone has my daughter! Someone may be doing God knows what to her!”
The thought of what could
be happening to Davis sent a shiver down his spine
“I’ll call
and have the jet ready but you have to promise me…” Jax stopped catching himself
“Promise you what?”
Alexis said realizing he had stopped himself
Jax shook his head
“Promise me you
won’t get near Sonny. Even if he doesn’t have a clue what’s going on. I don’t want you near him”
She wasn’t sure
what she was going to do. She wasn’t sure if she would be able to think clearly or control her actions but she knew
shaking her head yes would let Jax allow her to get on that plane now
So Alexis shook her head
“I’ll call.
I’ll tell them we’ll be ready in an hour or so”
“Thank you”
she said softly as emotion caught her throat
By the time Jax made his
way back to the bedroom their bags where sitting by the doorway ready to go and Alexis was no where in sight
No answer
Jax went from room to
To Davis’ room
Davis’ bathroom
He heard her
Alexis sitting in the
floor clearly sick
“Alexis… are
you ok?” He said rushing to her
“I’m fine!
I fine!” She said before getting sick again
“You’re not
“I’m fine.
I’m just nervous ok. Just too many thoughts… making me sick to my stomach” she said trying to pull herself
“You haven’t
eaten hardly anything in a week… you’re probably making yourself sick”
“I’m fine”
Alexis helped herself up trying to ignore the way she felt
She still felt sick, weak
The thought of Davis and all the horrible things that could happen to her made her
physically ill
“Please don’t
do this to yourself” Jax pleaded “You need to be strong and your body is telling you you’re not ok”
“We need to go…”
she said ignoring him and as if nothing had just happened to her “Please lets just go”
They had made it to the
The bags from the car
loaded into cargo except one Alexis insisted carrying on to keep with her
But no one actually offered
to take the bag or to even carry it for her
The bag
The bag with the bunny
ears sticking out of the top
Davis’ sweater,
a few other clothing items, and a travel art set also accompanied the stuffed bunny that Davis now felt she was too old for
but kept stuffed between the pillows of her bed incase of emergency
By the time Jax and Alexis
were in the air Jax held the bunny in his hands studying it as if he hadn’t seen in a million times. As if he hadn’t
know it exsisted for at least the last 15 years
Worn floppy ears
A pink ribbon missing
from around its neck
Even a little dirty from
its travels and now unidentifiable stains that the washing machine couldn’t conquer
He love that bunny almost
as much as Davis did
He held it against his
Alexis dropped to her
knees in front of him and buried her face in to his chest next to the bunny. Jax set the bunny aside and wrapped his arms
around her, holding her
“It’s ok”
The quick words of comfort
came from her mouth, the first words of comfort she had tried to give him since this all began
His hand to hers
She held it tight
“I’ll do anything”
“So will I”
he answered quickly
She looked up at him
“We’re going
to get our daughter no matter what” she said her eyes now boldly looking into his
“No matter what”
He repeated
End Ch. 4