
Chapter 12 End Of A Nightmare
Home | Chapter 2 "Kisses Goodbye" | Chapter 3 "Living Hell" | Chapter 4 "A Trace Of Her" | Chapter 5 "Questions vs. The Usual Suspects" | Chapter 6 "Silence There, Silence Here" | Chapter 7 "Park Benches And Penthouse Floors" | Chapter 8 "Sweet Sixteen" | Chapter 9 Hints Of Jealousy | Chapter 10 "New, Old, Shattered" | Chapter 11 Shes My Daughter | Chapter 12 End Of A Nightmare | Chapter 13 Revenge | Chapter 14 Davis this is Sonny Corinthos | Chapter 15 Falling Apart | Chapter 16 She Knows Her Father Is Somewhere

“End Of A Nightmare”


A London flat


Inside, a life of comfort and a somewhat limitless lifestyle was apparent








Davis? Daaaaviiis? Where are you? Are you in here?” Alexis asked looking behind the chair “Maybe you’re in here? Alexis said opening the closet door though she knew exactly where Davis’ favorite hiding place was… “I think I might know where Davis is!”


Alexis crawled under her desk


“There you are!”


Alexis held Davis in her arms


The sound of Davis’ laughter only confirmed their outward appearance


“I found you! I found you!”


Davis continued to giggled thrilled that her mother had found her


“Let’s play again mommy!”


“Ok, ok but we have to hurry daddy will be home soon!”


Davis ran as fast as her little legs could carry her throughout the house


“1… 2… 3… 4…”


Before Alexis could count to five Jax made his way through the front door


“Hi honey” he said kissing Alexis


A quick but vivid kiss


“Where’s Davis?”


“We’re playing hide and go seek”



“Oh… ok”


Davis where are you?” Davis!”

Alexis looked at Jax and pointed to her office


“Under your desk?” Jax whispered


Alexis shook her head for him to look


Jax came back… “She’s not there”


Davis! Davis! I have to find you… Daddy’s home”


Usually at the mention of Daddy Davis would drop anything to run to him


Davis… let’s stop playing ok… did you hear me daddy’s home”


Jax looked at Alexis and called Davis




Alexis paused listening for her


Davis…” Alexis said her feet falling against the floor as she took one step after the other “Davis… baby let’s not play anymore ok”


“Sweetheart… Daddy wants to give you a big kiss…” Jax said his voice echoing throughout the house


She was gone…


Davis never jumped out to say ‘I fooled you’


She never giggled loud enough to give herself away










Alexis began to cry uncontrollably


But suddenly Davis appeared in the doorway behind Alexis


She was standing beside Sonny holding his hand


“Sonny…”  Alexis said his named stunned to see him


Alexis turned to look at Jax to understand why Sonny was there


It made no sense why he was there


But Jax wasn’t there


“Sonny what are you doing? Davis… why is she with you?”


“She’s my little girl Alexis. Kristina is my daughter”


“Sonny… Davis! Please Sonny she’s my baby. I just wanted to protect her. Let me have her back” Alexis pleaded


“Protect her? Please little Natasha”


Sonny was gone


The voice that called Natasha was unmistakable


Helena stood in front of her holding Davis’ arm tight


Her little girl with dark curls was suddenly the teenager she remembered


Just the way she had remembered her


The way she was dressed the day she left home


The day she disappeared in to thin air


“Mom please help me! Please…”


Alexis imaged each tear rolling down Davis’ cheek


She reached for Davis and Helena snatched her away




With the scream of her name once again Alexis woke herself


When she opened her eyes Jax was by her side


“Alexis, honey its ok”


Alexis tried to catch her breath


“Honey you were just dreaming”


“It was a dream?”

“Yes honey it was just a dream”


Davis?” Alexis questioned


Jax looked at her sadly


“God, it wasn’t all just a nightmare”


“No... they haven’t found her yet”


Alexis’ eyes darted away then back to his


“I’m sorry” she said bowing her head as she remembered why Jax left her hours before




“I’m glad you came back” she said continuing before he could


“You know I would”


“I wasn’t sure. I wasn’t sure you would believe me, and that you would even…”


“What have to fight Sonny for the woman in my life again?”


“Yes. I guess”


“I won’t fight. I decided that if you were being truthful that you haven’t fallen for him… Then I have no reason to fight. I was more angry at Sonny than I was at you. I am angry with him for making you scared and then making you trust him… I’m angry that he does the same thing to me and that he will to Davis


“I can’t turn back now. I can’t take away what he knows…”


“I know”

“But I’m not in love with him… and maybe I have protected Davis all of this time from him and I’m certain it wasn’t in vain, maybe one day both she and Sonny will understand that. But things are now the way they are. And we all want the same thing… to have Davis back. Whatever happens between us, and Sonny we’ll have to deal with…”


Jax shook his head


“I love you wife”


“I love you husband”


They both announced matter-of-factly


Jax crawled in to bed with Alexis and began to kiss her passionately


The phone rang


Interrupted quickly


A smile came across her face letting out a breathy laugh


Jax reached for the phone “This is Jax”


“Jax we have Davis!” Mac Scorpio said on the other end of the phone




“What?” Alexis questioned sitting up alarmingly in bed


“She’s on her way to General Hospital right now to be checked out. She only agreed to go with the understanding you two would be waiting on her”


“She’s ok?”


Alexis eyes were wide


“Yes she seems fine Jax”


“We’re on our way! We’re on our way! Thank you!”


Jax slammed down the phone




“They found her! They have her! She’s at General Hospital, she’s ok… she there, waiting on us!”

“Oh my God! Oh my God!” Alexis said hurrying out of bed




All Alexis said to Jax was she had to call him, she couldn’t not…


Jax agreed


He was her father


The phone conversation was quick


She told him what little she knew just that Davis was on her way to General Hospital and she would worry about the rest later…


“WHERE IS SHE??” Alexis screamed showing no mercy to anyone standing in her way


Police stood closely around a curtain drawn area


Alexis ran


The nurse yelling behind her “Its ok, its ok it’s her mother!”


Davis heard the commotion and met her mother before Alexis could reach the curtain


“My baby! My baby!” Was all Alexis could say as she held Davis just as tight as Davis clung to her


Both cried


“I’m so sorry baby… are you ok?” Alexis said looking her over


“I’m ok mom. I’m ok”


“Mostly dehydration and exhaustion… maybe a littler malnourished.” The doctor said over their shoulder. “She should be fine”


Jax finally had his chance, unable to stop crying himself “Daddy!”


Davis not letting go of her mother’s hand smothered herself in Jax’s arms


Alexis tried to wipe the tears from her eyes and looked to see Sonny watching them from a distance




His face said relief and sadness at the same time


Davis wanted her father at that moment and she was in his arms


Happy, safe… in his arms


Alexis said nothing only stared for a few seconds more and then her arms went back around her daughter


Jax never noticed Sonny there


“We’ll want to keep Davis overnight to make sure she gets plenty of fluids… she should be good to go tomorrow” The doctor assured


“Mr. and Mrs. Jacks, Commissioner Scorpio is here and would like to speak to you when possible”


Alexis looked at Jax


“I’ll go. You two stay here”


“Daddy” Davis said almost sounding terrified that he would have to leave her side


“I’ll be right back I promise. You can watch me from across the room” he assured her


Davis nodded, agreeing




Helena’s gone”


“What!” Jax said his hands running frustratingly through his hair


“I’m sorry…” Mac continued “Unfortunately it’s the usual with her. She knows how to play the game. She’s always one step ahead. She must have known we thought we had found Davis


“You have a warrant out for her arrest?”


“A search team is out checking planes, boats… anyway possible she could escape. She’s considered a fugitive”


“And if you don’t find her she just gets away with it?”


“We’ve arrested four men in conjunction with Davis’ kidnapping… they’re not going anywhere. And you know we’ll try and make them talk but loyalty or fear, whichever it may be… it will be hard to learn anything about where she is through them…”


Jax’s eyes wandered now see Sonny standing closer listening to Mac


“So what now?” Jax continued


“Now, be with your daughter. Let us handle the rest”


Jax looked back at Sonny and then to Mac


Though dissatisfied Jax shook his head


“Ok” was all Jax said


“And Jax we’ll post guards outside your penthouse immediately and put tight security on the building. We want to be assured Davis is safe”


“Thank you” Jax said extending his hand “Thank you and the department for all of your hard work. Obviously Alexis, Davis and I can never repay you…”


“We’re glad she’s safe and she’s ok…”


Jax watched until Mac was clearly gone from the hospital emergency room before he made his way to Sonny


“You heard what Mac said?” he questioned Sonny bluntly


Sonny shook his head yes


“I want Helena dead” Jax said coldly and not making eye contact with Sonny


“Well we both agree on that”


“She’s brought too much pain to Alexis and now Davis”


“Agreed” Sonny said emotionless


“I’ll make a call and have people looking for Helena in every country possible”


“And I’ll have people searching in any place left”


Sonny and Jax were both silent for a moment


“She’s ok… tired… needs fluids from dehydration and probably not going to let go of Alexis for a while… but she’s ok”


“Thank you” Sonny said honestly appreciative for a report on Davis


“I have to go back… I promised her I wouldn’t be long”


And with that Jax left Sonny standing there and Sonny watched Jax place his cell phone to his ear


Sonny turned and did the same


“Bobby… any luck on finding Helena Cassadine? I want her found, NOW!”


Sonny slammed the his phone shut


He watched the smile on Alexis’ face


Her eyes bright


Her hands refusing to let go of her precious girl


His heart overjoyed at the sight of them together


His heart sank at the thought of not being able to be a part


Sonny  then closed his eyes in thanks to answered prayers and walked out


End Ch 12