
Chapter 8 "Sweet Sixteen"
Home | Chapter 2 "Kisses Goodbye" | Chapter 3 "Living Hell" | Chapter 4 "A Trace Of Her" | Chapter 5 "Questions vs. The Usual Suspects" | Chapter 6 "Silence There, Silence Here" | Chapter 7 "Park Benches And Penthouse Floors" | Chapter 8 "Sweet Sixteen" | Chapter 9 Hints Of Jealousy | Chapter 10 "New, Old, Shattered" | Chapter 11 Shes My Daughter | Chapter 12 End Of A Nightmare | Chapter 13 Revenge | Chapter 14 Davis this is Sonny Corinthos | Chapter 15 Falling Apart | Chapter 16 She Knows Her Father Is Somewhere

“Sweet Sixteen”


Davis shoved the piece of paper in to her back pocket as she heard the locks on the door being opened


She held her breath anticipation for who it would be


Every day that past she held her breath for someone else to come through that door


Every day there was just a man who brought her food and came back to take what was left away


He didn’t speak to her much less even let his eyes cast to her, nothing


Davis didn’t even see again the man who had spoken to her when she was first brought to that room. He had seemingly disappeared…


The door opened and another unrecognizable man pushed an older woman in a wheelchair through the doorway


Davis quickly made note of the woman’s ornate clothes and appearance, and the comparison to the man standing behind her


The man behind her wasn’t just another man bringing her food; this man brought something else to Davis…


“Leave us alone” the woman ordered


“But you may need…” the man protested


“I said alone”


The woman seemed a bit frail but the tone in her voice was anything but weak


He obeyed her orders


“Yes ma’am”


The woman studied Davis as she looked at her from head to toe


Davis only stared back


“Kristina” Helena finally said aloud


“Davis” Davis boldly corrected


“Now let’s not play that silly little game”


“I’m not playing a game. It’s my name”


Helena raised her brow to Davis “If you insist… Davis” Helena said now correcting herself “Just like your mother. She changed your name thinking it would erase who you really are…”


Davis looked at Helena confused


“What is it dear? Helena questioned satisfied she had peaked Davis’ interest


“Who are you?”


“Why don’t you even recognize your own Grandmother?”


Davis took a step back as a smile curved on Helena’s lips


“Helena?” Davis said letting the whisper fall out of her mouth


“So your mother has taught you some of your family history. I was afraid she wouldn’t care to mention me. Dear sweet Natasha and I have, shall I say a colorful past”


“You’re not my grandmother. You’re Nicolas’ grandmother!” Davis protested


“Now, now just because we are not flesh and blood…”


“You kidnapped me! Is this to punish my mother or is this for your own satisfaction?”


“You are a very smart young lady. I admire that. You are also a bit feisty. Your little mouse of a mother didn’t become quite as brave as you are until much later in life…”


“Are you going to kill me?” Davis asked as if she were ignoring all that Helena was saying before


“Kill you? Those could be in my intentions, yes… it depends if I feel your mother is suffering enough. And I must tell you she is a mess. But she has never done well in situations like these”

 Helena noted the affect she was having on Davis

“Oh don’t you worry though that handsomely rich playboy and substitute for your father, Jax is comforting poor little Natasha and I’ve also been told your father is now comforting her too. He is quite concerned about you…”


“My father?”


“Ah yes one of Natasha’s little secrets. Or should I say big secrets”


“My father? Who is he?”


“Child you shouldn’t be so anxious… your father is a handsome and charming man but he is far from the man of your mother’s dreams”


“Who is he?”


“Sonny Corinthos” Helena blurted without a second thought


Davis looked at her puzzled, she knew nothing of him, never even remembering a mention of his name


“Oops your mother’s little secret is out” Helena said amused with herself


Davis was shaking her head unsure of what would happen next


“Oh and I’m sure your mother and father and um… Jax would want you to have a happy birthday”




“Why yes dear child today is your birthday” Helena said to Davis as if she were a doting Grandmother


Davis was again confused


Time had passed


Her days and nights were no longer distinct from the others




Helena’s voice startled Davis


The unrecognizable man had a name


“Please bring in Davis’ little surprise”


The door quickly opened and the man once unfamiliar now stood in front of her with a chocolate cake much to decadent for a sixteen year old


“Make a wish” Helena said almost sincerely


Davis shook her head




“Why I go through all of the trouble to have this cake to commemorate this special occasion and you refuse? I believe it is in your best interest as to wish on such petty things as your birthday candles… and to wish wisely. Think of your poor mother…or if anything, wish that you will see your seventeenth”


Before Helena could finish her sentence Davis closed her eyes tight and both Bernard and Helena watched as Davis’ knees literally quivered


Davis took a deep breath in


And then released her breath


Davis at that moment never took her next breath to inhale


She only let her breath out and held it making one wish


One wish that at that moment her mother was ok and knew that she would be with her as soon as she could… That Davis too would survive Helena just as she did




She was still standing in the living room of his penthouse




Her arms were folded against her chest


She pretended to stare out the window though her mind wouldn’t allow her to concentrate on anything, much less mindless things happening on the streets below her


Another chance to observe her before she noticed him


A chance to notice her hair pulled imperfectly in a ponytail


A chance to notice her unwillingness to over dress for her mood


A chance to notice she was no better than the days before


She was tired


And she wore heartbroken prominently on her face


"Hi" he said softly not wanting to startle her


"Hi" she said turning to the sound of his voice as he appeared in front of her


"Thank you for seeing Bobby. I hope you got the sense that he's good at what he does"


"I did get that. And I’m glad he's looking for her. Thank you for hiring him"


Sonny made his way to where he could stand face to face with her


“Of course and you’re welcome and… thank you for staying. I hoped to see you…”


“I can’t stay much longer”


Sonny nodded his head understanding


"How are you?"


"You keep asking that"


"I know but..." Sonny paused "I'm aware of what today is"


Alexis' eyes cut to his


"You remember?" she said whispering


Sonny let out a sigh




Alexis squeezed her eyes tightly shut


“I’m sorry” He said apologetically


“No… don’t be” She blurted “It’s her birthday… maybe she knows…”


Alexis stopped herself as her bottom lip quivered


Sonny took steps closer to her


She took a step back


He again looked at her regretfully


Her solemn eyes pierced him and then she squeezed them tight once again. This time her body swayed from the instability of her own two feet


His arms reached immediately embracing her


Though her arms dangled by her side


She let him hold her


So he did


“If you want to cry”


She pulled away


“No” She said shaking her head “I have to go”


“Do you?” He questioned




She looked around for her coat


Sonny found it first


He held it open so her arms could slip in


She immediately headed for the door


He wouldn’t force her to do anything she didn’t want to




She turned


“Please be careful and if you need me…”


He didn’t have to finish his sentence


She knew the rest. She knew if she needed him…


She only shook her head and then Sonny held the door for her


He stood in his own doorway as he watched the tip of her finger press the button for the elevator


Sonny would offer more words of assurance if she needed him but before the words came from his mouth his eyes fell to her knees trembling and the palm of her hand pressing against the wall beside the elevator to steady herself


He watched as she struggled to take a deep breath in




And how she managed to let her breath out


She didn’t answer him


“Alexis… are you sure you’re…”


She fell to the floor


End Ch. 8