
Chapter 11 Shes My Daughter
Home | Chapter 2 "Kisses Goodbye" | Chapter 3 "Living Hell" | Chapter 4 "A Trace Of Her" | Chapter 5 "Questions vs. The Usual Suspects" | Chapter 6 "Silence There, Silence Here" | Chapter 7 "Park Benches And Penthouse Floors" | Chapter 8 "Sweet Sixteen" | Chapter 9 Hints Of Jealousy | Chapter 10 "New, Old, Shattered" | Chapter 11 Shes My Daughter | Chapter 12 End Of A Nightmare | Chapter 13 Revenge | Chapter 14 Davis this is Sonny Corinthos | Chapter 15 Falling Apart | Chapter 16 She Knows Her Father Is Somewhere

“She’s My Daughter”


“We think we’ve found Davis” Mac said to the pair of eyes starring intently back at him


“What?” The word slipped from Alexis’ mouth


“Where is she!” Jax said chiming in


“Your suspicions about Helena were correct Alexis. We brought you both in asking you to identify a man a few weeks ago…”


“Yes” Alexis said anxiously


“His name is Joseph Marks. As you know we were suspicious of some of his activities and items he had purchased around the time Davis disappeared. We arrested him again last night for disturbing the peace while intoxicated. We put him in a holding cell to sober up when he started spouting off  details about a girl… we immediately started questioning him. He said he did what he was told and took where her was suppose to… he said he tried to make her eat and she refused… He honestly didn’t make much sense at the time. Moments before I called you two to come down here he confessed to working for Helena...”


Jax watched as Alexis seemed to choke on the lump in her throat


“Did this guy say where he left Davis? Do you think she’s still here in Port Charles?” Jax asked hopeful


“We think so. And I have a team out on surveillance of the property.  We have a warrant out for Helena’s arrest, but we don’t want to make a wrong move and spook her… Alexis you know how Helena operates. You know she’s dangerous and you also know if she needs to disappear at a moment’s notice she will”


Alexis shook her head agreeing


“So what do we do? Just wait?” Jax asked


“I afraid yes that’s about all you can do… or at least that’s what I recommend you do. Let my men do their job, we want everything to run a smooth as possible”


Both Jax and Alexis shook their heads


“If any move is made or if anything changes arise you’ll be the first to know” Mac said then looking directly at Alexis “She’ll be home soon” he said trying for one last assuring word


Alexis turned to Jax as Mac walked away


“She’s alive, she’s ok… I know she is… Mac’s right we just need to wait and she’ll be home soon” Jax said trying to assure her and himself


Alexis looked at him


“She’ll kill her just to watch me suffer” she said blankly


“Don’t say that. Helena hasn’t and she wouldn’t…”


“Don’t say she wouldn’t! Because she would! She’s done it before and she’ll do it again. She could have been plotting this for years! This could be what she considers her last punishment to me…”


“Alexis please don’t! I know what Helena is capable of but we have to be positive we’ve come this close to finding Davis…”


Alexis closed her eyes tight for a moment and then fell against Jax’s chest


“I can’t do this much longer. I can’t live like this” She confessed


“I know, I know”


His arm’s wrapped tightly around her, holding her rocking with her back and forth


Alexis stood there in his arms. Needing someone to hold her, wanting it to be him she needed to hold her


Alexis pulled away in time to see Sonny standing there


She paused to study his face, taking just a second to wonder what he was thinking


“Hi” Alexis said wiping the tears that had fallen down her cheeks


Jax turned quickly to see Sonny there


“Is everything ok? Davis? She’s ok?”


Alexis glanced at Jax. The look on his face was obviously more demure than what he wanted to actually say to Sonny


“Um… they arrested the guy who they wanted us to identify a couple of weeks ago… he was brought in on other charges but confessed to working for Helena and being the one that kidnapped her…”


Sonny at that moment wanted to grab her, wrap her in his arms, and hold her as tight as he could. Comfort her the way Jax was comforting her


Instead he asked another question… and kept his distance


“Did he give any leads to where Davis might be?”


“The police have a place under surveillance as we speak but they don’t want to jump the gun and run Helena off”


“Do they think she’s ok?”


“The man said she was when he left her”


Awkward silence


And Jax didn’t volunteer any more information


“Is there anything else any of us can do?”


“Wait… wait, wait”


Sonny shook his head understanding


“Sonny if you don’t mind my wife and I, we need to go”


“Jax” Alexis said looking slightly annoyed


“No, no he’s right you shouldn’t be here if you don’t have to be. You’ve spent too much time here as it is”


Alexis looked at Sonny sorry that she couldn’t talk it over with him further. That she couldn’t even think to console him… if he needed it


“I’ll let you know if I hear anything”


Regret in her voice


“Yeah… please do”


Regret in his


Jax tugged at her hand and left Sonny standing in the police station




The car ride home was quiet


Painfully quiet


No speaking, no touching, neither barely moved


And in the penthouse neither still said a word


This wasn’t them


They argued, they fought like normal married couples but the silence between them today meant more, felt angrier, it hurt…


Jax paced the living room


Alexis stared out the window


“We can’t keep doing this”


Jax’s voice was startling


Alexis took forever to answer


“We’ll get her back soon”


Jax stopped pacing right in front of Alexis


“That’s not what I meant… I meant we can’t keep doing this, like what we’re doing to each other. No… what you’re doing to me”


“What I’m doing to you?” she asked defensively


“Him, it’s him…”


“You’re kidding me!”


“And I admit it, I’m jealous. I guess I’m jealous of him, jealous of what ever it is between the two of you”


“There’s nothing between us!”


“Alexis I didn’t even have to mention his name…”


“Jax don’t do this! I’m stressed, I’m tired, I’m emotionally and physically drained. I’m couldn’t even think of…”


“Being with another man… cheating on me with the man you’ve been running from for the past 16 years?”

“I can’t believe you! I can’t believe that you think I would do that to you! God, I’m trying to give him a little credit for acting like a human being. For not ripping me to shreds when he knows I can’t fight back! He’s been understanding and helpful and I think he’s sincerely worried about what’s happening to his daughter”


“His daughter? His daughter! He’s worried about his daughter… great fine. Glad he’s being such a good man, but Alexis do you hear yourself? You wanted nothing to do with him. You didn’t want to hear or say his name. Alexis you wouldn’t even be in the same country with him now you’re allowing him to console you…”


“Jax don’t…”


“What do you do if Davis comes back? Look Davis it’s your father! The man I hid you from all these years. The reason why I changed your name and moved you from country to country. Here’s your father, father of the year!”

“You’re not thinking straight!”


“You’re right I’m not! I’m thinking about my wife in the arms of that man. A man you and I both know will need you one minute and throw you away the next”


“Jax you don’t have to worry about this”


“I do, I do because I love you. Because you’re my wife and I love you. And I love my daughter. MY DAUGHTER! She’s not my flesh and blood, she is his but SHE”S MY DAUGHTER ALEXIS!”


Jax backed away from Alexis. He had never yelled at her that way


Alexis didn’t fight back


They stood facing each other again in that awkward silence


“I’m sorry”


“No don’t be”


Jax looked at Alexis


His heart breaking


“You care about him?”


“I can’t help it”


Jax let out a deep breath


“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to and I know deep down that when Davis comes home… you’re right he could turn on me. Fight me for her. But right now he’s helping look for her and he seems sincere. I have to give him that much”


Jax shook his head


“Jax please… let’s not do this” she pleaded


“I need to clear my head, take a walk”


“It’s dark”


“I’ll have my cell if you hear anything. I just need time to think about everything”


“Maybe we should talk about this and not just walk away…” She said trying to be rational, to do the right thing


“I would Alexis, but honestly I think right now I would just talk in circles. Besides I need to think things through. I need a game plan… I’m not losing my family to Sonny Corinthos”


End Ch. 11