this is Sonny Corinthos”
He ran
The brisk December air and he still
He did no matter where he was
It didn’t matter
He wasn’t a health nut
He lavished in imported chocolates
and decedent deserts
He would just run
Every morning as the sun would rise
He said it made him feel good, helped
him start his day
Alexis knew it was the way he cleared
his head, thought things through
This morning, she knew exactly the
thoughts he was running to
The same thoughts she had as she
starred out the window and sipped her coffee
“I want to buy a hundred boxes
of this cereal and take it back home with me!”
Alexis turned to see Davis coming towards her with a bowl in hand
“Davis that bowl is as big as your head!” Alexis said amused
“I could eat my weight in
this stuff!”
“I think you already have”
“I can’t believe I can’t
get this in London”
“I’m kind of glad you
can’t. You would be on a sugar high for the rest of your life!”
“Speaking of home… when
are we going back? Do we have to wait until Helena is in jail?”
Davis asked innocently
“No, no we don’t”
Alexis said hopeful that Davis did want to put this all behind her and leave the United States
“I mean if I have to go to
“I told you, you don’t
have to do anything…”
“I want to do what needs to
be done but I also just want to go back home and go back to the way things were”
A change in subject
“Remember New Years in Sydney? All the fireworks…”
“I remember you kissing daddy”
Davis said grinning
Alexis looked at Davis a bit embarrassed
“Some people are grossed out
by their parents kissing” Alexis raised her brow to Davis
comment “But I think it’s cool. I mean you guys just really love each other”
Alexis smiled
“And you know what I really
love you!” Alexis said pulling Davis in to her arms
A knock at the door interrupted
“Mrs. Jacks, I’m sorry
to interrupt but Mr. Corinthos is here to see you”
Davis felt her mother’s arms tighten around her
“Mom?” Davis questioned
Alexis didn’t answer her
“Um yeah…” was
all Alexis could say to Mike
Sonny appeared in the open doorway
He knew Davis was there. He didn’t expect she would be right there
The startled look on his face
The suspicious look on Davis’ face
This had been the closest he had
been to her in almost 15 years
“Um Sonny…” Alexis
wasn’t quite sure how to introduce or reacquaint them. “Davis…
this is Sonny Corinthos”
Davis still could sense how strangely nervous her mother was but she stuck out her hand politely
“Hi, nice to meet you”
Alexis didn’t breathe
But neither did Sonny
He took her hand and gave it a light
cordial shake
“Davis, Sonny helped look for you”
“Oh… thank you”
“You’re welcome. I’m
glad you’re safe and sound Davis”
It was all he could think to say
And before the conversation could
get any more awkward Jax made his way through the door
Davis quickly forgot her polite conversation with Sonny and made her way to Jax
She didn’t see the look on
Jax’s face at the sight of them there together
His arms went around Davis, his eyes to Alexis
Her eyes… they screamed fear
“Sonny what are you doing
“I was wanted to speak with
Jax looked back at Alexis
Alexis thought quickly
“Davis why don’t you
go and get dressed and we’ll go shopping. We could use a little retail therapy” Alexis said placing a grin purposefully
on her face
“We can go shopping but I
can take a hint when you want me to just go to my room”
Both Jax and Sonny couldn’t
help but grin. She was to smart for her own good
“I’m gone” Davis said amused with herself
They waited until Davis disappeared from the living room
“She seems ok” Sonny
said truly concerned
“She seems to be” Alexis
said letting him know that she couldn’t quite comprehend why Davis
was so ok
Sonny hesitated for a moment…
“Sonny, Alexis knows”
Jax confessed
Sonny quickly looked at Alexis
“And I don’t want you
to do it” she stated
Davis eyes widened as she leaned slightly around the corner to see her mother, father and
Sonny Corinthos standing there
“Alexis” Jax said as
if he were still pleading with her
“Look if you two still need
to discuss this”
“Does it matter?” Alexis
said turning her attention to Sonny “Won’t you do whatever you want to anyway. Especially if Jax isn’t going
to do it?”
“No… not if you don’t
want me to”
“And what makes this time
different?” Alexis lowered her voice and Davis strained
to hear her mother but she couldn’t. “She’s your daughter…why wouldn’t you kill Helena for kidnapping her?”
All Davis
heard was ‘kill Helena’
Davis backed herself towards her room and quietly closed the door
The thought of her dad wanting to
murder someone heavy on her mind
“Because I’m trying
to do the right thing. If you tell me not to I won’t. I’ve made too many mistakes…”
“You won’t?”
“Not if you don’t want
me to”
Alexis looked at Jax
“Ok… you have my word
Alexis sighed but it wasn’t
of relief
“I know… I mean don’t
you think I understand more than anyone about want revenge on Helena?
But I just can’t do it. I can’t now for Davis’
sake. And I can’t let you two either because you will have to pay for it. That’s how Helena always wins…”
“Then let’s just focus
on finding her. And we’ll let the justice system take care of the rest” Jax said trying to appease Alexis
Sonny shook his head agreeing
“Uh there’s one other
Sonny’s dark eyes looked at
She knew that look well
It was a look that at a moments
notice could go from being hurt to the one whocaused hurt
“When are you going to tell
Alexis and Jax both froze
“Tell her?” The words finally slipped from Jax’s mouth
“Yeah, tell her I’m
her father”
Sonny’s voice became heartless
in an instant
“Sonny you can’t think
I would tell her something like that after she’s been away from her family for the last couple of months” Alexis
said outraged
“She’s old enough to
know Alexis”
“Not emotionally, not now”
Alexis disagreed
“Sonny you have to agree with
that” Jax said trying to make his voice sound reasonable
Sonny grabbed his coat from where
he had laid it on the back of the chair
“She’s sixteen, she
should know who her real father is. You can’t just pretend that I don’t exist like you have been I won’t
allow it. I’ll tell her myself”
Alexis closed her eyes tight to
stop herself from getting emotional
“Sonny we know we have to
tell her who you are… but please don’t do anything irrational. Everything is already crazy and confusing for her.
Please don’t make it worse”
Sonny looked at them both and then
headed for the door
“If you don’t tell her
soon I will. She has to know”
Sonny left Jax and Alexis standing
in a room full of silence
They stood arms length apart but
neither made a move to console the other
“I don’t know what to
do, I don’t know even what to say”
Alexis broke her stare on the wall
before her
“Davis and I are going shopping…
you can go and carry our bags”
Any other time Alexis would say
this to Jax she would have a persuading grin on her face
This time it was more deliberate,
a clear cover to mask the emotional breakdown she was having inside
“You can’t just pretend
like that conversation didn’t just happen Alexis”
“I’m not… I just
need time to think. And I wouldn’t tell her today… not today”
“We’ll get through this”
Jax assured
Alexis looked at him
“You know it’s not her
I’m so worried about. She knows her biological father is out there. And she’s smart enough to know I couldn’t
keep that secret forever. It’s me that I’m not sure of; it’s me that I’m worried that I can’t
get through it”
“Davis gets her strength from you”
Alexis let out a breathy un-amused
“Shopping… I need to
see if Davis is ready”
Jax let her go
He watched her make her way to Davis’ room
He heard the sound of Alexis voice…
completely fine
He wasn’t sure he would get
through it either
End Ch. 14