
Chapter 16 She Knows Her Father Is Somewhere
Home | Chapter 2 "Kisses Goodbye" | Chapter 3 "Living Hell" | Chapter 4 "A Trace Of Her" | Chapter 5 "Questions vs. The Usual Suspects" | Chapter 6 "Silence There, Silence Here" | Chapter 7 "Park Benches And Penthouse Floors" | Chapter 8 "Sweet Sixteen" | Chapter 9 Hints Of Jealousy | Chapter 10 "New, Old, Shattered" | Chapter 11 Shes My Daughter | Chapter 12 End Of A Nightmare | Chapter 13 Revenge | Chapter 14 Davis this is Sonny Corinthos | Chapter 15 Falling Apart | Chapter 16 She Knows Her Father Is Somewhere

“She Knows Her Father Is Somewhere”




He could tell something was wrong by the way she tossed her hair


She only tossed her hair when she was nervous or anxious


When she did it made her even more beautiful, but when she did it was never the appropriate time to tell her


Despite her saying so something was wrong


Davis… you said we need to talk about her?” Sonny questioned after Alexis’ silence


“Yeah, Sonny I want to be honest with you and I sincerely want this to…”

”Alexis if we need to discuss something and in obvious importance that brought you here at this time of night…”


“Jax and I want to take her back to London


Sonny’s eyes widened at Alexis’ sudden lack of hesitation


“Sonny she wants to go home” she continued


“You’re just going to take my daughter from me? Not even let me know her? I mean haven’t I been fair enough? Haven’t I played the game?”


“She’s been through so much. I’m not sure if she can handle me loading all of this on her right now”


“You shouldn’t have to tell her. She should have known who her father was all along”


“Well she didn’t” Alexis said boldly “And I don’t think now is the time to make her have to deal with the truth”


“How do you think she will feel Alexis when she finds out you’ve been lying to her all this time?”


“She knows her father is somewhere” Alexis said almost coldly


“Somewhere? Somewhere? And I’m what not, not suppose to say anything. My daughter looks me right in the face and I’m just supposed to say nothing!”


“Sonny I knew that this day would come. And I’ve prayed for the last sixteen years that it would at least come when she was grown. When she could try and make the right decisions and at least have some idea of how to protect herself”


“Protect herself from what? Me? Old enough to make the right decisions so what, hoping that she won’t choose to be around me?”


“Maybe, yes” Alexis answered strangely still very calm


“I won’t allow you to take her away from me again”


Alexis closed her eyes


“Sonny she wants to go home”


“She’ll know I’m her father first”


“Don’t you care? Don’t you care what she’s been through? God Sonny! She was kidnapped by a crazy woman who I might add is still out there! Don’t you care about her at all?”


“I do care!” He snapped back


“Sonny she’s sixteen. She doesn’t know you”


“That’s not my fault!”


“No it isn’t! It’s mine and every day that she’s lived I’ll take the blame for why she doesn’t know you”


Sonny paced his living room back and forth


“She’s not strong enough right now, not mentally. She’s tired, and she’s still scared. I won’t let you hurt her; I won’t let you confuse her…”


“How could I hurt her or confuse her anymore than you will when she realizes her mother was lying to her face and her father was right here?”


“I’ll risk it… I’m not allowing you to”


“You just want to hurt me!”


“I’ve never wanted to hurt you! And there were times when I stood up for you when you were the last person on earth I should have been. I almost ruined my own life because of you and more than once!”


“I haven’t made you do anything”


“No you haven’t and you know what may be the most idiotic thing of all? I would probably still defend you about certain things but I will not, and I can’t let my daughter get caught up in your life. Because the things I don’t defend are the things that will hurt her most”


“So you’ve made her afraid of me? I have no chance?”


“She knows nothing about you”


Alexis’ eyes were vacant


Suddenly Davis knowing nothing about her father versus any truth or lies seemed to hurt Sonny more


“She knows that you were a one night stand. And she knows that we were friends and then we weren’t… that’s all”


Sonny’s hands went to his face, tugging at his tired eyes




Max’s voice startled them both


Both Alexis and Sonny glared at him and Max realized he had definitely interrupted something


“Max not now” Sonny barked


“Sir, it’s important”




“We just got word that Helena Cassadine has been brought in to the PCPD”


“Oh my God!” Alexis tried to gather her thoughts “I have to go! I have to go!” She said grabbing her coat


“Alexis let me take you” Sonny offered suddenly forgetting their argument


“No, no I have to go. You do whatever you want” she said leaving him standing there




Her phone


Missed calls


Jax had been trying to find her


He would be worried sick




“Alexis where are you! I’ve been worried sick, I couldn’t find you…”




Everything, between them silent


“You went to see him didn’t you?” Jax asked dryly       




She couldn’t lie


She wouldn’t lie


Another bout of silence


She could hear him let out a deep breath on the on the other end of the phone


“They caught Helena” his words now vacant


“I know I just found out. I was on my way…”


“I’m on my way to the police station. Mike is at the penthouse watching Davis” Jax interjected


“I’ll uh meet you there…”





“Are you ok?”


She was fine… She was glad he asked


“I had to go” she said not giving him an answer to the question asked


“Let’s just deal with Helena right now… As long as you’re ok?”


At that moment she felt like she didn’t deserve him


Suddenly leaving Jax’s arms to try and make sense of her battle with Sonny Corinthos didn’t seem like such a great idea


And she knew it hurt him that she wouldn’t let him help


That wasn’t Alexis Jacks. That was the old Alexis Davis


Solve your own problems… do everything on your own


“I’m ok, I promise”


“I’ll be waiting for you there” he said finally






“I need you to tell me everything’s going be alright”


“It will, it will” he said without hesitation though at that moment he wasn’t certain what she was hoping would turn out alright


“Promise me”


“I promise… we’ll make everything alright”


Alexis paused for a moment


And then said goodbye


End Ch. 16