
Chapter 15 Falling Apart
Home | Chapter 2 "Kisses Goodbye" | Chapter 3 "Living Hell" | Chapter 4 "A Trace Of Her" | Chapter 5 "Questions vs. The Usual Suspects" | Chapter 6 "Silence There, Silence Here" | Chapter 7 "Park Benches And Penthouse Floors" | Chapter 8 "Sweet Sixteen" | Chapter 9 Hints Of Jealousy | Chapter 10 "New, Old, Shattered" | Chapter 11 Shes My Daughter | Chapter 12 End Of A Nightmare | Chapter 13 Revenge | Chapter 14 Davis this is Sonny Corinthos | Chapter 15 Falling Apart | Chapter 16 She Knows Her Father Is Somewhere

 “Falling Apart”


“Are daddy and that man going to try and kill Helena?”


She wasn’t afraid to ask anything


Alexis however, had stopped breathing the second the words came from Davis’ mouth


“You overheard us talking?”


“Some of the conversation yes” Davis answered honestly


“No! Neither of them is going to kill Helena


“Because you don’t want them to?”


“Because killing people is not the right answer to anything”


“Only in defense?” Davis said boldly making reference to her mother’s own past


Davis!” Alexis said looking at her wide eyed, unable to invoke any other response


Davis’ quick wit and verbal skills were and exceptional talent of hers and an obvious trait from her mother


She would make an excellent lawyer one day


Her intentions however to have Alexis tell her the plans that were made to kill Helena were far more in place in Davis’ head than reality


“I just want to know what’s going on!”


“Sweetheart we just want to protect you. Right now we’re all a little on edge about keeping you safe that’s all.  Your Dad just wants to make sure nothing like this ever happens again… he’s angry with Helena


“And you’re not?”


“Yes I am but Helena has a way of getting away with things… she has my whole life. If we don’t let the police handle this we will just end up punishing ourselves in the end”


“I think daddy or that man should just off her?”


“Off her? What is that?”


“Off her you know, murder her”


“This isn’t fun, this isn’t a game Davis. And we shouldn’t even be having this conversation…”


Jax came through the door obviously in a rather heated conversation


“Am I interrupting something?” Jax asked studying both of their faces


Alexis looked at Davis allowing it to be her decision to tell her father what she knew


“I overheard you and mom and that Sonny guy talking about having Helena murdered”


Jax’s eyes shot straight to Alexis’


“And I explained to her it’s not going to happen” Alexis reminded


“No… it’s not! Davis I wasn’t thinking clearly. I was thinking with my heart. Not with my head. I was thinking about how Helena has hurt you and your mother. Not about the consequences. Not about how revenge would only cause us all more pain”


Davis was silent


Jax pulled her in his arms


“I love you sweetheart more than anything in the world. Your mom and I are just trying to protect you…”


“That’s exactly all what mom said. But are you afraid you can’t?”


“Honey we never feel like we can protect you enough. Everyday we worry about you just crossing the street” Alexis said interjecting “But all of this, all that has happened has scared us so we’re not thinking clearly about everything”


Davis backed away from both of her parents


“I want to go home”


Davis had never admitted so blatantly she did


She had said she wanted to do what was best before she left Port Charles… but what was best was getting the best of her


“We can leave tomorrow” Jax said quick to be assuring


Alexis looked at him knowing good in well the truth was Sonny would never let that happen how


And Jax knew exactly what the look on her face meant


“If that’s what you want” Alexis said trying to be rational as her hands soothed through Davis’ hair “We’ll do what we can to get home as soon as we can”


“I want to do what’s right… But I just want to go home. Mom you didn’t want me here in Port Charles. You didn’t even want me in The United States and here I am and I’m not sure what all of that had to do with being kidnapped and why I was brought here…” Davis stopped to rethink where her rant was going “I just want to go home and sleep in my bed in my house!” Davis said now getting more visibly upset


Both Jax and Alexis went for her to console her


Jax pulled them both towards the couch where Davis now sat between them


Both were fidgeting nervously with each of Davis hands


“I don’t have to go back tomorrow.” Davis said trying to be rational “I just want to know that we are and sooner than later. I just want everything to be normal again”


“I couldn’t agree more to that!” Jax said kissing Davis on her head “And I promise you, your mom and me…” Jax said now looking at Alexis “We’ll go back home as soon as we can and put this all behind us”




“Do you think Davis is fine on the couch?”


“I think she’s fine. I’m glad she fell asleep, at least we know she’ll get a good nights rest tonight


Alexis lie in bed tangled in Jax’s arms


“This is all getting to her” Alexis said


“I know”


“I knew it would. She was being too strong, so unstoppable”


“I think I really wanted to believe she was”


“Maybe I did too… it’s easy to forget she’s only sixteen”


Jax and Alexis found themselves pondering quietly about their daughter


“When are we going back to London?”


Alexis’ voice was no longer that of a mother’s certainty but rather someone scared and unsure. It was of someone asking what should happen next


“I’ll have the flight booked to leave tomorrow”


“You know that can’t happen”


“If she wants to go home… Alexis if you want to go home…we’ll go. Don’t worry about Helena. I’ll have security even tighter…”


“I’m not worried about Helena right now. I think she’s accomplished what she’s wanted to. She’s proved she can take my daughter and she could just kill her if she damn well pleases. I know her. She’s accomplished what she wanted she’ll be in hiding until something else peeks her interests”


“Then lets just go home, try and make things as normal as possible”


Alexis began to open her mouth to say what she really wanted to say


“What?” Jax asked inquisitively


“Nothing… you’re right… Let’s just try and get home and get things back to normal”


“Try and get some sleep ok” Jax said as he kissed her at the nape of her neck


Alexis from then on kept silent until she was sure Jax had drifted off to asleep himself


Her own thoughts however kept her eyes wide open and staring in to the darkness


She was sure at that moment she wanted to go home or at least back to what they called a normal life as much as Davis did


She wanted it all to be normal again


She wanted to feel normal again


Even the way she felt lying in Jax’s arms wasn’t normal


She use to feel secure


Feel utter bliss


Alexis slid out from under Jax’s arms


Silence and darkness


Alexis stood there in the trying memorizing the peaceful look on Jax’s face


Memorizing his face hoping it would be recognizable after all of this was over


She slid her jeans on… his sweatshirt almost reached her knees


Her shoes in her hands


The couch


There she was, safe and sound


“I knew I would have to do this one day my sweet girl” Alexis whispered as she reached out but refrained from touching Davis, not to wake her


“I just want to do what’s best for you…  Please know it would kill me to know I could break your heart or have you think I’ve done something to hurt you. Because I promise all of this time I’ve done, everything I’ve dove is for you. Everything was to protect you, from him”


Alexis grabbed her purse and her coat. She took one last glance at Davis


“Kristina…” Her daughters name felt out of place on her tongue “I promise what I’m about to do is because I think it’s the right thing to do”


 She quietly opened the door and then closed it quickly behind her meeting Mike standing in the doorway…


Davis sat up taking in the words her mother had just whispered in her ear ‘Everything was to protect you from him’


Him, the man Davis had met only the day before


The man whose name pierced her ears as Helena voice repeated it over and over in her head as she politely shook his hand


She never let on that she knew exactly who he was


That she knew exactly why her mother was literally quivering when she came face to face with him


Davis never let on that she knew Sonny was her father…


“Mrs. Jacks is everything ok?” Mike whispered concerned at the look on her face and the items she was carrying in her arms


“Fine, I just need to run an errand” She said as she walked past him, pushing the button for the elevator


“It’s late?”


“I know” She said now sliding her foot in to her other shoe


“If you could wait one moment I’ll have Peter bring the car around for you”


“No, no that won’t be necessary”


“I would prefer you not go alone Mrs. Jacks”


Alexis paused, she couldn’t get frustrated knowing he was just doing his job, or that maybehe actually cared what happened to her


“I just need to do this alone ok” Her eyes met his “I’ll be fine and I should be back in a little while”


Alexis stepped onto the elevator before Mike could protest anymore


She closed her eyes until the doors closed her in


She watched each number get smaller and smaller until the doors opened again in to the lobby


She hesitated every step


She questioned every left and right turn


She sat for what seemed like forever in Sonny’s driveway not caring who was watching her, she had to build courage


The lights were on


All she had to do was knock on the door, he would let her in


His doorstep


“Mrs. Jacks?”


Alexis smiled


“Max… I didn’t expect to see you still here”


He smiled understanding what she meant


“Is he still up?”


Max nodded and opened the door letting her in to the entryway


“I’ll let him know you wish to see him. Would you care to wait in the living room?”


“That would be fine, thank you”


Max showed her in


“I’ll be right back”


Alexis nodded


The butterflies in her stomach showed no mercy


And she found herself feeling physically sick


She tried to breath


She tried conjuring the courage she had found now almost two hours ago


She closed her eyes


Breathing deep breaths in and out once again




The sound of her own name jolted her


Her eyes open, he stood there waiting for the reason she needed to see him


“I’m sorry to come by so late”


“No, no that’s fine. Is something wrong?” Sonny asked genuinely concerned


“No, I um you and I… we need to talk, talk about Davis”


End. Ch 15