
Chapter 9 Hints Of Jealousy
Home | Chapter 2 "Kisses Goodbye" | Chapter 3 "Living Hell" | Chapter 4 "A Trace Of Her" | Chapter 5 "Questions vs. The Usual Suspects" | Chapter 6 "Silence There, Silence Here" | Chapter 7 "Park Benches And Penthouse Floors" | Chapter 8 "Sweet Sixteen" | Chapter 9 Hints Of Jealousy | Chapter 10 "New, Old, Shattered" | Chapter 11 Shes My Daughter | Chapter 12 End Of A Nightmare | Chapter 13 Revenge | Chapter 14 Davis this is Sonny Corinthos | Chapter 15 Falling Apart | Chapter 16 She Knows Her Father Is Somewhere

“Hints Of Jealousy”


He held her purse


He held it with both arms pressed against his chest as he watched her once again from a distance


The emergency room seemed louder and more chaotic than usual


He heard the doctor, over and over again say Alexis’ name


“Alexis! Alexis! Can you hear me? Alexis open your eyes…”


Suddenly awake, alert


Her hand flinch


Sonny could breath


Her foot forcefully shoving against the bed


“Alexis it’s ok. You’re ok, you’re in the hospital” The nurse said trying to calm her


Suddenly Sonny wanted to comfort to her


Be at her side


Console her


Anything to make her pain and her confusion go away



The sound of Alexis’ voice


The chaos, everything a stand still


Her voice screaming her daughter’s name


Sonny ran to her


“Alexis! It’s ok, it’s ok”


“Mr. Corinthos you can’t be here… you can’t be with her”


The nurse pushed him back and Sonny could do nothing but back away


The nurse was right in more ways than one. She was right he couldn’t be there in the way. He also was not suppose to be there with her period


“Please, please give me back my little girl!” Alexis begged


She was obviously still confused in what was happening. She seemed to have awaked thinking someone had taken her… maybe the same person who had taken her daughter…


“Help her!”


The words slipped from Sonny’s mouth


It wasn’t like him to panic or scream for help


“What’s going on! What’s happening to my wife?” 


Sonny caught Jax heading towards Alexis from the corner of his eye


Sonny stepped further away


“Sir… Sir you’re going to have to stand back”


“That’s my wife… what’s happening?”


Sonny studied Jax’s face. He looked panicked and helpless. Jax looked the way Sonny felt


“Mr. Jacks your wife collapsed from what right now seems to be exhaustion and maybe poor nutrition…”


“Is she ok?”


“She’s come to but seems to be a bit confused. We’re trying to calm her and get her stable. Mr. Jacks she should be fine”


Jax concentrated on his wife, leaving Sonny unnoticed in the back ground for the moment


Suddenly Alexis’ eyes found Jax


“Jax… Jax” she repeated


“Its ok honey I’m here. It’s ok” he said grabbing her hand


The nurse allowed Jax to take her hand which instantly calmed her


Sonny’s heart sank as he watched them together. Watched how easily he could comfort her


How much she obviously loved him


“Mr. Jacks if you would give us few more minutes we’ll have her ready to take her to a room”


Jax nodded


“Alexis I’ll be right over here ok. Right here” He assured her


Jax turned to take his place out of the way when his eyes met Sonny


His eyes met the man who was holding his wife’s purse tightly in his arms like a security blanket


Sonny didn’t turn away he only waited for his confrontation with Jax


“What are you doing here?” Jax ask surprisingly calm


“I don’t have to explain myself to you” Sonny said defensively


“You were with Alexis when she collapsed?”




It was the question that Sonny wanted Jax to ask directly. He wanted nothing more to actually say he was with Alexis


“What did you do to her?”


“I don’t have to stand here and let you accuse me…”


“Accuse you? You know she’s tired! You know she can’t take much more! God! What else does she need in her life! Certainly not you!”


“It seems your wife isn’t reporting her every move to you… she was at my penthouse speaking with a private investigator I’ve hired… she was fine! She passed out as she was about to step on to the elevator…”


Jax grinded his teeth, contemplating his next argument


“Mr. Jacks”


The nurse walked towards Jax and Sonny


“Mr. Jacks, you can see Alexis now and the doctor will be in to see you in a moment”


“Thank you” Jax said now back to his more polite tone


Jax took one more last glaring look to Sonny and then followed the nurse, leaving him behind






“Hi” she said as Jax sat down beside her on the bed


“You feel ok?” he asked studying her weak eyes


“I’ve felt better”


“I think everything caught up with you today. The doctor says he thinks it’s probably just exhaustion, maybe poor nutrition… Honey, you hardly eat and you hardly sleep…”


Alexis turned her head


“You can’t keep this up Alexis”


“I’m not… you know I’m not, not on purpose… it’s just hard to sleep at night and damn it’s hard to do anything… she’s not there Jax!”


 Jax squeezed his eyes as tight as he squeezed her hand


“I just wish you wouldn’t…”


“Wouldn’t what? Be so stressed? Be so involved?”


“I wish you wouldn’t get so involved with Sonny. He can only make it worse in the long run”


“Oh… you know I was there...”


“We’re already keeping secrets from each other”


“I know you wouldn’t let me talk to the private investigator if I told you where I was going this morning…”


Jax ran his hands frustratingly through his hair


“Well how is the patient?” The doctor said checking the chart missing the tension on both Jax and Alexis’ face as he walked in the room


“Stubborn” Jax answered quickly


“Well so it seems” The doctor said looking Alexis over “What seems to have landed you here is exhaustion and your blood sugar was alarmingly low. You seem to have a good case of mal nutrition… Alexis I understand the circumstances and I know the last thing you are worried about is yourself. But you have to be strong literally and figuratively. Letting yourself go only ends you up here rather than searching for your daughter”


“So what do we need to do to get back on track?” Jax asked


“I’m going to prescribe a few things to help you with sleep and depression. This time I will leave your diet up to you, Alexis. If I don’t see improvement we’ll take further actions that I promise you won’t feel is a better solution. Now should we start with something from the cafeteria or maybe Mr. Jacks here will get you something?”


“Anything your heart desires” Jax said trying to be positive and helpful


“Let’s start out on the right foot then, shall we?”


Alexis shook her head and gave a slight smile


“I’ll be checking in on you in the morning and since you’re stuck here tonight, also use this time to rest… doctor’s orders”


The doctor left them behind with Jax almost pleading with her to let him get her anything she wanted


“Hamburger? French fries? Something from Kelly’s? Italian? Japanese?” he suggested




By then Sonny had received his own report from the doctor and was watching Jax and Alexis through the window of her room


Sonny had missed the tenseness between them before. All he saw now was Jax easily making her smile, effortlessly pleasing her by the look on her face. He watched the way she held on to his arm, his hand and his face not ever thinking of pulling away


Sonny then saw a smile cover Jax’s face as he stood up and then kissed Alexis gently


Sonny made his way around another corner of the hallway again out of sight


Jax had left




Sonny peered in to the doorway


Her eyes were closed


She was obeying doctor’s orders for now


He took a step back to close the door not wanting to disturb her


“Hello?” She questioned hearing the door




“Hi… I, I didn’t mean wake you”


“No, you didn’t. I just had my eyes closed, wishing I could just pass out”


“Pardon the expression…”


“Yeah I mean this time not literally… just fall asleep”


Sonny shuffled for a moment causing silence


“I, I uh brought your purse. Thought you might want it back”


“Oh yeah, thanks”


Silence piercing his ears


“Are you ok?” he said taking another step closer


“Yeah just too much… not as strong as I thought…”


“Don’t say that Alexis! Yes you are!”


“I mean, I’m just…”


“You just need some relief.” Sonny interjected “Relief from all of this”


Alexis shook her head agreeing


“Look you just rest ok. Let me… and let Jax handle things at least for the moment, please”


“You know I wish it were that simple. And I wish I could but…”


“Ok one cheeseburger and a chocolate sha…”


Jax looked up to see Sonny standing there


Jax’s face immediately went to a disapproving look


“Jax… Sonny was just trying to get me to let you two worry about everything…”

Alexis said stumbling for an excuse


Jax composed himself


“He’s right” Jax said cutting his eyes quickly to Sonny and then back to her


“You know, I should go” Sonny said


Alexis wouldn’t dare protest


“Thank you for coming by, oh and bringing my purse to me”


“Of course… and if you need anything” Sonny offered as he made sure he made no eye contact to check if his offer was ok with Jax


Sonny made his way out the door and before Alexis could protest loudly enough Jax followed him out in to the hallway


“Just stay away from her!”


Sonny’s hands went to his hips


He refused to get angry


 Not here in the hospital, not out side her room


She didn’t need either of them quarreling with the other


He would add nothing to help the situation if he did get angry


“Jax maybe you should go back in there with your wife before you make a fool of yourself”


“My wife! That’s right my wife! I can’t stop you from looking for Davis… and I won’t! But consider this a fair warning now! Stay away from my wife!”


End Ch.9