“Park Benches And Penthouse
She sat on the park bench
as if she were completely uncomfortable
As if something at any moment
were to reach out and bite her, or at any moment cause her pain
Her legs tightly crossed,
so much the one leg almost completely wrapped around the other
She tugged at her sleeves
as she fidgeted and relentlessly gripped them in between her fingers and the palms of her hands
Bobby was right she looked
thin, tired and yes very sad
He stood there taking in
the sight of her though he himself was hidden from her
He was saddened by her obvious
tortured state but couldn’t help but wonder as she sat there what she looked like only two weeks before
He was sure she had been
happy and healthy. That her life was nothing but fulfilled promises of love and despite the impossibilities he was sure Jax
delivered a sort of perfection that he never had the chance to promise her much less try and give her
Sonny took a step forward
But he hesitated
Another second to gather
Then he walked up to her
and sat right down beside her on the bench
She never acknowledged his
presence though she observed from the corner of her eye his appearance and how he had only become more handsome with time. His hair had more white but his skin still just as dark and smooth. His age agreed
with him, he seemed to have aged to perfection
“I wouldn’t think
Jax would just let you sit out here alone”
It was an odd statement.
Especially to say to someone he hadn’t spoken to in well over a decade
Her head turned quickly to
“Jax has no say in
whether I come or go. Whether I sit on a park bench alone or if I chose to never leave his side”
Sonny raised his brow at
the obvious vein he had struck
She turned her attention
back away from him as he shifted his weight on the bench
“How are you?”
His voice cracked
She didn’t expect that
to be his next question
“I’m not ok”
she said without expression
His hands
His hands were fidgeting
“I’m sorry”
“Are you?”
He was stunned she asked
him that
“Of course I am”
She said nothing. She got
the reaction she wanted
Sonny turned to her still
perplexed by her question
His elbows went to his knees
“You still hate me?”
Another unexpected question
She didn’t respond
with yes or no but rather…
“I’m not sure”
“You’re unsure?”
“I’m not sure
who I love or hate at the moment. I’m indifferent to everyone until I get my daughter back”
“So you’re assuming
just because you and I weren’t on the best of terms…”
Her jaw clenched
“I don’t assume!
I just ask! Did you take my daughter?”
“I wouldn’t do
that to you. I wouldn’t do that to her!”
“How do I know you
wouldn’t? Why should I take your word for it?”
“I want to help look
for her” he said calming his voice as he nonchalantly changed the subject
She could suddenly feel him
under her skin
Simple, caring words that
was easily believable from his lips
He made her ache just as
he had years ago but this time for a million different reasons
“You’re looking
for her”
Alexis knew him well. He
had forgotten that she did
“Another assumption”
“You don’t ask
permission. If you wanted to look for her you’ve already begun…”
“Was that wrong of
“Why should you care?”
Sonny again shifted his weight
on the bench
“Do you really want
me to answer that?”
His voice was calm
Alexis’ eyes darted
to his
“Why are you here?”
Question out of sequence
“I wanted to see you,
to see how you were doing”
“You saw a picture
of her”
Back on the subject
“She’s beautiful”
Alexis had tears streaming
uncontrollably down her face
She didn’t have to
try and explain why
Sonny wanted to touch her,
he wouldn’t dare
“She is”
“She has your eyes
“I know” she
said trying to wipe the tears from her face
“Your nose”
Alexis shook her head
“But I
think at least from what I can tell she has my features”
No one took a breath in or
Not a breath from her
Nor from Sonny
Finally he continued
“You know her skin,
her facial expressions”
Alexis’ hands were
now shaking uncontrollably
Sonny couldn’t stand
it any longer his hand went for hers
Amazingly she let him touch
her, console her
“How long…”
A question that didn’t
need to be finished
“I adored her the first
time I saw her. I found myself wanting to love her and protect her and I couldn’t understand why. At first I thought
it was because of my connection with you. Maybe I just understood how much you love her and needed her…”
“You never said anything.
You never tried to get custody of her”
“I know why you did
what you did”
“You’re being
too rational”
“I lost my daughter
with Sam. I lost who I thought was my son to my own brother… Kristina survived because you protected her. Something
I now realize I never could have done”
“So you didn’t
come after me? You never wanted to take her from me?”
“I was angry with you.
I even wanted to hate you but I didn’t. I never could. The night I found out. The night Carly and I agreed our marriage
was over for good she told me everything. The next thing I know I lost my daughter with Sam and I was again overwhelmed with
the feelings that I was doomed to have a child. I wanted Kristina. I wanted her in my life. And I thought of everything from
physically punishing you for keeping her from me to taking you to court to try and gain custody…”
“And you didn’t
do either because?”
“It was a time in my
life where I had lost everything. I couldn’t do that to that little girl and I couldn’t destroy your life and
the one who made you lose everything. It hurt too much. I couldn’t make you feel that unbearable…”
“Pardon me for sounding
like a broken record but why are you being so rational about all of this… and why care now”
“Just give me the benefit
of the doubt about it all. It was a chance for once in my life to do something right. To protect my child even if it was from
her father. As for now, she’s still my daughter, she’s missing. And I you’re right I am looking for her
but it’s time you know I know the truth… we have to find our daughter”
Alexis found herself unable
to catch her breath but she still shook her head in agreement as she struggled to find air
“I have a very good
detective who has started to look for her. If you have any other information that may help him I would like you to speak with
him. Alexis he’s very good at what he does”
She agreed to meet with Bobby,
she was desperate, and she would do anything if it would help get her daughter back
Alexis and Sonny sat beside
each other another twenty minutes asking and answering questions… rationally
She explained her life with
Jax, even explained why they changed Kristina’s name to Davis…
He explained
his life without Carly or his family and his choice to stay in Puerto Rico
“I’m not sure
how to end this conversation with you” She said as Sonny could tell she was becoming restless and uneasy
“Just tell me you’ll
come and answer any questions Bobby might have…”
“I will”
She stood up from the bench
and he followed her
“Awkward isn’t
even the word for how I feel right now” She said folding her arms against her chest
“It’s ok”
He assured
“Is it?”
He shook his head
“You better go back
up before Jax gets too worried”
She turned, heading for the
towering building ahead of her. She turned back to look at Sonny watching her walk away
She turned back from him
and walked away
Her finger pressed the button to the elevator and her eyes watched the numbers fall from the top of the
building to the lobby
The doors opened and their
eyes met
He was startled to see her
standing there
“You were gone for
a pretty good while. I got a little worried about you… I’m a little paranoid I guess”
Jax looked her over when
she didn’t respond
She looked shaken and unnerved
Jax stepped back in to the
elevator and held out his hand for her
She followed holding his
hand tightly
The elevator began to rise
“Everything ok? You…”
She interrupted him with
a kiss
A slow, detailed kiss
Like water to a man dying
of thirst
He hadn’t felt her
kiss him that way in weeks
He had barely been able to
touch her much less kiss her the way she seemingly wanted to kiss in right then
She pulled away catching
her breath
“Alexis what’s
“No more questions
today ok”
“Questions” Jax
said confused
Alexis backed Jax against
the elevator wall and began to kiss him again
This time her hands roamed
between his t-shirt and his bare chest
Jax grabbed her hands stopping
She only looked at him
Her wild passionate eyes
that he adored were clouded with grief
“Make love to me…
Jax let go of her hands and
placed his to the sides of her face and he held her in a kiss until the sound of the doors opening to the penthouse suit interrupted
A Police Officer stood by
the door of the penthouse
Jax acknowledged him as they
past by, Alexis didn’t
The door shut
She immediately tugged at
his shirt, trying desperately to pull it over his head
“Alexis you have to
tell me you’re ok” Jax pleaded as she kissed him down his chest
“Just make love to
me. Relieve the pain for just one second…”
Jax could hardly swallow
from the lump in his throat
“Baby please”
She begged him once again
He pressed his body against
hers and his hands went for her shirt
Another piece of clothing
to the floor
Her jeans
His jeans
All lying in puddles on the
“The bed…”
He questioned
“Right here”
She answered
He lowered her to the floor
and didn’t stop touching her until she was completely naked
Her heart was pounding.
She was sure her heart was
gone from her chest but now it was pounding
For a moment she forgot everything
Pain overcome by pleasure
If not for just a moment
Jax lie there beside her
the covering her with the chenille blanket from the back of the couch
She lie there in his arms,
staring at the ceiling, feeling his hands touch her, his lips lightly kissing her skin
She could feel him but her
mind was a million miles away
Tears fell
They streamed down the sides
of her face and Jax tried to catch every one of them
“What is it honey?
What happened while you were gone?”
Alexis clenched her eyes
shut, making the tears fall more quickly from her eyes
She didn’t answer,
Jax didn’t push
He consoled her, he continued
to catch the tears falling
Her mind again a million
miles away
Suddenly she covered her
mouth with the palm of her hand. She was seemingly trying to make herself catch her breath
Breath in and to hopefully
breath out
“He knows, he knows”
Her breathing tactics didn’t
“He knows?” Jax
said confused but caught up in trying to calm her
“Sonny, he was in the
park. He knows… He’s known Kristina was his daughter for years…”
“Did he threaten you!”
“No, no he, he’s
trying to help look for her”
“How do we know he
didn’t take her?”
The look on Sonny’s
face was clear in her head
The sadness on his face was
a lot like hers
“I believe him Jax”
She was suddenly able to
control her tears
“So what now?”
“I told him I would
tell the detective he hired everything I know”
He wasn’t angry…
he didn’t try and harm you?”
“Jax I questioned several
times why he was being so rational about it all?”
“And I think life hasn’t
been so good for him much less perfect like mine and yours and Davis’
was. And he said he realized I could protect her more than he could”
“It all seems suspicious”
“I questioned the whole
conversation… I believe him”
Jax sat up and she followed
He ran his hands through
his hair thinking, thinking what seemed like every thought he could
“What do we do now?”
Alexis stood up from the
penthouse floor
The sun had set
The day she had dreaded from
the moment she had found out she would have a baby was coming to an end
“Just come to bed with
me ok…”
End Ch. 7