Love Is A Game (And These Are The Rules)

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Page Title


Chapter 1


His mind, so wrapped up in her, he thought he could actually taste the memory of her lips


Her beautiful, perfect lips, the color of strawberries


All he could think of was how he would never tire of his lips tasting, touching hers


Her lips revealing that she as a mystery and a surprise and utterly predictable all at the same time


The way she kissed


The way she kissed


She revealed a woman of unfathomable strength and heart wrenching vulnerability


Her lips, told everything, absolutely everything…


Now everything about her…




Gone from his life


The taste of her lips from her morning coffee. The taste of her lip gloss in the afternoon, and the taste of red wine in the evening


She was gone from his lips


He thought of all these things as he stared at the overcast clouds below him


“We are ready to begin our dissention in to New York City. We ask that you please put away all electronical devices… please place your seat in an upright position…”


Ric turned his attention and prepared to land


He was love sick and broken hearted and all of those mushy things he would never want to admit to being


He pulled his tie tight and straightened it


He missed her, he missed Kristina




Ric looked at his watch


His plane had been late and he already had to bypass his hotel to meet his old friend John Casey. John had called him asking him to represent him in a meeting with investors for his new venture. Ric was happy to do it. It would get him out of Port Charles, and hopefully get her off his mind


The cab ride went quickly as he was wrapped up in his thoughts


“Ric Lansing” John said extending his hand and then motioning for him to sit at the table across from him




“I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you coming to help me with this”


“No problem at all. It’s actually nice to get out of Port Charles for a while”


“Yeah? I heard you got married”


“Uh yes, yes I did”


“Well you don’t sound like a gloating newlywed to me”


“It’s complicated”


“You didn’t marry the wrong woman did you?” John asked lightly


“No… She’s perfect, I’m the fool”


John felt a bit awkward


“Well I don’t mean to pry in your personal life, but I’m sure you’ll work it out”


“I’m trying” Ric said, his eyes fixated on the glass water in front of him


“Look Ric if this isn’t a good time to be in the city…”


“No, no it’s good to have something to be focused on”


“You’re sure?”




“Well Ric you know I trust you. And as I mentioned before I would like to keep this under wraps for the time being. I have a few competitors out these that are itching to find out what I’m up to”


“I assure you your confidentiality is safe with me”


“I know and that’s why I asked you to be here.” Jon leaned back to get more comfortable in his chair. “Tonight I’ve arranged for you to meet my first choice in investors, Michael Silver over cocktails. He likes new innovative ventures and has made billions taking risks with them. But don’t be thrown off by his laundry list, he thinks things through thoroughly and he always has a team of people who will investigate his interest down to the crumb”


“Sounds like a good choice then”


“I think so. I just know he likes a challenge and he likes to play hardball. Silver and I are business acquaintances and of course we’ve spoken many times in the last few months. Now its just time to bring the lawyers in, let you guys harsh out the gory details”


“I understand”


“You went over all the proposals?”


“Front to back”


“Everything looks ok to you?”


“It looks well planned, thorough to say the least”


“Well thank you, I’ve had several attorney’s from my JS Company to draft and re-draft…”


“Wouldn’t you want them to represent you? I mean John you keep them as your staff lawyers obviously you trust them enough…”


“I had them do the tedious part, I want fresh blood, someone who’s not bogged down with it”


“Good enough I guess. I mean you’re a smart man but you also get what you want”


“Exactly and you are the one I want to carry this deal through”


“Well I’m honored to do so and I promise you won’t be disappointed”


“Good then!  I saw you get out of the cab with your luggage, I assume you haven’t had a chance to get to the hotel?”


“No, flight was delayed”


“Then please by all means go and check in to the hotel, refresh yourself before our meeting tonight. I think you will find you will be very comfortable at The Four seasons. And we’re actually meeting in the hotel lobby at 6:45. So you’ll only have an elevator ride down, you’ll have plenty of time to settle in…


John and Ric both stood up and walked out on to the sidewalk in front of the restaurant. They shook hands once again


“Ric, like I said before I’m glad you could join me in making this deal happen”


“It’s certainly my pleasure”


“There is a car waiting for you” John said pointing to the driver standing with an awaiting opened car door


Ric nodded “Thank you and I will see you at 6:45”




He had time, too much time


His hotel room was more than comfortable and luxurious. Anything and everything was at his fingertips. All Ric had to do was pick up the phone and his every whim fulfilled thanks to John


He stood by the window looking down on to the city streets. The people on the sidewalks so tiny and nondescript but he wasn’t watching them


His eyes stared but his mine was fully engulfed with her


“You're very clever, I'll give you that.”

“You ok?”

“You're an excellent liar -- lawyer. Sorry. Sometimes I get the two confused. Well done, though. I mean, the banter, the repartee. It was very good.”

“What happened?”

“I never thought that I would be able to really identify with your brother, but I can. I do. Carly lying to him for months over coffee in the morning, trying to put the family together. I just didn't really realize that it would be that painful.”

“Tell me what happened.”

“Did you honestly think that I wouldn't find out that you knew all along that Sonny was Kristina's father? That you knew about it for months, that you knew about it almost from the beginning?”

“I can explain.”

“Of course you can explain. Lawyers can explain. They're trained to explain. It's just the ones that can explain anything at anyone's expense are the ones that give the rest of us a bad name. But don't worry. Despite everything that I believed, everything that I felt, you used me. You used me to get to your brother.”

He would lie in bed at night replaying that conversation in his head. Now as days were turning in to weeks he found himself replaying the conversation in the daytime too.


In his car


At work


The gym


Her face, the sight of her tear stained cheeks all caused by him and that conversation


It could drive a man insane


And it made for a grueling afternoon in a luxurious hotel


Ric looked in to the mirror as he finished tying his tie; he slid the jacket to his suit over his shoulders and buttoned the perfectly pressed suit against his body


The next few hours at least would be nothing about her




He again straightened his suit before stepping off the elevator into the lobby


“Ric! Over here” John called out before Ric had a chance to even look over the bar area of the restaurant


“We’re waiting on Silver and his lawyer… shall we go ahead and be seated?”


Ric nodded


“I hope you find yoursuite satisfactory”


“More than satisfactory. I appreciate you going to such great lengths”


“Not a problem… you’re a friend. I want my friends to have their every need and want fulfilled”


“Again thank you”


As Ric finished his sentence


John began to stand as he saw Michael Silver approaching the table


“John” Michael said holding out his hand to greet him


“Michael” John said returning the handshake “This is my lawyer Ric Lancing”


Ric stood giving a firm handshake to Michael


“I apologize my lawyer was flying in today and it seems flights have been delayed all day…”


“No apologies needed” John said sincerely “Ric, himself had a delayed flight


“Yes I think the weather has put a glitch in travels plans today” Ric said chiming in


It wasn’t a moment later when Ric’s eyes widened. His heart fluttered. He suddenly was unable to control every breath he tried to take


“Oh there she is” Michael said standing to greet her


Her eyes met his


She froze but quickly composed herself with the sound of her name being called




Michael had said her name aloud


It wasn’t an illusion


She was there in front of him


“Alexis Davis, I’d like you to meet John Casey”


She shook his hand, she smiled at him in complete professionalism with the lips Ric was consumed with


“And this is his lawyer, Ric Lancing”


What would she do


How did they meet? Shake each other’s had like strangers instead of husband and wife, lovers… or both react the way they were both feeling at that very moment


She held her hand out




His name on her lips


This time however his name with more enunciation


“Alexis” Ric said, his voice fading as he shook her hand


End Ch.1