For The Love Of A Woman
Chapter Eleven
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Chapter 11

Alexis heart began to sink inside of her. She could feel a nauseating pressure on her chest.

I just needed to sleep near you

Honey? I was only gone for one night.

One night to long

Ned could now sense that she was very tense about something.

Honey are you ok? he asked her still optimistic that her only answer would be that she just missed him.

Alexis sat up and threw her legs over the side of the bed trying to get up. Ned didn't stop her. She walked over to the chair and slipped her jeans on. As Ned watched her he braced himself. Alexis puled off Neds T-shirt and put on her own shirt.


Alexis walked over to Ned and placed her hands on the side of his face. She held her eyes clinched shut for a moment and then looked at Ned. For that moment when she closed her eyes she had tried to wish it all away one last time. It seems overnight she could have made herself forget about Sonny Corinthos but Ned wouldnt for a long time.

I came to Kristina last night because I didn't know where else I could go and she put me up in your room and told me to stay here because I needed to. Alexis eyes started to water looking at Ned's patient face. And I did need to be surrounded by you.

Alexis what happened Ned said getting extremely uneasy.

I kissed Sonny last

Neds face pulled away from her hands and she took two steps back. He bowed his head burring his face in his hands after letting out a sigh. From gut reaction Alexis walked towards him until his head was pressed against her stomach. He let his head rest there for a second almost as if he didnt realize the person who could give off that touch could betray him. His hand reached up and placed it on her stomach where his head was and gently pushed her away.

Alexis didnt walk away, she wanted to stand there and take it. Her guilt couldnt stand him at least not fighting her.

It was just a kiss

Ned looked up at her.

Kissing someone else, you kissing Sonny is not just a kiss.

He surprised me, I got caught up in the moment and I stopped, I saw the roses and I stopped, I couldnt think of anything but how much I love you and

Alexis tried to plead her case in one continuing sentence.

He had no argument for her. All he wanted to do was make Sonny Corinthos feel the way he did right then.

Ned? Alexis couldnt take the silence.

When Ned looked up at her she thought she could honestly see his heart breaking.

I should go, Shouldnt I?

You have to ask? He said coldly

She deserved that and she backed away from him. She opened the door and looked back at Ned.

I know it means nothing to you now but it was just a kiss and that I am certain. Please forgive me. And she walked out.

Out of his bedroom, out of his house and what seemed like out of his life.

Alexis went back to he penthouse. The elevator door opened and there stood Johnny, the faithful bodyguard, still clueless to what had all happened in the last 24 hours.



no teasing, or joking, she barely had given him a glance.

He opened the door for her.

A few hours had passed and Alexis had gotten in the shower trying to wash it all away. The elevator door opened and Ned stepped out. Johnny walked over to Alexis door to knock.

No I came to see Sonny

Johnny walked back over to Sonnys door and knocked. When Sonny answer Johnny opened the door the announce Ned but Ned barged in going after Sonny who was standing in front of his couch. He grabbed him by the collar at full force and Johnny quickly came after him. Ned put everything he had for Alexis in that one punch. Sonnys lip and nose began to bleed. Johnny held Ned back.

Shes the love of my life and you think you can have any woman you want. I love her more than anything in this world and all you want to do is sleep with her. Neds own words made him even more fighting mad as Johnny struggled with him.

Suddenly Ned quit fighting and he broke loose from Johnny. He looked down at Sonny and then walked out of the penthouse and onto the elevator never stopping at Alexis door.

Days had passed and Alexis had managed to steer clear of Sonny and she hadnt seen Ned. She had only left her apartment to work and today she was going to get her cast taken off.

General Hospital

Ready to get this cast off Dr. Jacobs said to her.

You have no idea.

So how have you been doing?

Ive been better but Im fine

You look tired

Ive been a little stressed and this medicine Im on is making me kind of have this sick nauseous feeling.

Hmm, really? We should see about changing your medicine. How has the pain in your hip been?

Huh, Ive hardly noticed. She said trying not to tell too much.

Do you mind if we draw some blood just to see how the medication is getting through your system?

Alexis gave blood in one arm and was having her cast taken off the other arm.

Well hurry the results while were taking your cast off so you wont have to come back.

That would be great

Everyone had finished their duties and had left Alexis alone in the room. She sat there fidgeting not sure what to do anymore with the new found freedom of her left hand and arm. Also what made her fidget is that she had been left alone is silence and silence she had dreaded every second the last couple of days.

Dr. Jacobs broke her jumbled thoughts as he walked through the door.

Hows the arm?

Much better thank you!

Dr. Jacobs paused for a moment looking down at her chart.

Well we are definitely going to have to get you off of that medication. I dont think thats probably whats making you so tired and nauseous though. I think that its probably the baby...