The next morning Alexis was back at her penthouse sitting at her desk. Ned had gone to ELQ and it was nice for her to have
some peace and quiet to get some work done. She read the same paragraph over and over. She stopped reading for a moment trying
to comprehend what it said but her mind wondered. She stood up and started pacing the floor going back to her reading. Finally
she shrugged, and walked out in the hallway. Today Max was there keeping guard. Hi Max, is he home? Yes
maam Alexis walked towards the door and Max announced her. Sonny was stunned to see her though it should have been
an everyday occurrence to see her. He had spoken to her but his friend from across the hall seemed so distant now. It wasnt
his place to be in her life they way he wanted to be so she had to be the one to make the move to have something simple as
have a business conversation with him. When Alexis walked in her crisp white dress shirt was like the sun to the
dark walls of Sonnys penthouse. He tried to take a good look at her without her taking too much notice. Her shirt completely
covered any sign that she was pregnant but even if you couldnt see her starting to show, her skin glowed and she looked happier
than he had ever seen her. She seemed to have accepted her new role in life and astonishingly it suited her. Um I
uh was reading over the contracts you sent over and for the life of me I cant figure out why you would want what is demanded
in this paragraph Alexis pointed at the paragraph and looked at Sonny over her glasses, trying not to notice Sonnys
eyes beating into her. Are you listening? Yeah Sonny said sounding a bit startled. Are you ok?
Are you? He said disregarding all that she had said. Im ok, she said sincerely knowing that he asking her
meant he really did want to know A silence went between them I didnt mean to make it so hard Sonny
I dont want it to be like this Alexis Im sorry Sonny its ok but I have to put whatever it was between us
in the past I know you do and you should, he said rubbing his finger across his lips and walking away from her
Can we stay friends? Alexis said not sure what to say but knowing she didnt want to lose the friendship she had with him
I know I need you as a friend he said turning to her with his sad dark eyes Sonny knew it was the only way
he was going to make peace for both of them. Good was all that she said Are you really ok? She
could tell Sonny wanted to know how she felt and how things had changed for her. What she couldnt sense was how envious he
was of Ned. Everything is good, pants are getting a little too tight but other than that Im getting use to well being
pregnant I guess she said giving him a shy grin Alexis took her glasses off and Sonny immediately noticed the ring
on her finger and he looked away Hows Ned? he couldnt help himself he had to ask knowing it was a familiar ring on
her finger Hes good, hes excited about the baby, she said almost hesitantly as if she didnt want Sonny to hear how
actually blissfully happy she was with Ned again Just then Max knocked on the door Mike is here to see
you Sonny looked at Alexis disappointed that their conversation had not reached the point of comfortable Let
him in Ill go Alexis you dont have to Well talk later about the contracts ok, she said giving him
an assuring look and then smiling. Take care Alexis he said smiling back Alexis sat down in her desk chair
and put her face in her hands. The baby seemed to be turning somersaults inside of her. She put her hand on her stomach
I know baby Alexis then looked up noticing the light was flashing on her answering machine Alexis,
honey just had some time between meeting and I called to make sure you were feeling ok. I shouldnt be late tonight I gonna
run by L&B before I come back to your place if thats ok? Let me know other wise. Love you! The sound of his voice
made her forget all the thoughts she was fumbling with before. She looked down at her hand. The ring was sparkling as she
twisted it around her finger. She picked up the phone. Ned Ashtons Office Yes is Ned in? Hes in
a meeting at the moment. May I take a message Yes will you ask him to meet Alexis at the Grill for dinner at 6:30
Yes Ms. Davis is there anything else? It caught Alexis off guard that his secretary knew who she was but
at the same time made her day. No that will be all thank you Alexis stood in front of the mirror. The
dark wine colored dress she had chosen to wear that night in no way hide anything she might want to hide. She tuned sideways,
placing her hand on her stomach and then exhaling. Debut to Port Charles little one And she grabbed her
coat lying on the bed Within the next 20 min she had arrived at the Port Charles Grill where Ned was waiting on her.
Hello there, she said as he stood to greet her and to give her a small kiss He helped Alexis with her coat
taking a look at her and her little tummy. Ned grinned from ear to ear. You look absolutely beautiful Well
you were right we cant hide it too much longer so Ned leaned in to her at the table You have never made
me more happier than I am right now Alexis Davis Alexis woke up in Neds arms the next morning by the sound of
the alarm clock. They had to be at the obstetrician first thing that morning. Ned and Alexis were in full agreement that they
wanted to know the sex of the baby. Ned agreed in most part that his lady lawyer had a made her case of how important it was
to her to know and that she didnt want to get the babys room painted twice. Dr. Meadows began the ultrasound as Ned
and Alexis tried to be patient to see their baby. Are you sure you want to know Yes! Alexis spoke up
Were positive, Ned said grinning at the doctor Dr. Meadows turned the screen towards them to show them the person
inside of Alexis. There is your baby girl A tear fell down the side of Alexis face and Ned kissed her
on her forehead. Thank you Dr. Meadows My pleasure, you take care of this little girl ok Dr. Meadows
had soon left the room and Ned embraced Alexis Our baby girl Alexis said looking in Neds eyes Sounds perfect
doesnt it? It does it just seems, she just seems What is it honey? Shes an actual person to me
now and Im responsible for her and what if Im really not going to be a good mother and now that I know she needs me
Ned shook his head and grinned at her ramblings Alexis! Alexis as soon as she sees that the woman holding her
is brilliant, beautiful, funny, well a little neurotic but absolutely amazing as you, there is no way in the world that she
is not going to be instantly madly in love you - just like I am. Alexis looked at Ned and she appreciated how he
tried to assure her Ned I cant wait to meet her she still said with a bit of a troubled look I cant either,
he said grinning