For The Love Of A Woman
Chapter Seven
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Ned had gotten up and taken a shower early that morning. It was the first time in almost a year that he had been so happy to see the morning. He knew it was definitely her. The scent of her loomed in the air it was everywhere and this time it wasnt his imagination.
He checked in on Alexis noticing she was lying in the same position he had left her the night before. The sun was shining through the sheer curtains but the light had yet to waken her.
He headed down stairs to make coffee for her. He knew she would never make it if he didnt have a cup waiting when she woke up.
Ned walked down the steps just in time to see Sonny walk past him.

Can I help you? Ned said surprised and agitated.

I brought Alexis breakfast, Sonny said nonchalantly ignoring Neds tone.

Do you always just let yourself in when you please?

She needs breakfast Ned still seemingly unfazed by Neds annoyance.

I will make her breakfast. She doesnt need your help

In this house? Alexis has nothing in this house to make breakfast. Have you been in that kitchen?

Sonny was testing Ned. What satisfied him the most was that he knew he had not been in her kitchen because he had not been there at all. Sonny wanted to make it clear he knew Alexis and her penthouse well and that he had been there when Ned hadnt.

Alexis voice interrupted the two probably just in time. Being civil was starting to wear thin for the both of them.


Ned looked at Sonny

Ill be right there

Ned left Sonny standing there and went to Alexis.

Good morning Ned said as he peered from behind the door.

Alexis was still yawning, as she looked at him happy to see him. She remembered what she had said to him the night before and she had no regrets.

I smell coffee as her eyes widened.

Its waiting on you down stairs

Then lets go Alexis playfully looked at Ned lifting her arms to go through the routine.

You are obviously feeling much better today

Can you tell?

Ned leaned down to let her get a firm grip around his neck as he pulled her up. She winced a little from the first movement of her hip.

You ok?

Mmm hmm stiff I guess

He carried her down stairs where Sonny was waiting at the bottom of the steps.

Sonny what are you doing here? She said as Ned carried her passed him to the couch.

Sonny waited to respond watching her try to ease herself onto the couch. He wished he could take her pain away just as he knew Ned wished it too. Sonny watched her eyes and her mouth, the way she flinched at the first pressure on her hip.
Sonny also couldnt help but look at her as a woman. He knew it was the wrong time to look at her the way he did and feel the way he felt. Maybe it was how strong she actually was but she was so beautiful to him. A beautiful he wasnt familiar with, a beauty that was so pure and so dignified yet so incredibly sexy.

Sonny sat down on the coffee table in front of her. If this close were off limits he would make sure he would lean in closer knowing Ned watched his every move.

I came by to see if youre ok. Johnny said you got home all right yesterday and I wanted to give you some time.

Youre here early noticing the obvious tension in the room between Sonny and Ned and realizing they had probably had words before.

I brought breakfast and I wasnt sure who was here to make your morning coffee and you know I know how you like it He said with a grin.

Alexis wasnt a fool, she could tell what he was doing, that he was antagonizing Ned for all it was worth.

Well thank you but Ned has been taking great care of me. She looked up at Ned assuring him.

Sonny felt defeated. Why was he in competition with this man over her especially when he was taking care of her?

Without a pause Sonny tried to look as sincere to her as he could.

I can see that and youre getting around

Sonny knew he had worn out his welcome with Ned and he didnt want to dare cause tension not with what she had been through. She was lucky to have Ned want to take care of her he had only wished it to be him.

Well like I said I wanted to bring breakfast by. Its in the kitchen and you make Ned wait on you hand and well hip. He flashed her another smile as he rose to his feet.

He took another glance at Ned. Alexis was proud of Sonny for at least pretending to be grateful that Ned was there.

Do you mind if I come and check on you again? he asked politely

You dont have to ask that Sonny

Sonny stood up to walk away from her.


Yes his heart fluttered at one last thing she had to say to him.

Thank you for everything

Youre welcome Alexis it is my pleasure and he walked out the door. Feeling at a loss that he had been the one that had to leave her.

Sonny stood on the other side of her door finding it hard to just walk away. Johnny was standing directly across from him startling Sonny though he knew good and well he was there.

How is she Johnny had become somewhat familiar with the look on Sonnys face. He knew that Sonny Corinthos had fallen for Alexis Davis though he would never discuss it with Sonny much less bring up the subject.

Shes ok, he paused for a moment staring at the floor with his hands in his pockets. Shes happy, he said as he opened the door to his penthouse shes with Ned.

Ned had Alexiss medicine and a glass of water and he held out in front of her.

I hate little pills

Little pills for the pain

It doesnt hurt that much

He knew she was trying to weasel her way out of taking the medicine and he was only forcing her for her own good.

Alexis dont be stubborn

She took one of the pills from Neds hand, a tiny white pill.

What could this possibly cure

Take it

She put the pill on her tongue and Ned handed her the glass.

One more

She took the other and chased it.

That wasnt so bad now was it


Good Enough

Ned leaned in to set the glass on the table.

Ned? Sonny only

Lets not talk about Sonny right now. he said interrupting her.

Thank you for being civil to him.

Ned stood up trying to say the right thing but the words didnt seem to come.


The knock on the door saved the moment, which would have probably turned out to be their same old argument.

Good morning you two Kristina said walking in.

Wow let me get the knife to cut some tension in here. Whats going on?

Kristina couldnt take her eyes off Ned assuming it was his fault.

Let me guess Sonnys been by this morning as she walked over to Alexis, giving her a kiss on the cheek and settling beside her.
Are you ok?

Fine Alexis sounded annoyed.

Alexis Ned grumbled

She looked at him in discussed for his jealousy and inconsiderateness.

He didnt know what to do. To his defense the main reason he couldnt stand Sonny being around her was because he loved her so much. He just couldnt seem to communicate it to her.

Now Alexis and Kristina both were staring up at him. The sister thing suited them both and they had caught on to the art of sticking up for each other. If it was in the defense of the other sister one wasnt backing down.

Ned shrugged Im sorry ok? as he walked off into the kitchen

Boys are stupid, Kristina said looking at Alexis

Alexis grinned back at her. You always know just what to say.

Three more weeks had passed and Alexis had mastered crutches even with a broken arm. Jax had become her therapy coach. Neither Ned nor Kristina seemed to be able to get through her therapy sessions because they couldnt stand to see Alexis in so much pain. Jax took it like a pro and made Alexis have goals. Alexis during the sessions told Jax they were his goals and where to stick them but he pushed her. He knew she was determined she just had to get through the pain and suffering.

Alexis stood at one end of the room ready for her journey to the other side.

How about you leave here without the crutches today, the physical therapist said with her eyes gleaming at Alexis.

Sounds good to me Alexis trying to be positive.

Then you and your coach over there better get to walking

Jax grabbed onto Alexis arm Come on ol lady lets hobble across the room

Jax, I really do love you but youre annoying me

Alexis began to take her first steps without her crutches and she tightened her grip onto Jax.

Youre walking funny Jax watching Alexis as she tried to pace herself

Is that suppose to be a joke?

What, It wasnt funny?


Im trying o get your mind off of what youre doing

Youre trying to get my mind off of walking?


Would you like me to do a cheer for you?

Alexis stopped to give him a look

Yes Im serious as Jax got into his cheering position

Alexis laugh

Your almost done Jax said looking at her seriously

Thats easy for you to say

You know Chloe would be proud of you Jax said as he watched her struggling again

Chloe is probably looking down laughing at me and shaking her head that Im actually exercising this much Alexis said sarcastically.

Before Alexis knew it she had reached the wall on the other side of the room, then she had reached the car and then she was standing inside the elevator to her penthouse.
She stood there staring at the numbers slowly rising to the top floor. Her fingers fidgeted in between Jaxs and he gripped her hand harder.

Is he waiting on you?

He said he would be

Did he know youre walking in on your own?

I didnt want to tell him just in case

Alexis began to bite on her bottom lip.

Hes going to be so proud of you

I walk funny

The door to the elevator opened to see Johnny standing there.



She held onto Jax and Johnny held the door and she limped off the elevator.

Can I help you Johnny looking at her sincerely noticing the pain in her face from just the little distance she had been.

No thank you, I got it, just a little slow she smiled at him is Ned in there?

Hes been waiting on you for about 15 minutes

Johnny opened the door for Alexis and Jax

Thank you Johnny

Jax and Alexis stood in the doorway and Ned looked up from the magazine he was reading. Ned noticed she was standing on her own and a grin ran across his face. He got up to walk towards her.

No! Wait Ill come to you, Alexis said trying to sound sure of herself.

She let go of Jaxs arm. Ned could tell by the expression on her face she was trying not to wince in pain. Ned swallowed hard trying to adapt to seeing her like this. She limped slowly to him as Jax followed cautiously behind her. Ned shook his head giving her a sign of praise and amazement and held out his arms. Alexis walked right into them.

Why didnt you tell me this was going to be the big day?!!

I wasnt sure

You are just amazing, he said flashing a dimpled grin at her

Well my work here is done, I should be going Alexis and Ned looked up at Jax not noticing that he was still there.

Alexis turned to Jax and wrapped her arms around him.

I love you so much and thank you, thank you, thank you for helping me

You know I will do anything for my ex-wife. I hope next time though its not helping you with trying to walk

She grinned at him releasing her arms from him.

Well start the marathon training in the morning, he said looking at her seriously

Yeah uh lets do that she through out her dimples at him.

Wow I cant resist those dimples as he kissed her Ill see you later ok and stay away from the stairs like you were told!

Dont worry about me

I always worry about you

Bye Jax she wanted to end that conversation before it went too far.

Bye and he shut the door behind him.

I am really proud of you Ned said walking her to the couch.

Ah its nothing, she said sarcastically back to him.

Ned sat down beside her

I havent sat beside you like this in a while

Like what? she said questioning the conversation he had started.

Just beside you, not worrying about what I should do or say to you

She gave Ned a slight smile showing him that she agreed how good it felt to be at ease with him again not betting on how long it would last.

Neds hand brushed the side of Alexis hand resting on the couch cushion. She didnt look at him. She was playing the role of the high school girl in love with the boy with the boy trying to make his first move. She loved the feeling he gave her but she hated the fact that they were back to playing games.

I didnt even know it had started raining Ned said as he broke the silence between them.

Alexis looked back towards the window not moving her hand from against Neds but also making sure she didnt get caught looking into his eyes as she turned her head back around.

Silence again. The rain began to beat on the window and darkness began to take over the sky.

Ned made a sudden move. He lifted her hand into his and he placed it against his chest. Alexis followed his gesture and let her hand rest over his heart. She could feel his heart beating fast.

Alexis looked at Ned still silent feeling the pounding in his chest and the way his heart felt in the palm of her hand.

My heart still beats for you he whispered and you could near him swallow hoping that he didnt say the wrong thing.

He lifted her hand and kissed her palm. The feel of his lips made her crazy. He had made his move. He had made his confession.

Alexis let her hand break from Neds only to place his hand in hers. She leaned in and kissed the palm of his hand.

Her lips were perfect. The touch of her made him want her so much.

Their eyes were in a trance. Their souls were hungry and each second that passed in silence made the other want to be wanted more. They were in a place where time was putting love in to perspective, where time was putting need into perspective. They had come together as lovers before and she had become his drug and he knew he was addicted to her.

Alexis closed her eyes for a split second and breathed in Neds scent. She opened her eyes to see him face to face with her. When their lips touched it was a familiar kiss. She tried to move closer to him and she stopped showing a sign of pain.

Are you ok?

She placed her hands on the side of his face feeling the roughness that relayed the days end. She kissed him softly letting her taste him on her lips. The rain had overwhelmed the sound of the room as they kissed again and again until they were in a familiar place they had craved so much before and now craved again.