For The Love Of A Woman
Chapter Nine
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Ned and Alexis had spent three days straight together. He had been perfect. He took care of her, entertained her; he was sincerely trying to make things between them work. Alexis accident had been the final turning point for him. He had almost lost her one too many times and he had been too stubborn the times before. This time he knew she needed someone to take care of her rather she wanted to admit it or not and to love her and he also knew if he didnt do this and be the one that turned things around for them Sonny Corinthos was waiting patiently.

Ned and Alexis sat on the couch. Alexis was reading more contracts that she had to beg Sonny to give claiming her brain was going to rot and Ned was looking over some ELQ paperwork though he wasnt reading at all rather staring at the side of her face.

Im trying to read, do you mind?

You look so sexy in those glasses

Alexis looked at him blushing

I thought you were reading some pressing business?

I am

What are you not reading anyway?

Ned hesitated a little, fearing her reaction


Alexis looked down from her glasses at him

Really? What about L&B?

Im still doing L&B, I just need something a little more steady

Ned what are you talking about? looking at him confused

Is it not ok? not meaning to snap at her for asking

Yes its fine I just want you to be happy and I know

Alexis, I need to do this and help Grandfather with the company ok?

Enough Said.
Alexis went back to reading her contracts.

Im sorry if I snapped at you, you do know how it is with me and grandfather and when he wants me to help him

I do and thats what makes it ok because I know you cant say no like I cant say no and I also know its from the goodness of your heart.

Ned gave her a slight smile in appreciation knowing that she did understand his ties to his Grandfather and his familys company.

Ned continued to read before Alexis interrupted because she was staring at him

Do you mind Im trying to read? He said mocking her

You look so sexy in those jeans

Ned came after her; Alexis giggled as he buried his face softly biting at her neck

She let him go on for a minute or so then trying to compose herself.

If we keep on well never get any work done

Whats your point? he said looking at her

We cant do nothing forever

Actually your right Ned said sitting up beside her

Alexis looked at him kind of disappointed that he did actually stop

I wasnt serious we can do nothing forever

Grandfather asked me to go with him and settle some business in Chicago tomorrow

Tomorrow? Alexis seemed willing to become helpless in order for him not to go.

It will only be for a couple of days and trust me I dont want to leave you, not now

Alexis understood but she too didnt want him to leave now. Things were too good for them right then.

What do you want to do for dinner? he asked her wanting to get her mind off of him leaving.

Dinner? Who says Im having dinner with you? I might have other plans. She looked at him as seriously as she could.


I thought so, she said sticking her tongue out playfully at him.

Italian? Chinese?

We could stay in and have popcorn? her brown eyes trying to sway his thoughts

You should invest you keep corn growers in business

I did invest! she shot back at him along with a grin

Lets order Chinese and stay in until you leave me

Not fair I feel guilty enough besides Kristina is ready to move in on top of you. Im surprised shes not here now.

Actually she knows Im with you and her last words were call me if you need me and that I shouldnt need her because I have you.

Well you need each other but I need you too and I hope you do still need me?

I do, she said turning serious. She couldnt make needing anyone so hard anymore and luckily for both of them she had started by needing him.

About an hour had passed and the Chinese food had arrived. Alexis and Ned sat at the table together while Ned entertained her with mostly amusing Quartermaine stories especially what had happened over this years Thanksgiving.

What time is it? Alexis realizing that they had been sitting there for quite a while catching up.

Ned looking at his watch surprised. Its almost 8:30

Alexis got up to clean up and Ned followed her into the kitchen.

I didnt even know you knew where this place was.

Sonny she stopped herself knowing Sonnys name was off limits.

Sonny what? You can finish what you were going to say

Showed me around. I mean what everything was, he, I
Ned sat the dishes down and placed his hands on the side of Alexis face.

Im trying, I really am. Im trying to accept the thing that I have no control over. Youre his attorney and you say hes your friend and I have no control over that.

Alexis looked at him completely shocked not quite sure if the man she was talking to was the real Ned Ashton.

Your saying you accept that Sonny is a part in my life

I said Im trying

Fair enough

Alexis paused for a moment then leaned up and kissed him.

The dishes stay here you go with me she ordered giving him a devilish grin

She took his hand and led him out of the kitchen and up the stairs. She didnt have to speak to him. They had their own language that spoke what they craved.

Alexis fell onto the bed and Ned followed on top of her. The absence of making love to her had brought newness that only time could bring. They kissed passionately, their arms wrapped around each other holding each other in sync as he pushed inside of her. Alexis fingers ran through his hair and clenched into him unable to control the moves she made. He wanted her to feel how good she made him feel and he could tell by the short breaths she took. Alexis had sat up on top of him. Ned ran his hands back and forth down her long legs to her thighs as she leaned down to kiss him.

Did I mention how absolutely beautiful you are? he said as her face dangled above his.

Alexis looked in his eyes as if at that moment she could believe how beautiful she was. He made her feel incredible. They made love off and on until the early hours of the morning.

They woke up in their same position his arms wrapped around her and her arm still in a cast on the top of his. This time when she woke up it never crossed her mind to regret making love to Ned. She was were she belonged, all the time apart, all that had went through her head about Sonny was about need not want. Ned was about want and she wanted him.

Alexis took Neds hand and kissed his palm. She could hear Ned let out a sigh as he began to wake up. He had to leave her that morning to go to Chicago with Edward and she wanted to wake him in time to at least spend the morning with her.

Was that your get up and get me coffee kiss?

Alexis turned hitting Ned in the chest with her cast

Hey I thought we agreed no violence with the cast

Alexis let out a giggle. She hadnt woke up annoyingly giddy like that in a long time.

So youre going to Chicago huh?

That was the plan, he said now leaning on his elbow towards her.

You could stay in bed with me instead

That would be a better plan

Good its settled, you dont go to Chicago and we stay in bed.

I have to get a shower, he said getting up out of bed.

Hey! Alexis said as she couldnt help but watch the backside of him walk away.

Ned had gone into the bathroom and Alexis got up to put her robe on and went down stairs to get her coffee and then went right back up stairs.

What time are you leaving?


Alexis looked at the clock, 8:07

She walked in the bathroom where Ned was shaving. She sat up on the bathroom sink facing him. She watched him run the sharp blade against his skin taking away his stubble.
Ned finally stopped, looking at her.

Sorry, mesmerizing she said as she turned her eyes from him.

Ned grinned at her as her rinsed the excess from his face. Ned walked over to the shower to turn the water on. Within seconds steam had already started forming across the room.

Ned walked towards Alexis still sitting on the bathroom sink and he started to kiss her.

You dont have time, Alexis said as Ned slipped his hands between her robe.

They made love in the shower until Ned had to get out or Grandfather would send out the PCPD looking for him. Ned joked that finding him in the shower with her would probably not be the best thing to explain first thing in the morning.

While Ned finished getting dressed Alexis went back down stairs. This time there was two dozen red and white roses sitting on her desk. She smiled, puzzled at how they had gotten there and she spotted the card. She walked over admiring the roses grabbing the card and looking for her glasses while she opened the envelope. She found her glasses and put them on to read to what the card inside read.

Did I tell you that you look so sexy in those glasses

She shook her head; grinning knowing that he knew her so well.

Ned walked down stairs noticing she was still caught up in the roses. When she finally heard him she looked at him.

I love that suit

I know

And thank you for the roses they are beautiful

Youre welcome. You deserve them for me leaving you like this so are you going to be ok? Ned said as he grabbed his coat.

Yeah I have lots of work to do and I need to spend some time with Kristina

Ill call you? he said as he started to pick up his bags.

She shook her head in approval

He kissed her and then again and again before walking out the door. It made Ned a little unnerved standing at the elevator with Alexis with Johnny standing outside of Sonnys door. Alexis had become use to Sonnys guards and just ignored all them standing in the hall way in her bathrobe. Alexis gave Ned a quick kiss one last time before the elevator door closed.

She turned around Good morning Johnny. Knowing Johnny was watching them.

Morning Alexis

Everything ok with you?


You talk way too much Johnny you just never know when to shut-up, she said as she smiled at him and walking back in to her penthouse.

Alexis went back into her penthouse to get dressed and to finish going over some of Sonnys paperwork.

1:45, she finally emerged from her side of the building. It was only to walk to the other side though. She passed Johnny noticeably checking her out. She stopped.

What? Paranoid of why he was looking at her.

You look nice

She smiled at Johnny. Thank you she said still almost puzzled by the compliment.

Alexis didnt realize how different she did look. Especially to a man who always saw her in suits. Alexis had her jeans and a light pink three-quarter-sleeve shirt and her tennis shoes. She actually hadnt had a suit on in weeks and heels were definitely out of the question at the moment.

Sonny inside?

Johnny nodded as he walked in front of Alexis to knock and to announce her.

Yeah Sonnys voice billowing from behind the door.

Alexis appeared in the door before Johnny could say anything. You could tell his mood changed the instant he saw her.

Alexis! A grin went across his face.

Sonny she said shyly, she had forgotten why she had come over there.

You look he paused for a moment choosing his words carefully not to step on toes.

You look great, he said with a shy grin

Come sit

Alexis walked over to his couch, she realized she was watching him.

What? All of this paranoia cant be over a pair of jeans and tennis shoes.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Sonny hadnt seen her in days and her limp had grown hardly noticeable now.

Youre walking better

Oh yeah, I guess Ive gotten use to it now trying to hide the sensitive subject.

You really do look great Alexis He was trying to be so sincere.

She said thank you and then tried to get to her point of being there before she turned into a blooming idiot.

I came to ask you about some paperwork you sent to me

Realizing what she came over there for and that she had forgot the actual papers.

I, I forgot the papers she said as she started to fumble.

Why did Sonny do this to her? Why did she get like this when she was around him she hated it.

Ill go get them.

No Ill just go over there with you


We can discuss this in your penthouse if thats ok?

Yeah sure she said starting to fumble again.

He loved when she got nervous like that. It made him hope that she did at least have thought of him. He was for sure she did before the accident and he knew she had been with Ned. He couldnt help but know his heart went dark with just the thought of Ned getting to win the girl in the end.

In Alexis penthouse Sonny noticed the roses sitting on her desk as she shuffled through the files regaining her thoughts on the questions she had for him. He chose not to comment on them because he knew who they were from and what they meant and he didnt want to bring up him or that subject.

Sonny did feel guilty for what he was doing and he knew he was acting on the impulse that he could have any woman he wanted but he did know the difference of Alexis and what kind of woman she was this time. She was smarter than he was and she was completely aware of the game.

Sonny sat down on her couch. She had gotten use to him making himself at home. And once she got use to it was nice knowing he was her friend and that it was ok to just come in and sit down.

Alexis sat down beside him on the couch continuing what she had to discuss with him. He amused her for a while answering her questions and pretending to be interested.

He mainly just watched her. The way she wore her glasses, the way her shirt revealed her neckline, the way her hair hit her face. His attorney had started to overwhelm him.

Can we stop talking about business now?

Ok Alexis had also become use to never getting any work done when he was around.

Talk to me Sonny said intriguingly Tell me how you are

What do you mean, Im ok?


She looked at him for his strange way of trying to change the subject from business.

Sonny had done it again. He had charmed her over and over again. It was his specialty though he actually was working hard at it to keep her attention. Alexis suddenly noticed it was getting dark outside. The late fall days left it hard to tell what time it was and she had completely lost track of time.

Its dark, she said suddenly rising to her feet.

Sonny was oblivious to the time or even space he was in at that moment. The only sanity he had left was the voice inside of his head that kept asking why had he fallen so hard for this woman.

Sonny followed her rising to his feet. Alexis had walked over to the window to take a look out at the view over Port Charles.

Sonny walked up behind her.

The lights are so amazing, you forget where you are sometimes

Yes you do Alexis completely agreed with him. Sometimes looking out of that window did remind her of the rest of the world and not just of Port Charles.

Sonny in a bold move lifted his hand and placed it on Alexis back

She fluttered for a moment and then completely forgot that Sonny was the one making her fumble around before.

The room was silent, only the sound of the wind against the window was in the room. She could feel Sonnys hand move from her back. Unsure of where it went.

He turned facing her as she still gazed out the window. His arm reached out as he placed his finger under her chin as he brought her to face him.

There was no voice of reason or anyone to tell them what they should or should not do. He stood in front of a beautiful, intelligent woman that he had fallen in love with. Their brown eyes consoled their silence and their lips met.