For The Love Of A Woman
Chapter Ten
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The feel of his face to hers was softer than she had imagined. Sonny gave her a gentle kiss never relieving the intense feeling they had created between them. He leaned into her again pressing his lips to hers and she again didnt stop him. It was almost liberating to taste him. The kiss was passionate and lustful.

His hand cupped the side of her face to intense the kiss. She couldnt break away from him. His hands slipped down to her neck and he began to run his fingers along the v line of her shirt, but when his fingers touched her skin she came to a conscious state. She opened her eyes and instead of Sonnys face she saw the blurred vision of white and red sitting on her desk from across the room.

She broke away, her hands quickly grabbing his as if they were burning her skin and she backed away, never taking her eyes off of him.

Sonny could see her starting to fluster and not being able to breathe as her chest began to rise and fall rapidly. He could hear the air flowing in and out of her mouth like she was running from something.

I, I Tripping over her breath.

Alexis? he said almost whispering

She had backed away all she could until she had backed herself into the table. She quickly got past him walking towards the other side of the room. The vision of red and white became clear with the petals in full bloom.

She couldnt look at him. She didnt know what to say. She wanted to say that yes she wanted to kiss him and she strangely wanted to thank him for making her feel - but she couldnt not now.

Alexis Sonny paused Alexis Im sorry I, I thought it was ok. I thought you wanted me to

Alexis sat down at her desk chair running her fingers back and forth along the bottom of the vase.

Im sorry, she said still not looking at him.

Please dont be sorry

Sonny kneeled down to look up at her. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. Maybe it was true he was destined to hurt every woman he cared for.

If I could take it back I would Alexis if I knew knowing he never wanted to take the kiss back.

I didnt mean to lead you on she said trying to think clearly

You were kissing me back he found himself protesting.


Ive fallen for you

Im your attorney she shot back

Youre beautiful


Youre brilliant

Stop please!

You make me laugh

Sonny STOP!

Sonny bowed his head letting his hands cover his face. Alexis watched his every move. Right them she wanted to console him, she was human. A silence went over them until she stood up from her chair and walked towards the stairs.

You should go

He never imagined hearing those words from her. He had crossed a line that he shouldnt have and he was paying for it.

He turned and looked at her sad face one last time

Im sorry

This time Sonny didnt put up a fight. He didnt know the right words to prove he was right so he obeyed her wishes and walked out the door. He closed the door behind him not even taking a glance at Johnny standing in the hallway.

Alexis sat on the steps with her head up against the wall. She kept telling herself it was just a kiss and then asking herself why did she give in? Why now when she had the love of her life back? What would they have done if the roses Ned had given her that morning werent in sight to remind her of him? A tear started to stream down her face.

Alexis jumped up and a pain shot from her hip. She winced and then broke down from the one more ounce of pain she couldnt take. She then stood up looking around the empty penthouse.

On impulse she grabbed her coat and her purse. She didnt want to be in that room anymore.

She walked to the elevator pushing the button.

Can I drive you somewhere? Its getting late. A voice from behind her said.

She never looked up at Johnny just relying no to him as she stepped on the elevator.

Alexis drove around the outskirts of Port Charles trying to sort out her feelings. Why did she have feeling for Sonny? She wasnt one of his women, his type. She had just fell for his charm. She then tried to rationalize that it was all about trying to fill the void of Ned. Here biggest fear however her mind kept going back to was that maybe she did want Sonny and thats why she didnt stop kissing him and maybe he did fill up the emptiness Ned had left in her.

Two hours later she had driven it seemed everywhere she could go, she didnt know what else to do with herself and she ended up at the gatehouse.

Kristina opened the door to see Alexis red and mascara stained eyes in front of her.

Alexis! Whats wrong!

Alexis shook her head revealing a more saddened look on her face. Kristina walked her in and sat beside her on the couch.

What happened Kristina was still puzzled by what was wrong with Alexis.

I messed up her voice was horse and shaky.

What do you mean you messed up?

Alexis didnt say anymore.

My God, Sonny!

Alexis looked at Kristina as her heart raced at the sound of his name and also ashamed that it was that easy to guess.

Alexis what did you do?

It was just a kiss, she said holding her eyes tightly shut

Alexis sounded distant like she had been told what to say and she was reciting her lines but refusing to feel.

What do you mean it was just a kiss? Kristinas voice sounded a bit perturbed with her sister.

Alexis looked away from her as tears fell down her cheeks.

Alexis tell me it was just a kiss and it didnt mean anything. Kristina was already in Ned defense mode.

Alexis turned to look at Kristina with her face tear stained.

I thought you and Ned were back together

Alexis still sat there silent. Kristina knew the story. She had known from day one when Sonnys name was mentioned in front of Ned.

Kristina put her arm around Alexis and held her.

I dont deserve you doing this

Youre my sister, this is what sisters do

Kristina held her for a while until they both began to fall asleep. Alexis tried to get up and not wake her but Kristina awoke as soon as Alexis moved.

Where are you going?

I should go home

No! Its really late and you shouldnt be alone

Kristina youre tired go to bed.

Stay with me

Alexis looked at her trying to find a way for her to get around Kristina begging her to stay. Before Alexis knew it Kristina had her by the arm and was dragging her upstairs.

Kristina went into Neds room and Alexis stopped her at the door.

What are you doing?

Youre sleeping here so I can keep an eye on you

A saddened expression went across Alexis face

Kristina I cant sleep here

I think you should

Kristina hugged her sister then walked out closing the door behind her.

Alexis still stood in the same position that Kristina had left her. She looked around the room everything too familiar.

Alexis then walked around the room, noticing his guitar sitting in the corner. She leaned down running her fingers across the neck of the guitar.

She walked to his dresser opening the drawer with his t-shirts. She knew exactly where he had kept them. She lifted one out of the drawer and held it to her face breathing in the scent. She sat down on the bed and held the shirt in her hand. The thought went in her head that it may be the closes she will be with Ned after tonight.

She took off her shoes and then her shirt. She finished getting undressed until she was sitting on his bed naked. She ran her hand up and down her arm; it had been a long time since she had been this uncomfortable in her skin. Then cool air made her shiver; she looked at his t-shirt again and then slipped it over her head. She crawled into Neds bed feeling the familiar sheets against her body. His pillow gave out his every scent as she buried her face into it. She could have easily believed he was right there beside her.

The next morning Ned walked into the gatehouse. It was still early so he tried to be quiet and not wake Kristina as he walked by the door to the guest bedroom where she was sleeping. Ned got to his bedroom door and he saw that his door was closed.

He opened it first not noticing Alexis in his bed until he saw her clothes lying across the back of the chair.

Ned smiled when he noticed her. He went and sat on the bed beside her and she opened her eyes to him grinning at her. For a split second she thought she had woken up from a horrible dream.

What are you doing here? she mumbled

I could say the same for you. Grandfather and I took care of business and I wanted to hurry home to you. I tried calling but you didnt answer the phone.

Ned didnt notice that she didnt say anything back to him. He was moving her bangs from out of her eyes and a chill went down her spine.

What do I owe the honor of having a beautiful woman in my bed this morning?