For The Love Of A Woman
Chapter Sixteen
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Alexis was now 7 months pregnant and strangely life was going great for the most part. The Quartermanes had become excited that there would be a new member of the family, which Alexis tried to grin and bare but also made the boundaries clear to Ned. As for the Cassadines, Stefan was thrilled for his sister. He knew what her life was like and he had always feared she would not find love in her life because her heart seemed to be cursed like his. Even if it was to Ned Ashton if that was her bliss then let it be. Stefan had also vowed to take care of Helena if she presented to be a problem. Helena herself was strangely keeping quiet, almost too quiet. Then again she probably knew it was in her best interest to keep in great distance from Alexis, because the company she kept would off Helena and not think twice. Never mind Stefan, Jax and Sunny did agree on one thing at best and that was Alexis and her baby.

Alexis had been lucky she had, had a great pregnancy. How could she not, the men of her life spoiled her rotten and Kristina played the big sister especially on the days she didnt feel good. Alexis thought about being pregnant all the time if it was going to be this good! Ned especially had been so adorable to her. He was more protective than ever but he was trying so hard. It did seem like they were living in a fairy tale together at times and they still had there disagreements mostly about what Alexis should and should not do. But right now she was mostly forgiving him because she was finding it harder to dodge bullets more and more and he of course did not find her solution/compromise funny at all. But both Ned and Alexis had changed dramatically in the last seven months for the good. Especially all of Alexis anxieties that seemed so important and worth worrying over before, she seemed to forgotten about. The do it herself attorney learned really fast that she needed Ned and she also learned that he needed her.

She also agreed to work less. Mostly that compromise came when even Sonny refused to let her work so much. She also decided that she may never be pregnant again so she should take time to enjoy and savor her pregnancy besides she found it harder to work everyday, at times she was completely distracted with the baby and if she could take off it was a nice luxury.

Alexis went to the gatehouse from work early that day she had something on her mind and she couldnt concentrate. The baby was also pushing against her ribs so hard she thought they were going to break! When she got to the gatehouse she set on the edge of the bed trying to loose her shoes. She looked down at her swollen fingers at the ring that connected her to Ned. She smiled of the thought of how Kristina had teased her that she should marry Ned alone for the ring that it was worth it.

Alexis stood up and starred at herself in the mirror. She couldnt believe life and just how good it had been lately. She couldnt help but wonder what was in store that would ruin her happiness. Something always seemed to go wrong just at the right time. As she looked in the mirror she began to smile again. It was time, she was a grown women, educated, successful, she had family, she had friends, she had a baby that she already worshipped and she knew she was with the love of her life. Just then she heard Ned calling her name from down stairs. Alexis took a deep breath and went down to meet him.

Ned looked tired and he looked he had a hard day.

She went and set beside him on the couch

Hi honey, are you ok? Looking at him concerned

Just one of those days where nothing seemed to go right.

Im sorry honey, is there anything I can do for you?

Alexis leaned in to him and kissed him gently on the lips.

Can we just have a nice quiet evening at home? No Quartermanes or Cassadines or corporate mergers or mobsters or anything else that would have to make me get off this couch.

Well I think I can honestly say none of those things could make me get off this couch at least not very fast anyway.

She looked at Ned grinning making light of a body she was tying to be patient with.

I should get dinner our little one is probably starving by now. Appetite for anything in particular?

Italian! No Mexican! No, can we have both?

Are you and the baby having an internal argument about this?

Alexis lifted her brow at Ned

Pizza! Definitely Pizza! Lots of cheese!

Are you sure?

Yes she said in a smart mouth tone

Alexis sat leaning against Ned on the couch both stuffed from pizza.

All of this sympathy eating and Im starting to look pregnant

Alexis looked at him humored and annoyed

Shut up! she said almost giggling.

Ned had gotten up to put away the pizza box and Alexis leaned back on the couch looking around as if she were trying to her memorize her surroundings so she could picture everything in its place so when she would try to remember. The baby started to kick her, as if she were right on que to remind Alexis what she needed to do.

I know I know, Im going to do it.

As Alexis looked down, she put her hands where the baby kicked. Ned came back in and set beside her and just marveled at her. He knew that she was an amazing woman but he honestly never imagined Alexis sitting on the couch pregnant as she was and taking it all in as well as she was.

Youre starring at me again!

No, Im not! Ok I am

She shook her head at him and then continued to look out as if her head was in space somewhere

Whats on your mind? You seem like your somewhere else Ned said leaning in closer to her

Alexis turned to look at him


She looked very nervous and serious to him

Is something wrong?

There was an awkward silence between them and Alexis fidgeted nervously and tried to situate herself seemingly unsuccessful on the couch.

Honey whats wrong?

I have to ask you a very serious question, Alexis said closing her eyes for a moment

Just then the phone started to ring and both of them startled by the ringing. Alexis glanced towards the phone but Ned didnt break his concentration to her.

Arent you going to get that?

No, I dont think it is as important as what you were going to tell me.

Neds heart was about to burst from his chest

Well I wasnt really going to tell you anything she grinned. More like ask you.

Alexis inhaled

What? As he tried to be humored by her vagueness.

Ned Ashton - I love you - and life has changed for us in so many good ways and I know this baby will not solve our problems and there are times and there will be times when I could absolutely kill you

Ned interrupted her looking worried at what she was going to say to him. All that was going through his head was that she had finally gotten cold feet. After all she was famous for that.

Alexis, weve made it this far I promise we can make it through, please see this through

Alexis was stunned at Neds quick reaction. And she looked at him with sympathy and held her hands up to the sides of his face.


Ned could tell that her breaths were becoming shorter.

Will you marry me!!

He sat there stunned with his face still in her hands. She smiled at him almost shyly and then gave out a small laugh

I did it! I said it! She said grinning at him, letting go of him, satisfied with what she had accomplished.

Ned was still speechless and confused at what he thought she had just said to him.

Ive wanted to marry you since the you gave me the ring. I wanted to but it was too much. Too much everything, everybody and not enough you and me, I need you down to my soul and I thought I could let that go but I cant I need you for the rest of my life and our baby girl needs you. And Im a grown up and grown up people when they are as in madly in love with someone as I am with you, they get married. Ned Ashton you would make me the happiest, well pregnant woman in the world if you would be my husband.

Alexis speech was done and she was out of breath but she finally asked him. Now it was left up to him. Ned knew there was no turning back for her when she finally had done what she had meant to do. He could play her vulnerable side, he could make her beg a little like she did but instead he whispered to her

Yes Alexis!

She looked at him almost matching his stunned look from before. She was trying to process that he had just agreed to her proposal

She bit down on her bottom lip and she looked into Neds eyes both of them were trying to seize the moment and then a grin came over her face and her matched her dimples.

God I love you he said trying to be as sincere as he could

I love you, I love you so much she said bringing her lips to his.

He kissed her lightly on the lips and then leaned down and kissed her stomach and then started to kiss her again passionately

He looked up at her

Youre finally going to be my wife arent you? he whispered

Finally she whispered